Would my medical records ruin my chances of adopting kids or even keeping my own?

Anna Loboda

New Member
So there's a few things on my medical records which will change my life legally. I was 5250d a few times throughout my life. Now I'm prescribed medications. I'm also legally disabled and on SSI income currently, but not permanently. My criminal record is clean though. Do I still have a chance of adopting kids if a few years pass since those hospitalisations, if I learn to live without medications and if I work full time and go off SSI? What about if I have my own kids?

Please also tell me what other parts of life those medical records would ruin for me legally and if there is anything I could do to make a valid argument in court to reverse those things.
So there's a few things on my medical records which will change my life legally. I was 5250d a few times throughout my life. Now I'm prescribed medications. I'm also legally disabled and on SSI income currently, but not permanently. My criminal record is clean though. Do I still have a chance of adopting kids if a few years pass since those hospitalisations, if I learn to live without medications and if I work full time and go off SSI? What about if I have my own kids?

Please also tell me what other parts of life those medical records would ruin for me legally and if there is anything I could do to make a valid argument in court to reverse those things.
Just per what you have posted here on this forum would, IMO, prevent adoption. You should consult with an adoption attorney with your concerns and see what s/he thinks.
I was 5250d a few times throughout my life.

5250'd? Or 5150'd? What does "a few times throughout my life" mean? How old are you? When was the first time you were 5205'd? When was the most recent time? How many is "a few times"?

Now I'm prescribed medications.

As are lots of people (myself included). What medications? What are they prescribed for?

I'm also legally disabled

Please elaborate.

and on SSI income currently, but not permanently.

Please elaborate.

Do I still have a chance of adopting kids if a few years pass since those hospitalisations, if I learn to live without medications and if I work full time and go off SSI?

In the abstract world of all that is hypothetical, virtually anything is possible. How many is "a few years"? How can you "learn to live without medications"?

What about if I have my own kids?

What about it? If you think that, at some unknown time in the future, you might have a child and are concerned that the child might be removed from your custody, that will depend on the facts and circumstances that exist at that unknown time. Whether any of the things you mentioned in your post might warrant removal of your hypothetical child depends on details you didn't provide and which you cannot provide because the future is mostly unknowable.

Please also tell me what other parts of life those medical records would ruin for me legally

There's no way for anyone on the internet to know.

if there is anything I could do to make a valid argument in court to reverse those things.

I don't understand what you mean by "reverse those things." Unless someone invents time travel, your past cannot be changed. All you can do is true to improve your future. Worrying about having a kid when your own life seems to be a bit of a mess probably isn't the best thing to be worrying about right now.

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