Biden: "I Would Have Thrashed Trump Mercilessly, Had THEY Allowed Me to Run!!!

army judge

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President Joe Biden continues to insist he would have beaten President-elect Donald Trump in the November election had he remained in the race.

Despite polls showing a majority of Americans say his time in office will be viewed negatively by history, and despite Democratic Party leaders forcing him off the party's national ticket in July after a pathetic debate performance, Biden told USA Today he could have done what Vice President Kamala Harris failed to do — defeat Trump.

"It's presumptuous to say that, but I think yes," the 82-year-old Biden said.

However, when asked whether he had the vigor to serve another four years in office, he responded: "I don't know."

"So far, so good… but who knows what I'm going to be when I'm 86 years old?" Biden told the outlet.

In late-December, The Washington Post reported Biden believed he should have stayed in the presidential race despite both his debate effort and low job approval ratings. In fact, he and some of his aides have told people recently he could have defeated Trump, according to the Post.

Biden used the USA Today exit interview with the media outlet to discuss his time in the White House, what he might do in his final weeks in office, and what he old Trump when the two men met after the election.

The president said he's considering preemptive pardons for anti-Trump public figures such as former Rep. Liz Cheney, R-Wyo., and former senior health official Dr. Anthony Fauci. At the time, Biden added that his decision would be based "a little bit" on whom Trump named to top administration roles.

Trump is nominating Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi to head the Justice Department and former federal prosecutor Kash Patel to head the FBI.

Biden said he urged Trump not to go forward with threats of retribution against his enemies.

"I tried to make clear that there was no need, and it was counterintuitive for his interest to go back and try to settle scores," Biden said.

He was asked for Trump's response.

"He didn't say, 'No, I'm going to ...' You know. He didn't reinforce it. He just basically listened," Biden said.

Biden has held relatively few press conferences and individual media interviews during his term, and now appears to be conducting select sessions to help affect his legacy.

Politicians who have been successful naturally think they can win any race they enter. They have to believe to go the through the slog of a campaign, especially for president. So I'm not surprised that Biden believes he could have won.
well 80 plus something million votes from all the unions, mobs, and no telling where else or how else they got those votes from proves Biden had something or someone else behind him. He received more votes than O'Bama or any other Democrat in the history of our country in the 2020 election.

He didn't or hasn't even denied the Ukraine payoffs and his crack headed son being on their board. Biden could have won had he had the same system in place which saw him allegedly get 86 million votes. He very well could have won again but the DNC would not allow that to happen. I for one am happy that we no longer have to deal with Biden in the white house. I figure he will be dead within 18 months or so and good riddance.
Oh he probably could have had a better chance than Kamala because apparently this country thinks only rich old white men can be President. It's pretty clear they don't want a woman President.

To be clear - I am no fan of Hilary's but she would have been 1000 times better a President than Trump as would Kamala - and I also don't agree with a lot of what she said but she is far more qualified. Trump is a racist, sexist, misogynistic, xenophobic, sexual predator, felon. I swear if he was anyone else no one would vote for him but for some reason he's gotten a hold on some people.

Remember Howard Dean? All he did was yell and he was out of the race. Just an energetic scream. That was the end of the world but then Trump - mocks disabled reporter (should have been the end of him), admits to sexually assaulting women...the list goes on. Felon. Sexual predator (held civily liable for sexual abuse) and grifter his cultists think he's some god. It's super weird and sad...and pathetic.
Oh he probably could have had a better chance than Kamala because apparently this country thinks only rich old white men can be President. It's pretty clear they don't want a woman President.

To be clear - I am no fan of Hilary's but she would have been 1000 times better a President than Trump as would Kamala - and I also don't agree with a lot of what she said but she is far more qualified. Trump is a racist, sexist, misogynistic, xenophobic, sexual predator, felon. I swear if he was anyone else no one would vote for him but for some reason he's gotten a hold on some people.

Remember Howard Dean? All he did was yell and he was out of the race. Just an energetic scream. That was the end of the world but then Trump - mocks disabled reporter (should have been the end of him), admits to sexually assaulting women...the list goes on. Felon. Sexual predator (held civily liable for sexual abuse) and grifter his cultists think he's some god. It's super weird and sad...and pathetic.
I know people getting buy out letters in government positions, Trump has tried to stop grant funding as well.

I tell you want, I didn't vote for Trump to do this. He better get his horses in check because Trump needs some adjustment.

He wants to lower the deficient have the billionaires who were at his inauguration give just 2 percent of their net worth to the cause. The deficient would be paid for in 2 years.
I know people getting buy out letters in government positions, Trump has tried to stop grant funding as well.

I tell you want, I didn't vote for Trump to do this. He better get his horses in check because Trump needs some adjustment.
This may be the first statement you've made about Trump that I agree with. There's a lot Trump's team is doing that voters had no clue were coming and some of those who voted for him might have voted differently if they had known.

Trump is working hard to make America a better place for billionaires like himself. That's why he got as much support from billionaires as he did. None of them particularly care what happens to all the rest of the population even though those are the very people who made many of them rich in the first place.
This may be the first statement you've made about Trump that I agree with. There's a lot Trump's team is doing that voters had no clue were coming and some of those who voted for him might have voted differently if they had known.

Trump is working hard to make America a better place for billionaires like himself. That's why he got as much support from billionaires as he did. None of them particularly care what happens to all the rest of the population even though those are the very people who made many of them rich in the first place.

Well when it affects my family and those who I love. I tend to get pissed, but yeah I had no idea what Project 2025 is or was but I have read parts of it. While my beliefs are definitely conservative and I do realize what Trump is trying to accomplish. It however should not come off the backs of average hard working employees of the federal government. It also affects me and my lively hood as well since I deal a lot with grant funding projects throughout the country. That was stopped by a Judge and Trump decided not to pursue it any longer.

He wants to make something more productive then BAN all senators and representatives from being able to invest either through others or themselves nor benefit financially from the investments of legislation they pass or deny. There is ways to do it that doesn't affect Federal employees who take the constitutional oath of office as well. To serve the people something so far Trump hasn't been doing very well.
Well when it affects my family and those who I love. I tend to get pissed, but yeah I had no idea what Project 2025 is or was but I have read parts of it. While my beliefs are definitely conservative and I do realize what Trump is trying to accomplish. It however should not come off the backs of average hard working employees of the federal government. It also affects me and my lively hood as well since I deal a lot with grant funding projects throughout the country. That was stopped by a Judge and Trump decided not to pursue it any longer.
Well, those of us who didn't vote for this are a tad pissed, too. And not overly sympathetic to the now pissed ones who voted for it. FAFO.
Well when it affects my family and those who I love. I tend to get pissed, but yeah I had no idea what Project 2025 is or was but I have read parts of it. While my beliefs are definitely conservative and I do realize what Trump is trying to accomplish. It however should not come off the backs of average hard working employees of the federal government. It also affects me and my lively hood as well since I deal a lot with grant funding projects throughout the country. That was stopped by a Judge and Trump decided not to pursue it any longer.\

I agree. Some of Trump's goals I agree with. But I don't agree with the way he's going about it. It should not, as much as possible, come at the expense of hardworking middle and lower class citizens, whether in government or out. His scatter shot approach to some of these things are baffling to me. It's like the old saying shoot first and ask questions later. The problem with that strategy is that it's overkill. The person that gets shot may well have been the person able to help solve the problem, had he or she been given the chance. Similarly his focus on revenge is not productive nor does it help the American people.

Attempting to fire all the FBI agents who had anything to do with January 6 investigations is simply vindictive. Nothing more. If a agent violated the law or Justice Department rule in investigating that stuff then that agent may be a legitimate candidate for dismissal. But Trump isn't going that route. He wants to simply fire anyone who had even the slightest role in those investigations without making any effort to determine who was doing the job correctly and who wasn't. Just because Trump doesn't like the outcome doesn't automatically mean the officer did a poor job.

To serve the people something so far Trump hasn't been doing very well.

Well said. From what I see, Trump has so far been putting the settlement of personal scores over his duties as president. I know from decades dealing with people that it can be hard to put aside personal animosity to work together for a good outcome. That's human nature. The best leaders don't hold grudges for years like Trump does. They instead move forward to more productive things rather than wallowing in the past. The few really good aides that Trump has could help him a lot with that, if he'd let them. My guess is that personal pride is standing in the way of Trump accepting their recommendations.

If Trump really focuses on the issues facing the nation rather than getting caught up in side issues and petty fights he could do some good things, if he chooses to do so. He needs to keep in mind that his time to really make a positive difference is limited. If the Democrats retake control of Congress in the mid-term elections it'll be a whole lot harder and slower for him to achieve anything.
Attempting to fire all the FBI agents who had anything to do with January 6 investigations is simply vindictive. Nothing more. If a agent violated the law or Justice Department rule in investigating that stuff then that agent may be a legitimate candidate for dismissal. But Trump isn't going that route. He wants to simply fire anyone who had even the slightest role in those investigations without making any effort to determine who was doing the job correctly and who wasn't. Just because Trump doesn't like the outcome doesn't automatically mean the officer did a poor job.
Seems to me that you have taken on the role of the legacy media in reporting distorted and false narratives. Maybe you do it on purpose. Or maybe you do it because you are ill informed.

There is an ongoing investigation into what roll was played by each agent involved. Those that were field agents that were assigned to investigate and just did their jobs are not the target of the investigation. The directors of field offices and higher ups are the targets. He is not going to fire anyone who had even the slightest role in the investigation without making any effort to determine who was doing the job correctly and who wasn't.

Why would you or anyone be surprised at the breakneck speed of what Trump is doing? He, unlike most politicians, talk a good game and do nothing when elected. Trump told you exactly what he would do if elected and he is doing it. He is draining the swamp and cutting all the wasteful spending among many other things. That is something most Americans find refreshing.
Trump told you exactly what he would do if elected and he is doing it.

Actually Trump did not say exactly what he would do should he be elected. On most issues he was very vague about what he'd accomplished and even more vague on exactly how he'd do it. Make no mistake, his efforts here are not a noble effort to purge bad agents as Trump very much wants the public to believe. It is nothing more than retribution for agents doing things that Trump just didn't like. That Trump doesn't like what they did is not by itself good grounds for terminating a federal employee. So far Trump's term has started with a large dose of retribution. He wants to settle old grievances. I think he needs to let go of the Jan 6 episode and instead look forward to solving the problems we have today rather than taking up valuable and limited presidential time by looking back at old wounds.
So... sort of like he would make an effort to only pardon those J6 protesters not involved in any violent behavior? How did that work out?
That is what he said he would do. But when he saw the pardons and commuted sentences that Biden granted, like 37 on death row or the entire J6 committee etc., in his last days, he said and I quote, F***k it, pardon them all.
That is what he said he would do. But when he saw the pardons and commuted sentences that Biden granted, like 37 on death row or the entire J6 committee etc., in his last days, he said and I quote, F***k it, pardon them all.
I suspect he was too lazy. Besides, had to gaudify the Oval Office (seriously - have you seen how tacky it looks?).
I suspect he was too lazy. Besides, had to gaudify the Oval Office (seriously - have you seen how tacky it looks?).
I don't see you complaining much (not at all) about all the pardons that Biden made on his way out. Talk about tacky including all his pre-emptive pardons.
I don't see you complaining much (not at all) about all the pardons that Biden made on his way out. Talk about tacky including all his pre-emptive pardons.
Because I didn't have any issue with those pardons - it was made clear that those people would be retaliated against for doing their jobs. The J6 idjits (the ones who were violent/destructive) were tried, convicted, and sentenced. Many already had criminal records. Quite a few have already been re-arrested for other alleged crimes. Apples and oranges. IMO.

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