Witholding Paycheck on payday

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Hi, my name is Nick, I'm a student attending college at WK(entucky)U, and I'm 18. I work at a Sonic fast food restaurant to have a little extra cash. Today I was asked if I could come in for work because they were shorthanded, when they're already giving me the crappiest possible hours every day of the week. I told them I had class today and homework to complete before tomorrow, so I wouldn't be able to make it. When I asked if it would be ok to pick up my paycheck the manager replied "Policy states we can't give you your paycheck on the day of unless you're at work." Is that legal?
Depends on what they do with it. If they turn around and put in the mail to you, it's probably perfectly legal.
In your state the employer must pay you within 18 days of the last day of the pay period. If you have not received the check by then, one way or another, you can file a complaint with the state DOL. However, you can't complain about what you think the employer is going to do or not do, and you can't complain until they are legally in violation.
It is perfectly legal as long as they give it to you the next day you work or if they mail it to you. Most companies have this same policy.
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