Working full time for a Church

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I work full time for a medium sized Curch. I feel I am being bullied, and discriminated against, but am fearful of losing my job. There are two custodians, one full time, one part time. I am full time, and am the ONLY employee in the Church who must fill out a time sheet and document what I do every day at work. The other part time lady has been paid her full pay checks, but will average only half of her work time. They harrass me if they think I have missed an hour of work time, but have never questioned her. This has been going on for almost one year. Also they have raised the issue about my dressing innappropriately at work, which does not happen. However, the female youth pastor just came back from a vacation and has has a breast job done. She was at work yesterday in VERY short shorts and a skin tight little white tee to show off her new chest! I was injured last month at work and was hospitalized for 2 days. I had 60 hours of sick time to use, but my doctor had me off and on meds for 2 weeks. The Church took away my remaining sick time because of this. I am also having to pay for my own medical treatment. There are several more issues, too many to mention at this point. Been having headaches, irritable bowel syndrome, which I never had before, cannot sleep, anxious etc. Another employee is also having anxiety attacks because of work issues and has been placed on meds for a year due to the job stress. Do we have any way of correcting these issues at work? We have brought this up to personnel committee and pastor, and associate pastor, with no action taken yet. Advice needed.
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