with friend who got caught shoplifting.

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ok iam 20 years old. I went to (discount store) with my friend on my lunch break from school. my friend doesn't go to my school. well he tried walking out with 38 dollars of sports cards to sell. he put them into a bag put the bag in the shopping cart and at the door we got stopped.
I did not touch or do anything involved with the items he took. he had the items on him. he told the guard at (discount store) I had nothing to do with it. The guard said don't matter hes with you. I don't have any past history of anything criminal or anything. i graduate paramedic school in the end of march. i have a court date on march 3rd. i cannot get a misdemeanor on my record or my life will be over cause i will never get hired as a firefighter/paramedic. i am getting a lawyer. will i really get a misdemeanor with a lawyer ?
My friend even will say again i wasn't part of it. i really cant have a misdemeanor. Please i need some answers.
What can i expect.
Thank you for answers
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I removed the name of the store for your protection. Agree with getting a lawyer & see what he/she can do for you - talk only to the lawyer.
ok iam 20 years old. I went to (discount store) with my friend on my lunch break from school. my friend doesn't go to my school. well he tried walking out with 38 dollars of sports cards to sell. he put them into a bag put the bag in the shopping cart and at the door we got stopped.
I did not touch or do anything involved with the items he took. he had the items on him. he told the guard at (discount store) I had nothing to do with it. The guard said don't matter hes with you. I don't have any past history of anything criminal or anything. i graduate paramedic school in the end of march. i have a court date on march 3rd. i cannot get a misdemeanor on my record or my life will be over cause i will never get hired as a firefighter/paramedic. i am getting a lawyer. will i really get a misdemeanor with a lawyer ?
My friend even will say again i wasn't part of it. i really cant have a misdemeanor. Please i need some answers.
What can i expect.
Thank you for answers

I'm looking at what you posted as any juror might if you testified at your trial.

I'm also trying to evaluate your account if events as if I were a police officer, a prosecutor, or a even your lawyer.

For an INNOCENT person, you know TOO MUCH about something you didn't participate in, plot, or execute.

Think about this, you ADMIT THAT YOU observed your pal secrete something inside of another thing, and attempt to exit the store, right?

Why didn't you distance yourself from this thief?

Why didn't you tell your pal, "Hey, buddy, you aren't trying to shoplift, are you?"

You need not answer those questions, just thnk about the answers.

That's why you have the right to remain silent.

You should have used that right.

You are also supposed to report arrests when enrolled in most police or firefighter training programs.

I suggest you hire your own lawyer.

Our canon of legal ethics doesn't permit us when acting as defense attorneys to as aggressively defend you as a client, if you've confessed to us that you're guilty.

The stuff you've recited above is tantamount to a confession.

You don't have to touch the goods, secrete the goods, to be considered part of the effort to steal the goods. You had more, much more than knowledge after the fact. You watched this train wreck from start to arrest.

You have much to think about.

By the way, a first time shoplifter isn't as sophistacated in their thievery as you say your pal was.

In answer to your question, yes, what you've related above amounts to a confession.

Depending on what the loss prevention officer observed and reported, it might even be a conspiracy to commit a theft. It certainly seems as if you're guilty of shoplifting by blabbing.
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i cannot get a misdemeanor on my record or my life will be over cause i will never get hired as a firefighter/paramedic.

The time to worry about that was before you participated (and by failing to attempt to stop or report your friend you did participate) in a shoplifting. It is now no longer within your control whether you have a misdemeanor on your record or not.

Your lawyer may be able to prevent it. He may not.
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