Work place harassment.

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I work in a office of a small company. There are two top tier managers, and the owner of the company. The two managers are drinking buddies of the owner of the company. In the last 9 months the owner of the company has been traveling, and is hardly there. These two managers have been running things while he has been away. with that said they have been running the place like tyrants. Yelling ,and screaming at people who they believe some thing messed up. Calling people Faggots, and piles of S*&t, and so forth. this happens everyday. Matter a fact they fired a young man for failing at his job. Which is fine I know it is well in the realm of what they are allowed to do. The thing is they never really trained, and when he started failing they never offered to help, and never gave him any type of warning. This was because the man was gay. I cant prove this, but the atmosphere in the office from these two managers is really anti gay. The word faggot is used atleast 10-15 times everyday by one of the managers.

Now leap back a year before all of this these two bosses held me in hi regard. Told me I am kicking A$$, and so on. They made me the manager of my department, and game me a little raise. Know I am being pushed into positions that are out of my area of expertise, and I have had a work load put on me that is impossible to complete with in the time frame allowed. This is not my gripe nor my real concern. I can work through that. The real issue, and reason I am here is they are now pulling the same things they have done to everyone else who does not live up to the impossible standards. I have stood up, and said my piece to them. now they have put a target on my back. Call me a faggot among other profanities. They invite me out for drinks, I deny the offer knowing they are just looking to get me drunk, and stupid. After I decline the offer these two managers call me a pussy, and make statements about my wife, and so on.

To make this stop I was wondering if I could use a voice recorder to prove my situation to the owner of the company? If they fired me due to bringing this up how could I prove wrongful termination. I know Washington is a right to work state, but there has to be something I can do. I really can't deal with these guys constantly calling me names, saying things about my wife, and all the other stuff going on in the office. I can't quit since my wife is pregnant, and we need the money.
Right to work means you don't have to join a union to get work. It has nothing to do with your situation. You mean that employment is at-will.

What law do you think will be violated if you are fired? I just want to be sure we're on the same page.

(WA state law requires that all parties consent before you can tape record a conversation.)
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You can't quit, but what if they terminate you? You might want to start looking for new employment.
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