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I was living with a boyfriend and he gave me a truck for Xmas three years ago, he's never had possession. He called because he wants the truck back now three years later. The original title was in both our names with the infamous OR which gave him the opportunity apparently to go to the DMV and put the title in his name. It has been on his insurance and he has used it on his tax returns. All seven of his other vehicles have broken down and he is wanting the truck back. Do I have to legally return the truck? Can I file a Civil suit to keep the truck? Value is 25K. He paid 43K cash off a credit card for it. Says that since he is still paying the credit card, its his truck.
I dont have much time to file. He did tell my kids and some other folks that it was a gift originally. Oh, I did say that if he wanted to give me 10K, i would go buy something else or we could trade the truck in and both have a vehicle. Thank you
You have a dispute that needs to be settled in civil court.
The first option for you is to ask your partner for your fair share so that you can avoid court.
That usually doesn't work, but is a necessary step.
If you can't come to an agreement then file a civil suit. If you can prove that you put something into that home, then chances are that a judge a judge will make sure you get your fair share.
There are likely various contracts involved with all this and it will all have to be sorted through. You can probably get a free consult with an attorney to determine your best course of action.
I see that you are an active member so I decided to throw this out there for your response.

I am a 50% member of a Delaware LLC that is licensed to do business in Mississippi.


LLC received grant/contract to build 125 homes from Mississippi Development Authority.

Required a $250K irrevocable letter of credit in leu of surety bond.

The other 50% partner who is also the managing member put up the cash into escrow.

Due to economy we could not get home buyers financed.

He got nervous and decided he wanted his $250K back which required a voluntary withdraw from the program.

He cut a deal with the state to forfeit a model home (that I paid 50% to build and is appraised at $112K) to get his $250K returned without penalty.

I want the money that I put into the house at least or better my 50% of the appraised value. As a member of the LLC can I put a lien on the model home?
After i stated my case the judge told me that he had to award the case because the judgement had already been set but i had so much evidence against this guy his lawyer was mad and him and the judge told me i need to get a lawyer to look in to my case' his lawyer said on record he would investagate these two cases and will not garnish me more than i truly owe i said sir i did not live there he asked me to wait a couple of weeks to hear back from him before i get attorney and i had copy of my energy bill stating i had been moved out 8 months before i said i was there. He didnt know the one who opened the case had been disbarred i had a copy of that also! I wish i would have went to court when he first sued me and he would have not won! I am not dumb but have done dumb things i swear to god i will never go to court with out a lawyer again! I felt all the reasons why i didnt go in the first place i stood no chance anyway
I am all american...Daddy was a full blooded Cherokee and mamma was Apache. Forgive me if I don't agree on all immagration.
i tried to tell you, i spoke very plain English in an effort to tell you what I was doing

However you can't read I guess and insist I'm ranting so have it your way

YOU and Patricia who is a bitch deserve each other
I have been renting a commercial wherehouse in Los Alamitos California for nine years. Recently I found out that the landlord has been renting me this space Illegally. The building looks like a old air craft hanger. When I first moved in it was totally open. Then the owner divided the up into seperate units. After nine years of paying rent on time the landlord is giving me a hard time. Out of three other tenants I am the only one that he wants out. After three years I asked him if he had pulled city permits to divide the building. He told me and another tenant that he had pulled a general permit. Just recently though he is being investigated by the city for subdividing without a permit. I would like to move. Can I sue the landlord for renting me a space that has been illegal for years. I just went to reapply for my buisiness license and I was denied for the his violations. Can someone please tell me the next step for legal action.
Im not sure what happened or exactly how to use this forum completely, I just see my thread states it has been closed and I cant post anything else with it. I came here to thank you though. Your replies have been great!
i find it REALLY interesting how all these people thank you but you have been nothing but rude to others! you should take a look at your own siggy line! peace i am out of here!
I'd follow your lawyer's advice.
He/she has probably noticed something very subtle that makes your "good" case a "weak" case.
Hello Army Judge,

A company posted blatant lies to defame me on this online forum. My lawyer told me to just remove my post, since he thinks that in a way I provoked them.

I'd like to hear your thoughts on this. They posted blatant lies and I can prove them wrong. So, is it really a good idea to just walk away? If I can prove them lying, wouldn't that help me in court to get them to pay up?

I think my lawyer is just trying to solve the matter with as little legal fees as possible. I.e. resolve it without going to court. So I guess it's not a bad idea to just delete the posts for now. I can always keep a copy that I can show later in court, if we do go to court.

Let me know what you think. Thank you very much Army Judge.
Ok so here is the predicament my fiancee and I are in. We let a friend of ours borrow on of our cars while theirs was getting fixed. Well his wife wrecked it, and then ran so a police report was never filed. We have liability only so even if we wanted insurance couldn't cover the repairs. The damage is worth $5,900 and they said they were only going to pay us $2,800 for it. It is a 2001 Toyota Tacoma with only 85,000 miles on it. With the money they are willing to give me the only vehicles I will be able to buy are worth a lot less and are probably not going to last us as long. We are both in the Marine Corps and he is getting ready to deploy so paying us back that money should not be a problem because of the extra money he will be receiving but he refuses. I was just wondering if I had a case for small claims to recieve the full value of the repairs for my vehicle.
Q's- 1) They say I owe +/-10k, but my orig paperwork shows <3k - what am I actually liable for? 2) I googled the lawyer & found him in a gen law directory, but no other info. Would that indicate he's a prob a bill coll & not workg 4 the CC comp? 3) Am I req to attend court for this event? & what would I need to bring or be prep'd with? 4) What personal assets; house, car, bank accts, income, ret accts, or pers possessions are subject to levy against? 5) If i rec a judgement against me, would that show on a criminal rec &/or credit rpt? I've never had an issue like this, & due 2 pers. difficulties in 2003, I incurred some financial troubles. I now live in TX & have worked hard to reinstate my financial independ. I realize this is a debt I am resp. for, or at least a portion -since it has been inflated so badly.. but I can't afford the monies they want!! can u help -- lost in texas!!
Army Judge I just rcvd ad notices from 3 diff lawyers saying a civil suit was filed by a CC Comp citing a case#. I pulled the doc # & it was listed in the county court sys. The bill was last pd in 2003 when I resided in a diff state, with a bal of about 3k left. I had tried to pay but they were rude & refused partial pymts & cxld the acct. Nothing has come in the mail, -it was only filed last wk according to the rec's. Q-s to follow.... lost in TX
Army judge thanks for the note of confidence, I will use all my skills to the best of my ability. Maybe I will even make you proud. The judge presiding is N. Keith Williams of the 216th District court of Kerr county, Kerrville, Tx., the court date is November 1st. Do you want to come and sit as second chair? Just joking but it sure would be nice to have some experience on my side. How is your wifes knee coming along, hope all went well and she is having a speedy recovery. Well I have documents to copy to send to the defendants lawyer so I guess im playing lawyer again. Dang maybe I need a job doing this!!!!
God Bless You and your Wife
Thanks again and stay in touch
Hey Mister thanks for the advice, but you should go back and read my thread cuz I didn't get to put everything until now.