Hello Irish223
A law governing a specific subject matter overrides a law that only governs general matters,OK?
IF there is no a law covering police questioning minor,when not in custody,then there is no lex specialis that would govern this,ok?
But that does not mean what you imply it means - that if there is no law prohibiting police questioning they are allowed to do it.Do you know why?
Because if there is no lex specialis that would govern this,THEN legi generali takes over AND GOVERNS THIS.The laws that regulate the general matters pertaining to consent of minors/legal competence of minors/official capacity of a police officer when interacts with citizens when on duty etc.
Lex specialis derogat legi generali (a law governing a specific subject matter (lex specialis) overrides a law which only governs general matters (lex generalis) )
Arguments "e contrario" are often used in the legal system, as a way to solve problems not currently covered by a certain system of laws.
Argumentum e contrario IS NOT logical fallacy,ok?
Lets use it.
THEN,By applying argumentum e contrario to Lex specialis derogat legi generali ,the result is - if there is no lex specialis,lex generalis governs.Ok?
That is called interpretation of the laws.
You call it debating.
Either way,you clarified nothing.
What did you clarify and where? The "simply not true" statements are clarity that you offer?
A law governing a specific subject matter overrides a law that only governs general matters,OK?
IF there is no a law covering police questioning minor,when not in custody,then there is no lex specialis that would govern this,ok?
But that does not mean what you imply it means - that if there is no law prohibiting police questioning they are allowed to do it.Do you know why?
Because if there is no lex specialis that would govern this,THEN legi generali takes over AND GOVERNS THIS.The laws that regulate the general matters pertaining to consent of minors/legal competence of minors/official capacity of a police officer when interacts with citizens when on duty etc.
Lex specialis derogat legi generali (a law governing a specific subject matter (lex specialis) overrides a law which only governs general matters (lex generalis) )
Arguments "e contrario" are often used in the legal system, as a way to solve problems not currently covered by a certain system of laws.
Argumentum e contrario IS NOT logical fallacy,ok?
Lets use it.
THEN,By applying argumentum e contrario to Lex specialis derogat legi generali ,the result is - if there is no lex specialis,lex generalis governs.Ok?

That is called interpretation of the laws.
You call it debating.
Either way,you clarified nothing.
What did you clarify and where? The "simply not true" statements are clarity that you offer?
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