Wronful termination/harrassment

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I was fired from a job for performance which was the reason they gave.
My last year on the job i was frequently harrassed, denied days off, criticized on my clothes on casual work days (dress down fridays), and then my desk was moved into an isolated corner, almost like I was segegrated from my dept.
I tried several times to meet with hr for mediation and help with the harrassement from my boss, but hr gave me the run around and never helped me, they just took notes, and avoided me when i would report a new instance, and then would act shocked when i would tell them of the harrassment i would endure at work.
so after i was fired i spoke with the human rights commission and they also agreed after reviewing my records and documentation that there is something wrong with my company if i was fired based on performance according to the company log there should have bene others let go first, also managers never held up their end of the deal if meeting with me to work on my improvement areas after a write up, these meeting were pose to have taken place over a 8 week period for improvement and i never had one meeting then after 9months of no meetngs i was let go, i have never been late or had any arguments or problems at work, its like i was a target and they wanted me out. now i am searching for help tryna find a the right direction to go to fight this
Why do you think your employer treated you like this? (I'm going somewhere specific with this.)
I do not know why my superviosr treated me like this before I got there he had a reputatuion for embarrassing employees and degrading them, but with me its like i was his new target and he has a history of firing my kind, even after I left others in the company started to question her b/c there is no real reason for my disposal..........where are you going with your question
It's not a wrongful termination or illegal harassment unless you have a valid and supportable reason to believe that the treatment/termination is BECAUSE OF your race, religion, national origin or other characteristic protected by law.

Since you have not suggested that this is the case and in fact have suggested that others are similarly treated, this most likely falls into the category of 'possibly unfair but not illegal". Chalk it up to a bad boss (we all get them occasionally), file for unemployment and look for new work.
MAybe not but its something

NO Iwill not just let it go and get a new job like nothing happen, this happens way too often in the work field and I i wasnt working for no small firm, so im not gona let it go, Im gona fight it all the way until a judge says cant no more be done.

It may not be wrongful termination but there was some discrimination and some unfairly treatment specifics that I choose not to reveal until I have legal representation.

Chalk it up to a bad supervisor we all get them but nobody should endure public scolding and alienation at work the way I did and if something isnt done about it then it will continue to go on.
The answers you get are only as good as the information you provide. We are not mind readers and if you choose to withhold facts, we cannot use those facts to assess your situation and the answers you get may be flawed as a result..

But here are some facts for you:

1.) Not all discrimination or harassment is illegal. In fact, most discrimination and harassment IS legal. Unless it is based on a characteristic protected by law (race, religion, national origin etc.), it is not illegal and there is no legal obligation on the part of the employer to stop it.

2.) Public scolding may be bad management but it is 100% legal. There is no legal obligation to make that stop, either.

These are facts. It's not going to be illegal just because you want it to be.

I gave you the opportunity to say, I think my boss was harassing me because I'm black/Jewish/German/Arabic/pregnant/etc. and you said no, you didn't know why your boss was treating you the way he is. The crystal ball is out being recalibrated.
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