Ok, I wanted to know if legally I could do anything about this problem I have and whether it would be worth it to obtain a lawyer. I have just signed up today and not sure exactly how this works but here it goes, hope you can help.In July of last year I financed a 2004 toyota solara. Im 23 yrs old and did not have alot of credit history and I had a hospital bill and some fraud on my report that was also causing problems. So I needed to go to school and work so I needed a car and rather quickly so I went to the dealership, when reviweing my credit we discussed what would be my best option to wait and fix my credit report or purchase the car to improve credit. Ofcourse the financers recommendation was to take the care at the high interest rate and refinance in 8 months NO PROBLEM! I did alot of research and asked lots of questions but it was my first time financing so I thought I did my best. I asked the financer numerous times questioning refinancing and if i could definantly do it because my monthly payments would be really high. His answer was that there is no problem as long as you make all of your payments ontime, he said he does it all the time and even showed me refinances he was working on with people who had worse credit than mine. So I took the car now a year later I am trying to refinance and all banks are denying the loan. I have made all payments ontime including paying even more than I was supposed to on some months, I have not had any default and all of my credit cards etc are up to date, and one of the issues affecting my credit that has been disputed has been deleted from my credit report. So if anything my credit has gotten better definatly not worse. So the bank approved my loan at $15,000 and now all banks are denying me refinancing for $13,000. Now, alot of stuff before I tried to refinance started coming up regarding this car that just makes me think that this was a shady deal. almost a week after I bought the car toyota financial called me up and said that my loan wasnt approved. How was I driving around in a car for almost a week and not have been approved for a loan? so toyota called me and said that they needed to speak with my employer and the financer called me and said that he would take care of it(whatever that meant). So none the less I guess I was approved. So now, If technically I was never approved in the first place why would he continue to swear up and down that I would be able to refinance. Then when was going over my warranty information I was told that he gave me the best warranty they offer so after further review i noticed that when no box is checked on the warranty that meant the least coverage. So I called the financer and he told me to come in, when i went it he said they told me that no box checked meant the most so Ill just pick the one thats best for you. So he checked off a box on my form, but there were 3 forms when I signed 1 for me 1 for him and 1 for warranty company so what does checking a box on my paper really do? I still to this day have no idea what my warranty entails and dont know how to even find out. So when I bought the car I was told that I was getting the best deal for my car in regards to price, he even called the owner infront of me to get permission to offer me the car at that price(yea I know good salesman). So he printed out a page from kelley blue book showing me how much my car was worth which was 18,000 and I was paying 14,000, I researched and saw the same information and that toyotas hold there value really well. So now when I went to refinance the person that did my financing does not work there anymore, come to find out not many of them do as apparently there was a lawsuit and toyota cleaned house because they were doing alot of illegal things. So anyway now working with a new financer they estimate my car and estimate it at $9,500 ?? So I said how can that be I even looked up trade in value on blue book and saw that it was worth atleast 11,000-12,000. They said that they do not use kelley blue book because that it not accurate. How is it that they do not use kelley blue book when thats what the showed me to prove my so called great deal? and furthermore how can they not use it when toyota.com has a button estimate your cars trade in value and what does it use?? Kelley blue book! So how was my car a great deal when I purchased it at $14,000 and now not even a year later im only offered 9,500 and now because of my high interest rate my loan is upside down (possibility for why they wont re-finance). So with all that I am now literally stuck in this car I cant refinance and I cant sell it because I would end up still owing thousands in the end. On top of all this after bringing all of my information to the new financer i was looking over my documents and noticed another lie he told. He talked me into a force tracker(vehicle recovery device) he told me that he was not charging me for vehicle etching for the force tracker and when I was signing the papers I noticed that It showed a charge. So when I asked him he said that he didnt charge me but had to write it for insurance or financing reasons. He even worked the math showing me I wasnt charged but when I looked at the papers the other day and really sat there and did the math I was charged. I know that these car people will tell you anything and I did lots of research to avoid that from happening and I also know that people get taken advantage of all the time but I would have never ever taken this loan had I not been promised over a million times by him that I would have No problem refinancing. Is there anything that I can do? I am only 23 yrs old and cannot afford to stay in this loan and I hoping that there is something that I can do, especially since apparently this branch was on T.V and has cleaned house and installed cameras and recording devices in all finance offices now because of some incidents that I cannot seem to find any information on. Please Help!!!