You have the RIGHT to say NO!

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army judge

Super Moderator
Take a look at this video :nuts :o :

You have the RIGHT to refuse police searches without a proper search warrant.

If you're smart, don't break their laws. :no:

Do stand up for you, because no one else will! :yes:

One last, but major point: Unless the police possess a warrant, you would be better off by NOT opening your door.
That could have ended badly for the almost smart guy!
Nevertheless, it went well.
Its never wise to confront armed, angry people; even if they wear badges and guns.
Keep your door locked at all times, the Big Bad Wold could have huffed, and puffed, and forced his way inside!!!
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That certainly could have gotten messy. Kudos to him for standing his ground. He should have shut that door much sooner, or never opened it.
Those deputies got suckered into the verbal nonsense. They weren't prepared for "no" and didn't know what to do.
That certainly could have gotten messy. Kudos to him for standing his ground. He should have shut that door much sooner, or never opened it.
Those deputies got suckered into the verbal nonsense. They weren't prepared for "no" and didn't know what to do.

I have known many good police officers.
You, sir, are one of the best ones I know.
You should run for sheriff.
You would be a great sheriff.
Someday, maybe when I'm ready for more stress in my life.

LOL, high sheriff certainly can't be more stressful than a jail deputy, or one on road patrol. LOL
Its far more political, though.
These days wearing a badge and sidearm ain't no picnic.

I'm sure the citizens of your county, or any county would support your candidacy.
You are one of the most level headed and fair minded officers I've known, and I've known a few.
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