Fraud, Embezzlement, Bad Checks When a family "dines and dashes", who is it normal to actually arrest?

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Was recently with someone who put such a thing into motion (we all depended on her and it backfired), and imagining myself in the manager's position, I'm wondering, how do they determine who the main "diners and dashers" are.
I'm wondering, how do they determine who the main "diners and dashers" are.

The owner/operator/manager of the dining establishment can attempt to discover the identities of the alleged miscreants.

Most often, if the matter is in the hands of law enforcement, law enforcement has a myriad of ways to determine WHO was involved.

If you were NOT involved in the criminal operation, but know who pulled it off, it would behoove you to scamper off to the nearest police, sheriff, marshal, or constable to shame, name, and out the conspirators. If you're going to do right, don't wait, do it before the sunsets TODAY. If you continue to wait, as my beloved grandfather often said, "Study long, study wrong, boy".
Arrest all.

They are all accessories.

Each one committed a crime.

Those who rat out the mastermind will probably skate.

Minors will probably skate.
The owner/operator/manager of the dining establishment can attempt to discover the identities of the alleged miscreants.

Most often, if the matter is in the hands of law enforcement, law enforcement has a myriad of ways to determine WHO was involved.

If you were NOT involved in the criminal operation, but know who pulled it off, it would behoove you to scamper off to the nearest police, sheriff, marshal, or constable to shame, name, and out the conspirators. If you're going to do right, don't wait, do it before the sunsets TODAY. If you continue to wait, as my beloved grandfather often said, "Study long, study wrong, boy".
That ties into why I was asking, with me and my six siblings having settled the other night over dinner somewhere after some months of being on bad footing. It seemed to not inspire any questions, but someone outside the family was putting forward the notion the dinner was "a framing" involving them who had already gone to their authorities. As I was trying to map it all out, I began seeing the first sign of things and am currently anxious of what comes next.
That last paragraph makes no sense. Your family history is irrelevant.

7 people dining out. Did all 7 walk out without paying? Did 6 walk out, leaving 1 behind who then didn't pay. Explain what happened instead of talking in hypotheticals.

The information you get here is only as good as the information you give. Garbage in, garbage out.
That last paragraph makes no sense. Your family history is irrelevant.

7 people dining out. Did all 7 walk out without paying? Did 6 walk out, leaving 1 behind who then didn't pay. Explain what happened instead of talking in hypotheticals.

The information you get here is only as good as the information you give. Garbage in, garbage out.
We were not all paying, no. It was not hypothetical. There was one person being relied upon for that and now there's a burden on everyone because of that.
Yeah, of interesting note (and I am not saying to do this) if you do not sign the receipt for the food then the restaurant can not produce a signed receipt then you can get a charge back from the credit card company.

One time I was in the drive through at a well known popular Chinese restaurant and the assistant manager asked me to go park and they would bring me by Beijing Beef. It was a smaller parking area and no parking spots were available. I said I had nowhere to go and park, this made the assistant manager mad. She said she would call the cops on me, I was like go ahead. If they show up I would talk to them. After about 5 minutes some parking spots opened up. I then went and parked my truck, got out of my truck and went inside to get my food. The assistant manager still on hold with the police slammed the phone down. I told her I can speak to the police if she wants me to? It pissed me off so when I got home and after the charge posted. I calmly opened a dispute on the charge. In the end I got my money back from a rude assistant manager, and got a free meal. From having to deal with this nonsense. For bad service you can get your money back, but to skip and not pay is not a good idea.
Yeah, of interesting note (and I am not saying to do this) if you do not sign the receipt for the food then the restaurant can not produce a signed receipt then you can get a charge back from the credit card company.

One time I was in the drive through at a well known popular Chinese restaurant and the assistant manager asked me to go park and they would bring me by Beijing Beef. It was a smaller parking area and no parking spots were available. I said I had nowhere to go and park, this made the assistant manager mad. She said she would call the cops on me, I was like go ahead. If they show up I would talk to them. After about 5 minutes some parking spots opened up. I then went and parked my truck, got out of my truck and went inside to get my food. The assistant manager still on hold with the police slammed the phone down. I told her I can speak to the police if she wants me to? It pissed me off so when I got home and after the charge posted. I calmly opened a dispute on the charge. In the end I got my money back from a rude assistant manager, and got a free meal. From having to deal with this nonsense. For bad service you can get your money back, but to skip and not pay is not a good idea.
Your first paragraph is nonsense.

Your (anecdotal) story has no bearing on the situation, except for the last 10 words.
Not gonna argue the right or wrong of post number 8, though I agree with Zigner.

Suffice it to say that getting a chargeback doesn't mean that you are absolved of the debt without potential consequences. The creditor may sue or send the debt to collections
how do they determine who the main "diners and dashers" are.

I'm not sure who "they" are or why you think anyone would attempt to make such a determination.

All of the thieves are subject to arrest and prosecution.

That ties into why I was asking, with me and my six siblings having settled the other night over dinner somewhere after some months of being on bad footing. It seemed to not inspire any questions, but someone outside the family was putting forward the notion the dinner was "a framing" involving them who had already gone to their authorities. As I was trying to map it all out, I began seeing the first sign of things and am currently anxious of what comes next.


We were not all paying, no. . . . There was one person being relied upon for that and now there's a burden on everyone because of that.

Again, huh?

Answer these questions (except for the last one, they all should be answered with only a single word or a date):

1. When did this happen?

2. How many of you were at dinner?

3. How much was the check?

4. How many of you left without paying?

5. Were all of you apprehended (either by a restaurant employee or by police)?

6. What has happened since then as it concerns criminal prosecution?
I'm not sure who "they" are or why you think anyone would attempt to make such a determination.

All of the thieves are subject to arrest and prosecution.


Again, huh?

Answer these questions (except for the last one, they all should be answered with only a single word or a date):

1. When did this happen?

2. How many of you were at dinner?

3. How much was the check?

4. How many of you left without paying?

5. Were all of you apprehended (either by a restaurant employee or by police)?

6. What has happened since then as it concerns criminal prosecution?
1. Last week

2. Seven at maximum

3. Over a hundred dollars

4. Everyone?

5. My understanding of how that's supposed to go down is pending

6. I've yet to understand that. There has been no contact between me and anyone since then.
Yeah, that is strange. It would never be proper to skip out on paying a $100 -$500 dollar casual dining experience. I wonder how they can bring criminal charges though that seems excessive to skip out on a dinner. The method I was talking about worked for fast food or take out. I would never skip on a sit down restaurant usually you are treated differently at those locations and things are better.
Could be charged as misdemeanor fraud (13 V.S.A. §2002 2023 Vermont Statutes :: Title 13 - Crimes and Criminal Procedure :: Chapter 47 - Frauds :: § 2002. False pretenses or tokens) and I disagree that bringing of such charges is "excessive." I also continue to take exception to your assertion that it's somehow ok to cheat a "fast food or take out" restaurant out of their money.

I didn't cheat. I went to said Chinese restaurant to pick up an app order which was said to be ready by a certain time. I was not early but right on time. Instead I got harassed and embarrassed by asking to pull up for an order that should have already been ready. I keep the receipt did not cuss at the AM and she was screaming at me threatening to call the cops. I said go right ahead, they probably won't respond anyway but knock yourself out. When traffic and parking spots opened up I moved to one of them. I had to get out of my truck, and walk into the store while waiting on an app order that should have been ready 5-10 minutes ago. I have Goldman Sacs and AMEX which provide excellent dispute ability and resolution. I opened a claim with the card app and explained exactly what happened. They ruled in my favor as the merchant never responded. I spend over 500 bucks a month dinning out but never really had an experience like this. It was worth it to me to attempt a charge back and it was successful.
I didn't cheat. I went to said Chinese restaurant to pick up an app order which was said to be ready by a certain time. I was not early but right on time. Instead I got harassed and embarrassed by asking to pull up for an order that should have already been ready. I keep the receipt did not cuss at the AM and she was screaming at me threatening to call the cops. I said go right ahead, they probably won't respond anyway but knock yourself out. When traffic and parking spots opened up I moved to one of them. I had to get out of my truck, and walk into the store while waiting on an app order that should have been ready 5-10 minutes ago. I have Goldman Sacs and AMEX which provide excellent dispute ability and resolution. I opened a claim with the card app and explained exactly what happened. They ruled in my favor as the merchant never responded. I spend over 500 bucks a month dinning out but never really had an experience like this. It was worth it to me to attempt a charge back and it was successful.
Did you get your food? If yes, then your chargeback was improper, regardless of how the card issuer responded. In fact, the issuer didn't find in your favor because of the merits of your claim, rather, it found in your favor due to the store not responding. The store could have pursued you for the amount but chose not to.
I didn't cheat. I went to said Chinese restaurant to pick up an app order which was said to be ready by a certain time. I was not early but right on time. Instead I got harassed and embarrassed by asking to pull up for an order that should have already been ready. I keep the receipt did not cuss at the AM and she was screaming at me threatening to call the cops. I said go right ahead, they probably won't respond anyway but knock yourself out. When traffic and parking spots opened up I moved to one of them. I had to get out of my truck, and walk into the store while waiting on an app order that should have been ready 5-10 minutes ago. I have Goldman Sacs and AMEX which provide excellent dispute ability and resolution. I opened a claim with the card app and explained exactly what happened. They ruled in my favor as the merchant never responded. I spend over 500 bucks a month dinning out but never really had an experience like this. It was worth it to me to attempt a charge back and it was successful.
1. Last week

2. Seven at maximum

3. Over a hundred dollars

4. Everyone?

5. My understanding of how that's supposed to go down is pending

6. I've yet to understand that. There has been no contact between me and anyone since then.
Has anyone paid the bill yet? If not, go to the restaurant and pay the damn bill. Tell them that there was a miscommunication among the party as to who was going to pay. Apologize and leave a big tip. Or you can do nothing and maybe be prosecuted for theft over a $200 bill. What would a smart person do? Humm, I wonder.
4. Everyone?

5. My understanding of how that's supposed to go down is pending

6. I've yet to understand that. There has been no contact between me and anyone since then.

Re #4, why the question mark? Are you saying it's possible that someone (presumably not you) actually paid the check?

Re #5, I have no idea what this means. I asked, "Were all of you apprehended (either by a restaurant employee or by police)?" The expected answer might be something like, "No. None of us were apprehended," or "I wasn't apprehended, but two others were," or "I wasn't apprehended, and I'm not sure about any of the others."

Re #6, that's a lot of words simply to say, "nothing."
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