With Humility, Sincere Praise, Deference, & Love to Dear Leader Potato Head!

army judge

Super Moderator
How you managed it, Dear Leader Potato Head is beyond comprehension.

Nevertheless, I must praise you for breaking all previous records.

July of 2021 will forever remain enshrined in our memories, and the recipients of your kindness will forever revere, love, and respect your endeavors on their behalf.

I suspect many of our Founders would comment on your achievement last month, were they still among the living.

What is that, you ask, Dear Leader?

This past July was busiest month for illegal border invasions in 21 years, CBP data reveals.

The donkey take down of the nation formerly known as the United States of America is well underway!

Frankly, what's not love about the invaders?

They are illiterate, infected, drug addicted, prone to criminal activity, possessed of deviant desires to harm children and females, and bearing sworn allegiances to criminal enterprises.

Let's face it, what nation on this planet wouldn't want billions of these people as citizens?

I'm quite sure, Dear Leader, they'll reward you (or your party) come November of 2024.

July was busiest month for illegal border crossings in 21 years, CBP data shows

They've been traveling far
Away from home
And without a car.

Only want to be free
To work for cash
And not been seen.

Across the border from the south
They're swarming to America
Never looking back again,
They're swarming to America

Don't it seem so far away
Oh, we're traveling light today
In the eye of the storm
In the eye of the storm

To a new and a shiny place
Make our bed and we'll say our grace
Squalor's light burning warm
Squalor's light burning warm

Across the border from the south
They're swarming to America
Never mind that flag unfurled
They're swarming to America

Got a dream to take our jobs
They're swarming to America
Got a dream they've come to steal
They're swarming to America

They're swarming to America
They're swarming to America
They're swarming to America
They're swarming to America
Today, Today,
Today, Today, Today

My country 'tis of thee (today)
Poor land of misery (today)
Of thee I sing (today)
Of thee I sing
Today, Today, Today
Today, today, today.....
Got a dream to rape our people
Got a dream to steal our stuff
Got a dream 'cause you got enuff
They're swarming to America
Got a dream they've come to steal
Got a dream they're coming to kill
Got a dream to live for free
They're INVADING what we once built, America!!!!

Both your song and Army Judge's are in very poor taste. I might remind you that your ancestors were immigrants to this country once, too. Did they come here to rape and pillage this country? I sure hope not. Most immigrants coming to the US today are coming for much the same reason your ancestors did: looking for the shot a better life. Mock them for that and you may as well mock your own ancestors. In the interest of fairness, are you willing to do that?
Both your song and Army Judge's are in very poor taste. I might remind you that your ancestors were immigrants to this country once, too. Did they come here to rape and pillage this country? I sure hope not. Most immigrants coming to the US today are coming for much the same reason your ancestors did: looking for the shot a better life. Mock them for that and you may as well mock your own ancestors. In the interest of fairness, are you willing to do that?

I'm willing to bet my maternal and paternal progenitors were living peacefully on this continent when yours arrived.

My father was Cherokee.

My mother was Comanche and Sioux.

My great grandparents, my grandparents, and my parents weren't fond of invaders.

I suppose my sentiments may have something to do with my ancestry.

Immigrants are certainly welcomed, if the country has a LEGAL way to enter.

Unfortunately what the border burglars and invaders are doing is neither legal or civil.

Immigrants desire to assimilate into the nation that welcomes them legally.

Immigrants, perhaps yours, desired to learn the language of the nation who welcomed them.

Thanks to Dear Leader El President Potato Head, legalities no longer matter.

What matters appears to be massive numbers of anything resembling a living bipod.
I'm willing to bet my maternal and paternal progenitors were living peacefully on this continent when yours arrived.

You'd lose that bet, as some of my ancestors too were Native American. But even they — and your ancestors — were immigrants to this country. Mankind did not originate in the Americas. Every single person living here either came from someplace else or is descended from someone who came here from someplace else. I don't fault or mock immigrants for wanting to come here. I fault the Congress for failure to update our immigration laws for our modern needs (something Congress has put off doing for at least a quarter century) and blame the government for lack of adequate resources to enforce the immigration laws, especially against the businesses/persons that hire those not authorized to work here. So Blaming Biden and Congress is fair game. But I don't knock those who are just coming here, as many immigrants before them did, looking for a better life. It's a testament to just how great this country is that so many from other places want to come here.
I find it hard to believe everyone can trace their lineage to a Native American ancestor. My great grandmother was 100% Cherokee and I can definitely see the lineage in me and my dad. However, just like only a fraction of a percentage of the people alive today can trace their lineage to an actual slave the percentages to Native American heritage is very low.

I looked at the historical books the few that remain and the funny part is that most of all Slave owners were wealthy and lived in the North. In any particular southern state there were generally no more than 50-100 slaves per large plantation. Land grants where given to new immigrates and naturally they were too poor to afford to own and operate slaves.

Before some revisionist gives me a this is not correct nod, I assure you it is as I have researched it when young as I was curious to how many slaves where actually in particular counties at a given time. Even in the most populous counties it generally did not go over 150-200 slaves. Where as TJ and Monticello had roughly 600 or so.
Every single person living here either came from someplace else or is descended from someone who came here from someplace else.

Hmmm, 12-15% of our citizens identify and proclaim their ancestry derived from the African continent.

The vast majority of our citizens claiming an African heritage descended from slaves.

Are you blind to the fact the people forced into slavery weren't clamoring to be kidnapped, transported across an ocean in conditions far below those for farm animals, forced to perform labor without remuneration, denied educations, treated as chattel, forced to live in squalor, and when freed; denied true citizenship, equality, their right to vote, etc...

Let's also take note of the people who created Jim Crow, after slavery was outlawed.

They were Democrats.

Yes, it was Democrat governors standing in school house doors, using the National Guard to enforce slavery's cousin, Jim Crow.

No, all people living in this country today weren't immigrants or related to immigrants.
Some were the victims of human trafficking and slavery, followed by Democrat CONCEIVED, INSPIRED, and IMPLEMENTED "Jim Crow", AKA Slavery 2.0!!!
Many today aren't immigrants.

Those invading our southern border can call themselves whatever they wish.

I'll continue to call them by the moniker they've earned, border burglars or President Potato Head's invasion/occupation force.
No, all people living in this country today weren't immigrants.

As I said, everyone living in the US either came here from someplace else themselves or are descended from someone who came here from someplace else. Slaves, too, came here from someplace else. It is true that they did not come here voluntarily, but they came from someplace else nevertheless.

As for whether they were also immigrants, consider that Webster's defines immigrant as follows:

: one that immigrates: such as
a : a person who comes to a country to take up permanent residence

You'll note that the definition does not say that only persons who come to a country voluntarily are immigrants. So I think one can say that slaves, too, were immigrants. That doesn't diminish or alter in any way how vile the slave trade was.
Both your song and Army Judge's are in very poor taste. I might remind you that your ancestors were immigrants to this country once, too. Did they come here to rape and pillage this country? I sure hope not. Most immigrants coming to the US today are coming for much the same reason your ancestors did: looking for the shot a better life. Mock them for that and you may as well mock your own ancestors. In the interest of fairness, are you willing to do that?

Unfortunately, my apparently foolish ancestors waited 20 years to emigrate to the US LEGALLY. I guess they should have snuck across the border and used stolen or forged documents to work illegally in the US.

Anytime some government official proposes offering some sort of benefit to illegal aliens (I am not going to be PC) such as driver's licences, voting in local elections, etc, a cry goes up that "they just want to obey the law" ! Well, if they wanted to obey the law, they wouldn't be here, would they?

I remember a few years ago when illegal aliens were protesting at UC Davis that there should be a path to citizenship for them. What I noticed was that while many were waiving flags, NONE were American flags.
Unfortunately, my apparently foolish ancestors waited 20 years to emigrate to the US LEGALLY. I guess they should have snuck across the border and used stolen or forged documents to work illegally in the US.

Anytime some government official proposes offering some sort of benefit to illegal aliens (I am not going to be PC) such as driver's licences, voting in local elections, etc, a cry goes up that "they just want to obey the law" ! Well, if they wanted to obey the law, they wouldn't be here, would they?

I remember a few years ago when illegal aliens were protesting at UC Davis that there should be a path to citizenship for them. What I noticed was that while many were waiving flags, NONE were American flags.

Yep, it use to cost 10k plus for non citizens to become citizens, I wonder if they could apply to get their money back. They use to have to take the pledge of allegiance as well.
As I said, everyone living in the US either came here from someplace else themselves or are descended from someone who came here from someplace else. Slaves, too, came here from someplace else. It is true that they did not come here voluntarily, but they came from someplace else nevertheless.


As for whether they were also immigrants, consider that Webster's defines immigrant as follows:

: one that immigrates: such as
a : a person who comes to a country to take up permanent residence

You'll note that the definition does not say that only persons who come to a country voluntarily are immigrants. So I think one can say that slaves, too, were immigrants. That doesn't diminish or alter in any way how vile the slave trade was.


That is an amazing thought process.

Using YOUR unique logic, a person kidnapped for the purposes of sex trafficking or even slavery, is simply an immigrant.

Thank you for helping me understand things better, boss.

Continuing with your special revelations and deep knowledge base, my Indian ancestors weren't immigrants, although they were here when Europeans arrived to settle on this continent and future nation of the USA.

The fact that one could ever call an innocent victim of an evil enterprise an immigrant, simply because said human being was shanghaied and forced into slavery is also quite telling.
That is an amazing thought process.

Using YOUR unique logic, a person kidnapped for the purposes of sex trafficking or even slavery, is simply an immigrant.

Simply an immigrant? No. But an immigrant in addition to being a victim of the slave trade? Based on the definition of immigrant, yes. You evidently want to put your own stamp on the meaning of the term. Hey, you do you, just don't expect me to buy into your system of logic, okay BOSS! ;)

My point still stands: every single person in America today either came here from someplace else or is descended from someone who came here from someplace else. You've not refuted that because you can't. It's fact. Humankind did not originate in the Americas.
Simply an immigrant? No. But an immigrant in addition to being a victim of the slave trade? Based on the definition of immigrant, yes. You evidently want to put your own stamp on the meaning of the term. Hey, you do you, just don't expect me to buy into your system of logic, okay BOSS! ;)

My point still stands: every single person in America today either came here from someplace else or is descended from someone who came here from someplace else. You've not refuted that because you can't. It's fact. Humankind did not originate in the Americas.

Agreed, America is a country of immigrates but the only thing that separates our country from every other country out there is our system of laws. When those laws are curtailed or not applied equally then you have special groups who receive special privilege. It should not work this way as talent/ education/ work ethic is distributed equally but opportunities are not. More people are given privilege due to the gender, sexual orientation, and race than they are by equal opportunity rights.

This preferential treatment leads to resentment and division among the various groups and not unity. This resentment leads to great divisions among people based upon race, ethic groups, and gender/ sexual orientation, etc. etc. This makes most people only play in the pool of social groups they feel comfortable with. It doesn't promote improved racial relations but only drives a greater wedge within those communities. Somehow this is what the master class wants as they can shape mold the world into their ideal society. It is just the little people if you will who might not like their new world.
Agreed, America is a country of immigrates but the only thing that separates our country from every other country out there is our system of laws.

I would agree, and add that our secure border helped keep the riff raff out, once upon a tme.

Alas, we only have remnants of a border, because SOMEONE (or someone's potatoteers) decided to tear down our walls and invited the riff to invade us.
Hey, you do you, just don't expect me to buy into your system of logic, okay BOSS!

Bless your heart.

I expect NOTHING from you.

I don't post to convert others.

I post for my amusement only.

In fact, I expect nothing because I have all I need.

Have a nice day.

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