Drug Crimes, Substance Abuse wrongfully arrested and child taken

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My jurisdiction is: ca

I was asleep when the cop knocked on my door at a motel I rented while my room mate had family visiting, I paid for 3 days and this was on the morning of the 2nd day. I had my infant daughter with me who was handed over to cps only because of this arrest not because she was abused nor neglected.

Prior to contacting me the police officer had illegally searched a van parked out side on private property because he thought it had stolen reg tags on it which was not true they were for the yr it was last registered. The van belonged to a friend who had given me a ride the previous night. I did not include it on the registration for the room and the manager was never talked to at the motel. The officer obtained evidence from the van that I had no knowledge of the owner having these items in the van and had not personally touched them.

I was contacted about the van when the officer lied when I got up out of bed to answer the door I asked who it was because the peek hole was covered. He said one word which was the name of my friend who owned the van. I stupidly unlocked the door and started to walk to the restroom to comb my hair and what not. 3 cops bursted into my room telling me I committed a felony asking for the guy who rented this room.

I said no guy rented this room I did and asked what crime did "I" commit that you think is a felony. They told me I had stolen reg tags on my van. I said wait a minute that is not my responsibility and I know those tags are not stolen. The van is not mine and if I can use my phone I'll call the owner so you can take your issue up with him.

They started searching my room without consent and I said why are you doing this? I had nothing illegal in my room it was just me my baby and our things which hers were in a suitcase and mine were in the dresser. The cop used the evidence he had found in the van prior to contacting me claiming in his report he discovered these things inside my room to I guess seal the excuse for arresting me. I asked that the items be finger printed he just laughed at me.

I had no idea my friend was using drugs again and had paraphanillia of a few broken pipes in his van and one with enough testable stuff in it to charge me for another felony I guess I never saw what was in it or the pipes except for at a distance when getting booked into custody.

The only witness I had to this was my infant daughter the other residents saw only what went on prior to contacting me (how I found out he searched the van and knocked on the door next door first) and me being arrested and taken away in the cop car.

I was beyond upset that this could happen. In the police report he lies so much about the incident and where things were found really. He wanted an arrest and nothing was going to stop that agenda. He did however include the real owners name at the bottom of one report, even though the other officers wrote down my address when asked this officer wrote "transient"

I just wanted to be alone with my daughter and not bother anyone while my room mate had visitors I lost the money I paid for the room, I lost my child, I was put on prop 36 and numerous programs at the demand of probation and cps to regain custody of my non abused child illegally taken.

I had several different courts I had to go to from one arrest. The charge of registration fraud was dropped mainly because I was not responsible as owner and because the tags were not stolen I had the van in the parking lot to prove this. The judge seemed puzzled as I did that not being the owner I was charged for this van which had not commited any crime. I said I never even drove it. He dismissed this charge all the other charges were in two other courts. I told the judge "sir my baby was taken because of this charge when I was arrested" he replied " ma'am that issue is with the other court its not in my jurisdiction to change another courts orders"

I told cps the charge was dropped, they said it may have been but the drug charges were not and I had no care taker for my baby. I knew no one would believe that stuff was in the van not my room and the cop lied, I asked for the return of my child and was told no.

This has caused me so much pain and anguish to have my baby stolen and go through all of this. I've asked and asked for help no one wants to touch my case!!

I have family that can take my baby they did everything required and spent thousands of dollars getting prepared to have my baby placed there. When everything was done the case workers who had told my sister she had a chance to get my baby now have changed their minds and in the two months it took to do everything they claim my child has bonded to the current homosexual couple who want to adopt my baby. They moved her 3 other times without a problem why is it one now?

I have filed the last two petitions myself for a rehearing and review in the supreme court. I need to file a habeas corpus in federal court but don't know how to do this as there is allot of info on criminal habeas corpus I can't find the format used in cases of parental rights.

I have tried over 35 lawyers in my area and they are swamped or don't touch cases such as mine. Can any one please please help me? I can't do this much longer this pain hurts so bad and I cant have anymore kids. I own my home on 15 acres I can provide a stable life now that I'm married. And there never was any evidence that I was a bad parent all evidence supports me to deeply love my daughter.

I really need help please someone
your story is a bit suspicious because honestly a woman with a newborn baby should not be in a motel room by herself, driving a van not registered at the hotel, and there is drug pipes in the car. As a mom you have a responsibility to know who you are friends are. If they are using serious drugs and you have no idea then the police and CPS are going to get involved. Generally CPS gives you a case plan. If you follow it you normally get your baby back so all I can think is that there is more to the story here that you are not telling us. Do you have a job? Criminal record? Where is the baby's father? Time to get him involved. Normally social services finds out who the dad is or orders a paternity test.

I read your past posts and you have posted on this before. It appears the tags on the van were expired so all of this makes everything look a little out of place. Social services in most states just do not take a baby and terminate rights for no reason. There has to be a family reunification case plan in place for them to get federal funding. I am a CASA and deal with CPS alot, I refuse to believe CPS has just yanked your rights and that you were totally railroaded here. When I go back to your previous posts seems like to leave out alot of info.
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the father is in the hospital from a brain hemorrage 4 months after our baby was born we both had records of one arrest 3 years prior and took prop 36 and graduated. Now I've graduated twice from it when I wasn't doing drugs. My daughters dad was an undiagnosed diabetic he will not be the same and resides in a convelesant hospital.

yes I work, I am a certified cna and care for disabled patients in their homes this allowed me to bring my child to work and make it fun for my patients to see her this has devistated alot of people.

I did have a case plan of which all classes I graduated from I have no other criminal record and I did know the friend I got a ride in the van with. He told everyone he was clean its the only reason I would associate with him. He lied to me and others about his habbits.

does an event that happened years before a child is born automatically be used to keep a child in a wrongful arrest when the cop had no right to do so?

I would never harm my baby, I would never intentionally have her around illegal activities. How is me and my baby staying in a motel that costs quite a bit wrong for me to do? I'm suspect because I want to just be alone with my daughter and not have to deal with anyone keeping me distracted or her from taking her nap? I had friends I could have stayed with for free, I didn't want to be a third wheel and it was going to be for 3 days only.
the 7th caseworker i had was going to recommend an additional 6 months of services as I was graduating my class in a month and did everything required. Then he found the adoption / foster parents who submitted to an interview in the local paper on gay marriages and this is without my services being terminated I'm still reunifing they say in the paper how they are not thinking of getting married yet because they are adopting a daughter.

i have family my sister flew out from texas to talk in person since case workers would not return her calls, she qualified in her state for placement and case workers who told her she had a chance two months later say that my daughter is bonded with her 3rd placement. From the time my child entered their house they were insisting she call them mommy and moma everyone became a mommy to her it was confusing for her again months before trial even. this county does what it wants to if they don't like you or if you have a marketable non abused baby thats gold to them I have not been proven unfit. watch my video of visitation with my daughter screaming take me home i want to go home now.......she did not mean theirs she meant with me. She would cling to me and sit on my lap almost the entire time. and reports just said mother is appropriate and consistent with visitations.. but then report the child's laughter can be heard in the foster mom 's home ringing through out the home........your casa then do something do your job and help me if your job is really about the best interest of the child
I had my infant daughter with me who was handed over to cps only because of this arrest not because she was abused nor neglected.
Well, they certainly could not leave the infant there by herself!

Prior to contacting me the police officer had illegally searched a van parked out side on private property because he thought it had stolen reg tags on it which was not true they were for the yr it was last registered.
You say it was "illegally" searched? Has a court ruled the search as unlawful? if so, then I imagine the charges will be dismissed even if the DA decides to move forward.

3 cops bursted into my room telling me I committed a felony asking for the guy who rented this room.
Whose name was on the rental agreement in the office? Who paid for the room?

They told me I had stolen reg tags on my van. I said wait a minute that is not my responsibility and I know those tags are not stolen. The van is not mine and if I can use my phone I'll call the owner so you can take your issue up with him.
In case you do not know, registration tags have serial numbers on them ... those can be run, and the vehicle to which they were issued can be determined.

They started searching my room without consent and I said why are you doing this?
If you were under arrest, they could search incident to that arrest, though the area might be limited. Again, this is an issue for your attorney who can seek to suppress anything found that might have been outside the scope of the search.

I just wanted to be alone with my daughter and not bother anyone while my room mate had visitors I lost the money I paid for the room, I lost my child, I was put on prop 36 and numerous programs at the demand of probation and cps to regain custody of my non abused child illegally taken.
Okay, so ... you pled guilty. That means many options you might have had are now closed.

Were you on Prop. 36 BEFORE this arrest? If so, then that means you were on probation and searchable and testable from the get-go.

I told cps the charge was dropped, they said it may have been but the drug charges were not and I had no care taker for my baby. I knew no one would believe that stuff was in the van not my room and the cop lied, I asked for the return of my child and was told no.
CPS operates under different rules. However, they have to get a court to sign off on their custody so you might have to obtain an attorney to help you.

I suspect that there is more to this story as I doubt that the CPS and the police are involved in some grand conspiracy against you. I have seen many people get their kids back even when they really shouldn't have. If you are NOT getting the infant back, I suspect that CPS suspects there is more to you and your situation than you have revealed here.

Good luck.

- Carl
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