Who do I report a judge to.

Who do I report a civil judge to who should have recused himself from my case?

The judge, alone gets to decide if recusal is appropriate.

Any citizen, litigant, attorney, law enforcement official, judge, public official, or other individual who has knowledge of possible judicial misconduct may file a complaint with the Commission. Complaints may also be filed anonymously. Additionally, the Commission may file a complaint on its own motion based upon matters it learns of in other ways, such as from mass media and information obtained during the course of an investigation.

All complaints must be submitted to the Commission in writing. The Commission does not accept oral complaints. You may use a complaint form or write a letter to the Commission. A complaint form filed with the Commission should be typewritten or printed so that it is easily readable.

A complaint form may be obtained by downloading it from this website or by calling the Commission office to request that a copy be sent by facsimile or U.S. mail. Additionally, you may come to the Commission office to file a complaint. All complaints must be submitted to the Commission office by facsimile, U.S. mail, or hand delivered to the Commission office at the following address:

Mississippi Commission on Judicial Performance
660 North Street, Suite 104
Jackson, Mississippi 39202

Filing A Complaint

The Mississippi Bar: I want to file a complaint against the Judge.

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