Criminal Trials, Hearings when a pair of judges recuse, as they are to be witness

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So all of this nonsense and heartache for an ACD? And you are refusing it?

Do you know what an ACD is? Are you in the habit of getting locked up? If not, then why would you simply take the ACD and make it all go away?
I do know what ACD is and I cannot except it, as I highly probable that, all I gotta do is walk down the street and I can get arrested, it has happend 3 times in 2yrs I get arrested a great deal , but never done any time , I have family and my wife has lung cancer I am afraid that I will lose my better half while in jail for this charge, its very clear that I WILL do time if convicted, I have never been arrested for a violent crime B4, all petty stuff from my criminal past like shoplifting food and other lapses of judgement on my part, I have grandchildren and a 10 yr old son that does not know his mother is sick and we dont know how to tell him, I cannot risk a plea deal in this case, I simply cannot do it for expediance sake, I must stand on a princpled belief that, the cops should have arrested the dude, despite there hate for me ! an ACD can come back to haunt, if the authorities are so inclined ! I TY all for your time, and yes I have brought this on myself for having the temerity, to think that I am entitled to equal protection under the law as (alleged in the state and federal constitutions), so much for integrity, of course you will forgive my flawed thinking, I do sincerely TY all, god bless
Your problem is that you keep doing stuff like that. You saw the mace but you weren't maced so you had no business raising your cane in a baseball bat like fashion. All you had to do was continue backing away. You could have and should have done that and called the police to the scene. You should have done the same thing in the previous situation. You were already out of harms way when you faced the guy and threatened to hit him if he kept coming. That wasn't self defense. You had plenty of opportunity to get away. You apparently have poor impulse control and it's going to keep getting you into trouble.

Baloney. You don't have the money for a lawyer but you are making noise about suing the county and the sheriffs and you have no clue as to what that's going to take or cost so all you are doing is annoying the authorities. It's no wonder they are out to get you.


Can't see what good it would do you, but OK, if you like.

Why? What do you think you will accomplish by having it. You aren't a lawyer. You're already messing things up by acting out about everything else.

I suggest you ask the PD how he plans to defend you if you won't take ACD.

Start being more reasonable with people and the authorities and you might get somewhere.
I retreated best I could I , I have a tracheotomy in my throat and get winded easily from esophageal cancer, I dont want anyones sympathy, nor am I asking, what I want is simple basic human rights, the right to wander w/out assault from the cops, and that is all I want, at some point a person must stand and say enough is enough, I do not pride myself in being a victim , nor do I fancy myself an attorney, I do know that to sue would be a monumental endeavor
I seek to inform myself so that I can represent myself and have a fool for a client, again justice is for sale, its a very tender notion that it is a result of due process and not a result of $$ spent
There's a big difference between an arrest and a conviction. If the courts and judges are all against you, as you seem to think, no one would be offering you an ACD - you'd simply be convicted at trial.

Which is what's probably going to happen when and if you DO go to trial.
I'm back, I wanna say firstly that I appreciate your time and clarity of speech(text/type) , I am not a litigious person I have never sued anyone in my 47yrs of life, I have been thinking a great deal about all your comments, and have wondered to myself all day, why it bothered me so, that after it was relatively clear that I am a ballbreaker and that I intend to sue (I stated one time in a letter to the PD) I did'nt put out a public service announcment, That I seem to have lost your good will,(priviously displayed in prior posts), so to possibly inspire dialogue or thought, Here is my best guess off the cuff as to why, it bothered me so, keep in mind its a beautiful clear night w/a full moon. I consider a defense attorney a very respectable profession and station in life without fame, fortune or even modest notoriety , it is the integrity of the legal proffesion that has long moved me deeply and I always wanted to be an officer of the court (attorney) given my radical exposure to the crim.justice system, so that I also could produce great defenses of innocent people, and assist in obtaining liberty for the less fortunate, I believe that rabid emppasioned speech w/vigor can liberate (period), $ can inspire such things as can innocence and even guilt for that matter, here is my point, given the great weight granted to a police officers sworn testimony, often w/out question, and given that the massive power behind the smallest towns officers badge, that as a result, they should be held to a higher standard for trangressions of public trust, that inventing evidence and altered facts by a PO, is simply unforgivable, reckless play w/peoples lives has no place in the crim. just. system, tthey simply cannot succumb to an antagonistic jerks games,, I did not troll them or nothing remotley of the sort, what I did was be a victim of a crime by way going about my daily life, if anyone thinks for 1 second that its okay to toss aside the State and Federal constitutions, because a cop dont care for a uneducated poor mans human rights, then that person should question where they stand in the eyes of all higher powers, even in the eyes of a fellow cannot abandon princepled beliefs in favor of personel prejudices, to sell your soul for a cheap victory is not what humanity is about, integrity holds sway in my book and I will stand by this notion to the end, and thats from this nonsensical uneducated 8th grade dropout, feel free to delete my threads, its alledged to be a FREE COUNTRY after all, I TY all and anyone that bothered too read this, as I did bother to type it, because I care.
OK I believe I understand what is required of me to get your opines, I hope I am in the same thread as B4, I will now attempt to give "just the facts" in a few felled swoops , I appreciate the guidence, bear w/me.
august last yr., I am attacked by an unkown person as he did not appreciate my taking picture of cars in a parking lot the privious day, he sees me again the next day and aggressivly charges me from 350 ft. away, while yelling "you like taking pictures, U think its funny" he assaults repeatedly , I reatreat about 180 ft. and after getting winded, I stand my ground and declare that if he comes w/in arms reach again I will clock him in his head w/a construction broom that I seen laying on the ground, he does infact continue I then end it w/a masive blow to the arm (his arm, as I was aiming for his head, he blocked it but does retreat after that) I walk home and call the police, I know in advance they will do nothing for me and so I was ready when they showed up w multople recording devices, they(the cops) of course let me down and refuse to enforce the law on my behalf as a victem of a crime, in fact they wanted to arrest me cause I hit dude w/the broom, they watch the video of the attack, and I film them watching that as well, I then contact the court clerks, the DA, the local judge and ask for enforcement of law, all refuse, so I say OK then I will file the affidavit myself, they say U cannot yer not a cop, I insist fer 5 days of recorded calls , finally they aquiese after 5days, I then say ok I need the persons name held in the CR report, as U cant get a RO or a O of P against a john doe, they say hell know go knok on his door and ask him his name , I of course do not do that, as I thought that to be unwise, I finally see dude in the parking lot and ask him his name, his ole lady whips out the mace and I jump back, and walk away, they call the police as I use a walking cane always, the cops arrest me fer mencing 2'nd

You aren't a victim of a crime. You assaulted someone with a broom. How are you the victim?

Why would you call court clerks? What are they going to do? And the DA or local judge aren't going to address your issue either. That's not their job. You're a defendant in a case.

Why were you following the guy you assaulted? Why were you going to file for an order of protection? HE should have gotten one against you!

You need a lawyer. Really bad and you need some serious mental counseling. You have some issues. Big time.
I'm back, I wanna say firstly that I appreciate your time and clarity of speech(text/type) , I am not a litigious person I have never sued anyone in my 47yrs of life, I have been thinking a great deal about all your comments, and have wondered to myself all day, why it bothered me so, that after it was relatively clear that I am a ballbreaker and that I intend to sue (I stated one time in a letter to the PD) I did'nt put out a public service announcment, That I seem to have lost your good will,(priviously displayed in prior posts), so to possibly inspire dialogue or thought, Here is my best guess off the cuff as to why, it bothered me so, keep in mind its a beautiful clear night w/a full moon. I consider a defense attorney a very respectable profession and station in life without fame, fortune or even modest notoriety , it is the integrity of the legal proffesion that has long moved me deeply and I always wanted to be an officer of the court (attorney) given my radical exposure to the crim.justice system, so that I also could produce great defenses of innocent people, and assist in obtaining liberty for the less fortunate, I believe that rabid emppasioned speech w/vigor can liberate (period), $ can inspire such things as can innocence and even guilt for that matter, here is my point, given the great weight granted to a police officers sworn testimony, often w/out question, and given that the massive power behind the smallest towns officers badge, that as a result, they should be held to a higher standard for trangressions of public trust, that inventing evidence and altered facts by a PO, is simply unforgivable, reckless play w/peoples lives has no place in the crim. just. system, tthey simply cannot succumb to an antagonistic jerks games,, I did not troll them or nothing remotley of the sort, what I did was be a victim of a crime by way going about my daily life, if anyone thinks for 1 second that its okay to toss aside the State and Federal constitutions, because a cop dont care for a uneducated poor mans human rights, then that person should question where they stand in the eyes of all higher powers, even in the eyes of a fellow cannot abandon princepled beliefs in favor of personel prejudices, to sell your soul for a cheap victory is not what humanity is about, integrity holds sway in my book and I will stand by this notion to the end, and thats from this nonsensical uneducated 8th grade dropout, feel free to delete my threads, its alledged to be a FREE COUNTRY after all, I TY all and anyone that bothered too read this, as I did bother to type it, because I care.

What the heck was this about? None of this post made any sense. So you wanted to be a lawyer but you quit school after 8th grade? That's why you're not a lawyer.

Get some help dude.
You aren't a victim of a crime. You assaulted someone with a broom. How are you the victim?

Why would you call court clerks? What are they going to do? And the DA or local judge aren't going to address your issue either. That's not their job. You're a defendant in a case.

Why were you following the guy you assaulted? Why were you going to file for an order of protection? HE should have gotten one against you!

You need a lawyer. Really bad and you need some serious mental counseling. You have some issues. Big time.
Are you people serious, I will clear up a few things re:this case and I will be gone,1'st off I retreated from an attack by a complete stranger half my age, only after I could retreat no further did I strike him back after repeated warnings (to him, from me) it was self defense I was there, and many witnesses saw it and will be deposed or called to the stand, the dude did not understand why I was taking pictures of cars, not that his reasoning for such an attack is even an issue, (even w/the cops that dont like me) his attack upon me was un-instigated and a complete day after I took pictures of cars in our condo common parking lot, when he attacked I was literally bringing out the trash and recyclables ( we have come to an agreement that I should have known that some people would not agree w/my reason for picture taking the privious day, and that certainly he was mistaken to attack a stranger for taking pics of cars) we have made peace and moved on, I followed noone ever in this case, when I was calling the courts I had not been a defendant at that time, seven days after his assault I again seen him and asked him his name, I cannot make these points much more clear than this attempt to clarify to people (you all) that I presume to be well read and understanding of common sense law ! Moving along now to address leslies82;s assertion that a person can both continue schooling to be an attorney and be a full time hard laborer @ two jobs at the tender age of 16 is nonsense, I had to quit school to work to support family and assist in the funding of my twins college education, (thats how it was then and its not a problem, I was happy to do it ! only after exposure to the crim. just. syst. at around 21(age) or so did I then want to be a attorney, I found it fascinating,and admired the profession, I still do period .I find your attack on a persons mental stability (when U have no Idea what your talking about) to be ludicrous and dubious to say the least, is that what yall do when U see a poor man attempt to seek monetary damages, is it so offensive to you all (really?) If I was well off financially then would it be ok , right? or no? as attorneys (or even a human) , do you not believe in just compensation? And you want too question my sanity? what is the matter w/you people, yall have issues if you truly dont know where I am coming from in this case, I should hope that, I have just failed to properly convey the facts as they are, as opposed to how U wanna see them, because if its the latter , it does not bode well fer this country, I know my existence is offensive too some people, however I would have thought that to a "legal forum" one of you might recognize the actual issue of a peace officers being held to a higher standard, than myself, is a legitimate issue that holds merit, a officers word is often beyond reproach until a conviction or acquittal, my word carries no such consequences therefore in-fact this is a topic worthy of discussion, even if it was brought up by me this is my primary issue all along, and also my primary concern as we should all consider such things as a CIVIL and alleged to be JUST society, I believe civil discord is called for regarding this topic, not character assassination or a redirect away from the topic itself, is it not worthy? I would enjoy a decent debate of such things, however maybe I am just delusional, just call me crazy !I may be allot of things, but one thing I am NOT is a insincere person, I mean what I say, may we all have a good day, I would like to return soon and discuss , legal issues if possible, if not so be it,
You have a history of committing crimes. Dude, you painted a target on your own back. The police aren't wandering around arresting you for no reason. If someone assaulted you (and it isn't clear what that person actually did but I am not buying for a minute that you were attacked by a random person out of the blue because you took a picture of the car a day before), you should have immediately left and contacted the police. Instead, you escalated the situation and hit him with broom. It is not the police's job to provide you names for a restraining order- not that you would have qualified for one anyone as YOU hit him.

Hounding the police to make an arrest or take whatever action you think they should be taking is totally inappropriate and only going to get you in trouble. YOU don't get to make the call as to who they arrest, and you certainly do not get the decide who the DA decides to prosecute.

You can ramble on about justice and society, and your failed career aspirations but you are the one who clearly broke the law AND has a history of breaking laws. Want the police to leave you alone? Don't steal. Don't attack your neighbors. Don't do things you know will antagonize others. Stop pointing fingers at what others might be doing that have nothing to do with you. Listen to your attorney and quit arguing about how you think the law should work. Your attorney went to school for more than 8 years and deals with these cases for a living. They know better than you do how to provide the best defense. If you want someone to be at your beck and call, you are going to have to pay big bucks for that.
can you read? do you know how to define words like retreating, self defense, arrest and convictions , I know I should just bury my head in the sand and not defend myself, walk around like a clown and let a stranger attack me , as if THATS NEVER HAPPEND to a PERSON, before , I C , its not possible because I have a criminal past, whatever people ,U can think whatever U want, the facts are as stated, U ask what happened, and U wanna make it like YOU think things happened, Y do yall ask fer just the facts , then , rewrite the actual history ,I have no regrets re:career choice, I said I always wanted to be an attorney and admired the profession, still do! not failed aspirations , and there is no such thing as a rogue cop to set the ball rolling many yrs ago fer that 1'st mark on a record, lol ok sounds good so u all can pretend that there is no such thing as an injustice to a person w/a crim past, whatever they get , they asked for it, OMG lmfao , trollin trumpers that U R. U aint trolling me buddy, I was looking to talk about the value of a sworn deposition and the difference between those written all day by a cop (who takes instruction on how to derive a preferred answer of a question) and those written once in a lifetime by a victim of a crime not one person here has said two words on the issue, redirect, right? If noone wants to talk of issues , but hold court instead, why do U call this sight a forum , have at it, good day people , I am gonna go have a cup of coffee under the stars and read my old beat copy of great orations vol. 2, its far more lively than this sight, have fun declaring guilty on everyone
I am gonna go have a cup of coffee under the stars and read my old beat copy of great orations vol. 2, its far more lively than this sight [SIC], have fun declaring guilty on everyone

While you're at it you may want to read some grammar and spelling books.

All I see from you are long-winded posts that are horrible to read. You've been given your advice, go enjoy your coffee and leave us alone now.
While you're at it you may want to read some grammar and spelling books.

All I see from you are long-winded posts that are horrible to read. You've been given your advice, go enjoy your coffee and leave us alone now.
While you're at it you may want to read some grammar and spelling books.

All I see from you are long-winded posts that are horrible to read. You've been given your advice, go enjoy your coffee and leave us alone now.
B4 I hit the highway, aftr my screen shots, BTW army judge "likes yer replies" grammatical errors and spelling, thats the best you can do, nuthin of substance?, (good on ya mate) can I borrow one of those books ya mentioned ?, I already exeeded my book allowance w/my new Chomsky release two wks ago!, 2 days my 1'st forum, and so many friends, I have not had such a hardy laugh in some Time, I TY u all for the intellectual discussion (none to be had here) I said from the gettgo I came here for views outside my box, U certainly provided that, to say the least, I will share this sight with all my ignorant friends,No really TY , I will leave you alone @ your request
Are you people serious, I will clear up a few things re:this case and I will be gone,1'st off I retreated from an attack by a complete stranger half my age, only after I could retreat no further did I strike him back after repeated warnings (to him, from me) it was self defense

  • Wrong this was not self-defense. Here is NY's statute on use of physical force: Nothing in that statue applies to you from what I read through. You retreated so he was no longer a threat. But you stayed and then attacked him.

  • Your lawyer can call all the witnesses he wants but doesn't mean the jury buys it.

  • If you had just left and called the police immediately you'd have no issues. But you kept instigating him.

  • You had to quit school in the eighth grade to take care of your family…when in 1852? You were 16 in the eighth grade? That explains A LOT. You do realize that you can't get into most college's without a GED or high school diploma right? And you need a degree to be a lawyer. So you had kids when you were 16? That's YOUR fault. No one else's. You could still go but you need to seriously work on your English skills if you want to be a lawyer. I don't even really know what language you're writing in right now. It's some form of English. I'm not attacking your mental stability. You seem like you are unstable and I simply suggested that you get some help. No one cares about your financial situation. You are getting the responses you get because you can't write a coherent thought. Also because you assaulted someone and are claiming self-defense. What's the matter with you? YOU are the one with major issues. No we don't know where you're coming from because nothing you stated makes ANY sense at all. I just see blah blah blah the justice system is against me blah blah blah the world isn't fair. No one has redirected from the topic except you.

  • We can read but it helps when it's coherent and logical. Nothing you have written is any of those things. Yes people on here (most of us aren't lawyers) can define those terms because we use this tool called Google to look things up. A stranger may have initially attacked you but then you attacked him with a broom after the situation had de-escalated. If I was attacked by someone and I managed to get away I would call the cops. Not grab a broom and beat the shit out of him. No one even knows about or cares about your criminal past and you brought it up. (Oh you definitely aren't going to be a lawyer if you're a criminal). No one has rewritten anything. We haven't gotten the facts and if we did we didn't understand the post. Because it's atrociously written. You're the only troll on this thread honestly. If you don't like the answers you get, go somewhere else. Or you can HIRE A LAWYER!! Imagine that!!
B4 I hit the highway, aftr my screen shots, BTW army judge "likes yer replies" grammatical errors and spelling, thats the best you can do, nuthin of substance?, (good on ya mate) can I borrow one of those books ya mentioned ?, I already exeeded my book allowance w/my new Chomsky release two wks ago!, 2 days my 1'st forum, and so many friends, I have not had such a hardy laugh in some Time, I TY u all for the intellectual discussion (none to be had here) I said from the gettgo I came here for views outside my box, U certainly provided that, to say the least, I will share this sight with all my ignorant friends,No really TY , I will leave you alone @ your request

Screen shots? Of what? What the hell did I just read? This makes NO sense at all. Is it English? Or a language you invented? You can read? That's nice because you sure as hell can't write a coherent thought to save your life.
Screen shots? Of what? What the hell did I just read? This makes NO sense at all. Is it English? Or a language you invented? You can read? That's nice because you sure as hell can't write a coherent thought to save your life.
well, good afternoon, uumm, it was all one retreat, no re-engagement, no going back,no lapse in the attack, all one act of self defense, I cannot run, I have a trach in my throat you clowns, I was struck (punched about an unknown number of times) I was just out of the hospital from surgery for only 6 days I was trying to keep from getting hit in the upper region of my body as a blow too the throat would not have been good, and I called the cops as fast as humanly possible, what dont you people understand? Are you retarded or something? many judges, lawyers, doctors have a criminal past, In fact this is beneath me,I will no longer condescend to discuss any thing any further your heads must be full of rocks, I dont use goooogle as I know already the wordage of which I use, and yes I am no great spelling be contestant. This is not even remotely amusing, funny,entertaining or even a intellectual challenge.
The screen shots are to show others the idiocy of the people that mingle at this sight, my god and I thought I had troubles, U R all deeply disturbed, Good Day
well, good afternoon, uumm, it was all one retreat, no re-engagement, no going back,no lapse in the attack, all one act of self defense, I cannot run, I have a trach in my throat you clowns, I was struck (punched about an unknown number of times) I was just out of the hospital from surgery for only 6 days I was trying to keep from getting hit in the upper region of my body as a blow too the throat would not have been good, and I called the cops as fast as humanly possible, what dont you people understand? Are you retarded or something? many judges, lawyers, doctors have a criminal past, In fact this is beneath me,I will no longer condescend to discuss any thing any further your heads must be full of rocks, I dont use goooogle as I know already the wordage of which I use, and yes I am no great spelling be contestant. This is not even remotely amusing, funny,entertaining or even a intellectual challenge.
The screen shots are to show others the idiocy of the people that mingle at this sight, my god and I thought I had troubles, U R all deeply disturbed, Good Day

I thought you were done with this page. Why are you back? You got your answers and sorry you don't like them but you are wrong entirely on everything you've posted.

Oh look information you didn't include in your original posts. Imagine that. You did run. You said you ran and you got away and then you grabbed a broom and beat him. Also again read the statute on physical force in New York. Also then you re-engaged with this guy days later. You said that even.

I don't think you need to use the word "retarded" on here because that's not really a word that's used anymore. No one on here is "retarded" or mentally disabled (as far as I know). You, however, seem to be slightly mentally handicapped in some fashion. That's just my perception based on your comments and how you respond and write. Nothing wrong with someone who is mentally handicapped as they can't help it.

"Many judges, lawyers, doctors have a criminal past..." They do? My daughter's medical team doesn't have a criminal history. I don't think the lawyers on here have a criminal past. Maybe a couple speeding tickets. Maybe not. But I'm pretty sure you can't get a law license if you have a serious criminal history. Like my ex, two felonies and several misdemeanors...I doubt he's getting a law license if he ever tried to do that.

Who are you talking to that would even be remotely concerned with this page? You think we ARE deeply disturbed? Lol okay buddy. You keep telling yourself that. Go ahead and share these screen shots with the other personalities you share within you. I'm sure you'll all laugh at your own expense.

It's not about being a "spelling BEE" contestant. It's about projecting logical, coherent thoughts when you're asking people for help. "My god" it's not that complicated. You will no longer you even know what condescend means? LMAO! Wow you need to read a dictionary. You really do. Go take an ESL class because it's quite obvious that it is. The only "clown" on here is you.
I thought you were done with this page. Why are you back? You got your answers and sorry you don't like them but you are wrong entirely on everything you've posted.

Oh look information you didn't include in your original posts. Imagine that. You did run. You said you ran and you got away and then you grabbed a broom and beat him. Also again read the statute on physical force in New York. Also then you re-engaged with this guy days later. You said that even.

I don't think you need to use the word "retarded" on here because that's not really a word that's used anymore. No one on here is "retarded" or mentally disabled (as far as I know). You, however, seem to be slightly mentally handicapped in some fashion. That's just my perception based on your comments and how you respond and write. Nothing wrong with someone who is mentally handicapped as they can't help it.
I cant even read what you reply cept the 1'st 2 sentences. they are enough, I never saaid I ran and I have not offered any new info, ask highway man were the deleted threads are that he deleted , he stated that he did in his posts , whatever blah blah
"Many judges, lawyers, doctors have a criminal past..." They do? My daughter's medical team doesn't have a criminal history. I don't think the lawyers on here have a criminal past. Maybe a couple speeding tickets. Maybe not. But I'm pretty sure you can't get a law license if you have a serious criminal history. Like my ex, two felonies and several misdemeanors...I doubt he's getting a law license if he ever tried to do that.

Who are you talking to that would even be remotely concerned with this page? You think we ARE deeply disturbed? Lol okay buddy. You keep telling yourself that. Go ahead and share these screen shots with the other personalities you share within you. I'm sure you'll all laugh at your own expense.

It's not about being a "spelling BEE" contestant. It's about projecting logical, coherent thoughts when you're asking people for help. "My god" it's not that complicated. You will no longer you even know what condescend means? LMAO! Wow you need to read a dictionary. You really do. Go take an ESL class because it's quite obvious that it is. The only "clown" on here is you.
nope no new info its all there, ask highway or the others that deleted my threads(that they stated they did) were they are at, I never said I ran, blah blah retreated blah blah poor comprehension skills on yer part blah blah
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