Internet & Computer Law

Internet Law or online services law is closely related to Intellectual Property law but includes online privacy rights, protection of children (COPPA), canned spam laws, SOPA, e-commerce and jurisdiction in a virtual space. Computer law, dealing with forensics and electronic evidence, also has components closely related to and overlaps with copyright and patent law.


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Michael Wechsler
6 min read
Blackmail based scare tactics using email that are designed to frighten recipients into sending cryptocurrency to fraudsters, typically in Bitcoin, have reached even higher levels of attack sophistication. This article is designed to raise awareness of an increasingly popular...
Michael Wechsler
9 min read
If you haven't noticed, ICANN has recently approved dozens of new generic top level domains for registration with hundreds more on the way. These new extensions range from the legal (.ESQ for lawyers), to the identifiable (.XXX), to the geographic (.NYC and .VEGAS) and the utterly useless...