Arrest, Search, Seizure, Warrant Why is Forestry concerned with Lic. Plates?

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The state or country I am talking about is: Florida

I'm supplying details which may seem irrelevant, but which I believe may have bearing should I take this to court. I would appreciate any opinions on whether I should just pay the fine, or, considering possible harm to my permanent record and employability, should I fight it?
Last week at sundown, I was en route to a semi-seclued, quiet place in the national forest, in my street vehicle, and in street clothes. I had a religious purpose in going there. I was stopped shortly after entering the dirt road by a Forestry officer who stopped me and asked for my documents. I asked why he stopped me. He said it was because my tag was improperly displayed. (Question #1: Does that constitute probable cause?) He then asked if I would mind him searching my car. I asked what for? He said for drugs. I asked him why he thought I might have drugs. He said that they had "been having problems out here with people drinking and tearing things up." I said that I did mind him detaining me for any legth of time, and that I was on my way for religious observance and that I felt he was harrassing me. I told him that the only thing he would find in the car was my pipe (a one-hitter) and I gave it to him. (This was probably my stupid mistake.) He searched the car anyway and found less than a tenth of a gram in a small container, and he gave me a ticket for $150.
He was obviously out searching (had his dog in the car) anyone who might come through in the hopes of finding scofflaws like me, there was no erratic driving, or anything but a technical violation.
I have a good job which I don't want to lose over something as stupid as this. I'd appreciate any advice.
Forest Service Agents are federal law enforcement officers, part of their responsibilities is the enforcement of state motor vehicle and traffic laws on national forest roads. Therefore the officer had the right to stop you for a violation if your license tag was in fact not ok.

They also enforce drug laws. The officer asked for your consent to search which you seem not to have given, but then you volunteered the pipe, which I assume was a drug pipe. That of course will probably have given him enough probable cause to do more searching...

Those legality of search question often hinge on minute details of what happened, so we cannot tell you here if the search was legal or not, you would have to consult an attorney for evaluation.
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