Criminal Records, Expungement Why can't my record be expunged?

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About 11 years ago I did a really stupid thing. A co-worker asked me if I knew anyone that could get him some marijuana. Living in south Florida almost all my friends had access to it. So I bought an ounce for him. But what I didn't know was that he would turn around and sell some to an undercover cop in a bar. He told them where he got it and they came to my home and arrested me. The police had followed him to my house. I was charged with distribution and conspiracy to sell. These are felonies! I don't have any other offenses on my record. Recently I moved and went to apply for a new job and they did a background search and found these felonies. So I filled out all the paperwork to file for an expungement. The state attorney wrote down that the request was denied because ajudication was witheld.
I DON"T UNDERSTAND?!? Can someone PLEASE explain why this can't be removed. I have a family to support now and I can't believe this is coming back to bite me in the butt now!


Hi Keywest.and Mr.Professor ...I am in the process of trying to get a felony taken/removed off of my record also..... I was told no by a few and yes by a few...just keep doing research. Call as many lawyers as you can in different states.. Every state is different..but what I think it will boil down to is money. How much are you willing to spend---giving a lawyer money to have it removed. It may be 5000 or more---my felony was also 10 years ago--dealing with welfare fraud and I need help in getting information regarding espungation---so if any lawyer sees this please contact me also-------I currently will be graduating from college with a degree in respiratory therapy---however will not be able to take my state boards until this felony is esponged. HHHHHEEELLLP!!! I do not care what the cost is----this happened in the state of NC in 95.:( :(
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Expungement requirements vary from state to state and also are determined by the nature of the offense.

Some questions to ask are (1) are you a first time offender? (2) If the offense was drug related, what offense, drug and what quantity? (3) How much time has passed since you completed your sentence?

Keywest -- I'm not as familiar with the process in Florida. Can you get a better explanation from the court's clerk as to why your request was denied? It seems that the court may not have heard it because of some premilinary requirement or problem?
It may have something to do with you moving.
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