Wrote a check for a car and dealership never cashed the check

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New Member
I applied for a car loan with my CU. I bought a new vehicle from a dealership & wrote a personal check from the funds my CU put in my account for the purchase of a vehicle. Six plus months later, the check has not been cashed from the dealership. I received the title, tags & registration from the state with no lien holder. We have called and tried to get the dealership to cash the check and they have let to cash it. Where is my responsible at this point?
Where is my responsible at this point?

Where do you think it is?

I'll tell you where it is. You have to pay for the car and you have to make the payments on the loan.

Common sense suggests that you go to the dealer, walk into the finance office and say "I wrote you a check six months ago and it hasn't been cashed. What's up with that?"

Feel free to come back and report the results of your visit.
Please be aware that a bank may refuse to cash (or pay) a stale-dated check. What that means is that once they do cash the check, if it is refused, then it will be returned. You will need to replace that check. Of course, don't let them try to pin any fees on you for that.
Where do you think it is?

I'll tell you where it is. You have to pay for the car and you have to make the payments on the loan.

Common sense suggests that you go to the dealer, walk into the finance office and say "I wrote you a check six months ago and it hasn't been cashed. What's up with that?"

Feel free to come back and report the results of your visit.
Wow man! You may need to check your mental health. I have community the dealership many times and they will say we will check on it. I am pay the loan evert month. How about you stop ASSuming.

Wow man! You may need to check your mental health. I have community the dealership many times and they will say we will check on it. I am pay the loan evert month. How about you stop ASSuming.
BTW, looking for helpful information!
Wow man! You may need to check your mental health. I have community the dealership many times and they will say we will check on it. I am pay the loan evert month. How about you stop ASSuming.


Wow man! You may need to check your mental health. I have community the dealership many times and they will say we will check on it. I am pay the loan evert month. How about you stop ASSuming.

BTW, looking for helpful information!
Assuming that you meant "communicated with" the dealership many times. But, if you would slow down a moment, you would see that the suggestion was to go there in person.
Should have said that at the getgo, rather than implying that the dealer was doing something wrong.

The information you get is only as good as the information you give.


Get nasty again and you'll be banned from the site.
I am looking real help or a suggestion. If you want to assuming that I don't take care of my responsibilities, then ban me. I thought this was a helpful website. I didn't think I need to stress that I'm being responsible first.
I have a loaning I'm paying for. I wrote a check for a vehicle that has not been in over 6 mos, after the date of it being good. I have talked with both the CU and the dealership. Everyone is looking into it. In the meantime, I have tags/ title in my name and at a loss to what to do next. Any helpful suggestions?
Any helpful suggestions?

Yes. Re-read your original post and consider whether you actually asked an intelligible question. Then review your other posts in this thread and ask yourself why anyone would want to help you after you were a jackass to the people who tried to offer you helpful responses already.
Okay, never mind. This has been about how I write instead of help from this forum. I was really hopeful for support for my question that has turned to accusation and more frustration. It would have been nice if you asked clarifying questions if I did not write my question clear enough, not this.
Keep working with the dealer and the bank is about all anybody can tell you.

Guess we're done here.

Thread locked.

Respect the lock.
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