Wrongful Termination and Slander and Defimation of Character

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On April 3, 2002, I was called in on a day off for an emergency meeting, that I thought to be a departmental meeting. When I arrived at work one of my supervisors called me into the human resource department, where I was told that I was being fired for making a statement regarding that I would go postal and commit bodily injury to an employee. The company said that it was in their better interest as well as the interest of the employee making the statement to go ahead and discharge my employment. During this meeting, I asked to see any documents pertaining to this accusation, to include names, date, and where this occurred. My supervisor as well as the human resource manager said that I was not privileged to this information. I immediately went ahead and filed for unemployment benefits, and according to Ann (Arizona Unemployment Insurance Rep), she said she spoke to Vicki (Human Resource rep for Haul), and she said quote"We refuse to provide any documentation as well as the statement to the state as well as myself". Two days later I received a letter from AZ Department of Economic Security, stating that I would receive my weekly benefits because Haul refused to provide the appropriate documentation and therefore their experience ratings will be charged. During my meeting with Haul, they failed to allow me to speak on my behalf to whether I actually made this statement or not, and was brought into this meeting under false pretense have a copy of my determination letter from the state, an e mail sent to my manager regarding problems that occurred in my department, an e mail from my supervisor stating what a good job I have been doing.

I need some help if I have a case or not. To let you know, my managers or human resource never did an investigation on this matter at all. Please e mail me back if you have some help for me, at andrewdrapkin@msn.com.
You may want to contact an attorney. You may have a case for slander. However, in talking to your attorney you will have to be extremely honest as to whatever detrimental aspects regarding your employment that there may be, if any, against yourself.

Slander is always a difficult case. The only reason why an attorney might be skeptical is that if one employee says something bad about another employee, one that has a good track record, the company does usually terminate the good employee without any cause or process. Does your company have a procedure manual for its employees? If it does and it violated the procedures, you may have a case against the company in addition to the individual, who may be judgment proof for practical purposes.

Once a lawsuit is filed, you may be able to get access to your records, including taking depositions (or interviews) of those people who will testify regarding the entire situation that occurred and the circumstances surrounding your discharge.
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