Whether or not to file for unemployment

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Let me start off by saying that I am not seeking moral judgment nor absolution for my actions, just simple advice as to whether a claim would be a waste of time. I worked for the same private security company for 5yrs. During the latter 4.5yrs I was the highest ranking officer with the titles of Lieutenant and Patrol Supervisor. I was responsible for all aspects of managment but held no license or title as such. In fact I was charged with writing an employee handbook as the very minimal example of said document was a stapled pamphlet, 10yrs outdated, containing poilicies for non-existent clients, and primarily over-looking guard posts.

A cliff's notes background to the final day is as such: February I nearly died of health issues, March my wife and I lost our baby, April she and I separated, and in May I began seeing another officer socially. The latter is the crux of the issue. She and I never carried on in any manner that could be deemed inappropriate nor did our actions detract from our client's security. I remained focussed on the contracts and other employees. I have multiple witnesses to this fact that would sign affidavits upon request. I maintained nearly an 80hrs week salaried at 40hrs and oversaw all the day-to-day operations of the company while the owner made trips out of state on a regular basis. The company has grown 300% since my arrival. After completing 2 15hrs shifts, and getting 3hrs sleep, I was called in for an urgent meeting on the morning of my birthday. At this meeting I was shouted at and berated for what the owner felt was inappropriate behavior. He screamed at me until he was exhausted and at the end of the meeting he placed me on 2 weeks paid administrative leave. He said that should I choose to resign during that time or he choose to terminate me I would receive severance. One week later I arrived to pick up my 1st of 2 expected checks and found that both checks had been written as severance and that I had been replaced. To me this constitutes clearly that I have been terminated, yet the owner tells inquiring parties, such as clients that are upset that I am gone, that I resigned. I live in central Texas, a"right to work" state and understand he can terminate without reason. My question is that in the absence of a written handbook or signed statement defining fraternization, etc, or any clear evidence of a workplace disruption, can my claim me summarily denied. Would it be worth an appeal?
There is no penalty for filing a claim and being denied. There is also no penalty for filing an appeal and losing. So to answer your question yes file the claim. You have nothing to lose and money to gain. By the way the term is "at will" not "right to work"

Thanks for the fast response. I guess after my recent string of luck I was feeling prematurely defeated. I don't deny the ethical and moral implications of my actions, just the effect it was claimed to have on my workplace when the relationship was never demonstrated on the job.
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