Would my child be forced to spend time with parent if they dont want to go?

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If i put my ex on child support would my child be forced to stay with his father even if he doesnt want to just because the court gave him visitation or something? Ever since we broke up my child doesnt like to leave with his dad without me, unless his dad bribes him or something even then its hard. And past few times he lied about doing what he bribed him to leave to do. Anyways point is if the courts say the father has visitation or whatever does that mean he can come get him whenever he wants even if my child doesnt want to go?
Would you let your child choose whether or not he wants to go to school? To the dentist? Get dressed every day? What if your son told you he wants to LIVE with Dad?

Yes, if the court awards Dad visitation the child WILL go per the court order. You need to be the parent here - and he's not just "your" child.
I know hes technically not just mine but ive always been the one taking care of him and doing everything for him while his dad likes to go out and party. I think its pretty selfish to force a child to go somewhere just because you want him to. And yes i would make him do everything thats required or in his best interest. I just wanted to know if he would be forced to go if he didnt want to. His dad isnt the greatest person in the world. I know he loves his son but the house he lives in makes me nervous with how him and his family does drugs and possibly sells them. His father even recently went to jail for drug paraphernalia and drinking while driving although im not sure if he got charged with the dwi. I just want to know all the facts before i take legal action.
I know hes technically not just mine but ive always been the one taking care of him and doing everything for him while his dad likes to go out and party. I think its pretty selfish to force a child to go somewhere just because you want him to. And yes i would make him do everything thats required or in his best interest. I just wanted to know if he would be forced to go if he didnt want to. His dad isnt the greatest person in the world. I know he loves his son but the house he lives in makes me nervous with how him and his family does drugs and possibly sells them. His father even recently went to jail for drug paraphernalia and drinking while driving although im not sure if he got charged with the dwi. I just want to know all the facts before i take legal action.

None of this is legally relevant.

Do you WANT the court to switch custody to Dad?

Court orders aren't suggestions. They are orders.
untill your son is 18, whatever the court order( and thats just what it is, an order not a suggestion) goes. and your son has no say in the matter untill then. otherwise he could be seeing a lot more of dad and a lot less of you when hes ordered to live with dad. your son does not call the shots for anything, he is legally a child and does not make decisions like this. period

Can you come up with a new "cookiecutter" Kelly?:no:
A Child Of School Age Should Have The Right To Refuse All Contact With A Parent The Choice Should Be Theirs And Not Some Toff Nosed Judge!!
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