Arrest, Search, Seizure, Warrant When can law enforcement search my cell phone

I would like to know when a cop can just look in a persons cell phone without a warrant or consent???

That depends on many, many things.
One thing never depends, except upon you saying, NO.
If you are ever asked to CONSENT to any search, you're best served by politely refusing, clean or dirty.
You're best served by never being dirty.
That said, you have the right to refuse to answer questions, and the right to decline searches.
If the police possess a warrant, you'd better NOT be dirty.
Again, the key is always OBEY their laws and you won't run afoul of THEM.
If you break THEIR laws, all bets are off.
By breaking THEIR laws you make yourself easy prey.

You can bets believe that your cellphone will likely get a quick look see if you are ever arrested and taken to one of THEIR gulags.
Again, obey THEIR laws, and you won't be consumed by the system.

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