Trump to cut taxes on Social Security

Instead of speaking in generalities, how about giving some examples of how Trump is going around Congress in running the executive branch?

Here are two examples that prove you incorrect in your statement. doing it by attempting to do it by either going around Congress when Congress must approve it or creating or terminating agencies, another power given to Congress rather than the President,

Both USAID and the Dept of Education were created by Executive Order. They were not created by Congress. Any agency created by Executive Order can be terminated by Executive Order. Congress has nothing to do with it.

If you want to talk about a power grab, let's talk about the Judicial Branch interfering with the President's ability to run the Executive Branch.
"If you want to talk about a power grab, let's talk about the Judicial Branch interfering with the President..." Did you not learn about checks and balances? The judicial branch is there as one of the checks to reign in anyone as President trying to push the limits of the executive.

USAID was not created by an EO. It was created by the Foreign Assistance Act - a law.

"USAID was established in 1961 by President John F. Kennedy to unite several foreign assistance organizations and programs under one agency. Statute law places USAID under "the direct authority and policy guidance of the Secretary of State"."

"Congress passed the Foreign Assistance Act on September 4, 1961, which reorganized U.S. foreign assistance programs and mandated the creation of an agency to administer economic aid."

"Congress authorizes USAID's programs in the Foreign Assistance Act, which Congress supplements through directions in annual funding appropriation acts and other legislation."

"Congress also passed the Foreign Affairs Reform and Restructuring Act of 1998, which established USAID as an "independent establishment" outside of the U.S. Department of State."

Yes Kennedy signed an EO - but the Congress made it an official agency under law.

The Department of Education was also created by law, by Congress. Not an EO.

"In 1979, with bipartisan support, Congress created the Department of Education through the Department of Education Organization Act (DEOA), in order "to strengthen the Federal commitment to ensuring access to equal educational opportunity for every individual.""

It took me a minute to find all this information. Please learn some media literacy and how to look up information before posting misinformation in the future.
It took me a minute to find all this information. Please learn some media literacy and how to look up information before posting misinformation in the future.
I addressed the formation of DOE and USAID in post #47. Go read it. You are incorrect about the USAID.

However, you are not correct on USAID. The Foreign Affairs Reform and Restructuring Act (FARRA) did not create the agency by an act of Congress. The act refers to its creation by JFK's Executive Order although it had a different name and purpose. There is no establishment clause in the Act as an independent agency. The FARRA was a reorganization plan to consolidate agencies on foreign affairs and reallocate their functions. All the FARRA did (with respect to USAID) was change the name and give oversite and control to the Secretary of State.

Specifically says the following:

(a) IN GENERAL.—The Secretary is authorized, subject to the
requirements of this division, to allocate or reallocate any function transferred to the Department under any title of this division, and to establish, consolidate, alter, or discontinue such organizational entities within the Department as may be necessary or appropriate to carry out any reorganization under this division, but this subsection does not authorize the Secretary to modify the terms of any statute that establishes or defines the functions of any bureau, office, or officer of the Department.
PLAN.—The reorganization plan transmitted under section 601 may not have the effect of—
(1) creating a new executive department;
(2) continuing a function beyond the period authorized
by law for its exercise or beyond the time when it would
have terminated if the reorganization had not been made;
(3) authorizing a Federal agency to exercise a function
which is not authorized by law at the time the plan is transmitted to Congress;
(4) creating a new Federal agency which is not a component
or part of an existing executive department or independent
(5) increasing the term of an office beyond that provided
by law for the office.
Click to expand...
No tax on tips and OT is just a poor idea. Social security is based on ones income history. No income tax on OT and tips just removes money from the individuals SSA bank and lowers their benefits in the future.
Don't you think we should wait to see how this shakes out before we make assumption? Just because tips and OT may not be taxed as income, it may still be used to compute SSA and Medicare taxes.
Assuming, of course, that either of these entities continue to exist...
this is true, Musk has already called it a Ponzy scheme. I think they would like to drastically revamp it or eliminate it entirely.
Did you guys get your SSA checks this month despite all the fake news about shutdown and delays. I got mine right on time.

If you feel the need to pontificate about what will happen to SSA and Medicare, have your fun. You are just showing how little you know about what it would take to do away with either, it's not on the table and it will never happen.
Did you guys get your SSA checks this month despite all the fake news about shutdown and delays. I got mine right on time.

If you feel the need to pontificate about what will happen to SSA and Medicare, have your fun. You are just showing how little you know about what it would take to do away with either, it's not on the table and it will never happen.

Figured it out, yeah I am not on SSI yet but planned to be in 10-15 years if I can make it that long. SS of course may no longer be around by then. I am for purging the rolls of claims which should not be paid. However, it was designed to help those in retirement. Eliminating or messing around with it is bound to hurt a lot of people, yourself included.
Figured it out, yeah I am not on SSI yet but planned to be in 10-15 years if I can make it that long. SS of course may no longer be around by then. I am for purging the rolls of claims which should not be paid. However, it was designed to help those in retirement. Eliminating or messing around with it is bound to hurt a lot of people, yourself included.
Remember, it's not SSI you're going to be on, it's SS.

SSI is for the disabled with no work history
Don't you think we should wait to see how this shakes out before we make assumption? Just because tips and OT may not be taxed as income, it may still be used to compute SSA and Medicare taxes.
Yes, continuing to increase outflow while decreasing inflow is likely in this time of budget slashing.

My bad professor
Did you guys get your SSA checks this month despite all the fake news about shutdown and delays. I got mine right on time.

If you feel the need to pontificate about what will happen to SSA and Medicare, have your fun. You are just showing how little you know about what it would take to do away with either, it's not on the table and it will never happen.
I don't get SSA. But I'm sorry - I don't trust a word out of muskrat's mouth. Or T***p's.
The biggest issue with Social Security is that every dollar of money the gubmint confiscated from workers was IMMEDIATELY, SUMMARILY deposited into the GENERAL TREASURY ACCOUNT.

Once the funds were deposited, they were easily spent on other gubmint boondoggles, idiocy!

However, all of those supposed Social Security collections should have been sheltered/protected in a Social Security confiscations account, one that allows for the account overseers/managers to invest the collections, thereby INCREASING account holdings, not SQUANDERING same!
The biggest issue with Social Security is that every dollar of money the gubmint confiscated from workers was IMMEDIATELY, SUMMARILY deposited into the GENERAL TREASURY ACCOUNT.

It doesn't quite work that way, though your general premise is on point. Government agencies borrow from SSA to finance some of their activities. They agencies borrowing the money do pay interest when the bill come due. In 1937 that was a sound idea considering the country was still in the great depression and loaning out the money in the private sector would have been at considerably higher risk. The problem is nobody really looked at that practice again after the depression ended.

The more pressuing problem of how keep the trust fund financially stable was caused by the lack of foresight to ask "what happens when the number of people drawing payments rises faster than the work age population. They didn't do it because the U.S. had never experienced that problem and nobody thought it ever would happen. That's what you get when politicians design these kind programs instead of having professional finance analysts do it.
It doesn't quite work that way, though your general premise is on point.

What you describe may not precisely mimic my point, but its so darn close, I see no incongruency, although you do, because my point ignores your revised premise.

Anyway, disagreeing doesn't make us enemies. We're each entitled to hold the beliefs we determine are in our own, best interests.
Did you guys get your SSA checks this month despite all the fake news about shutdown and delays. I got mine right on time.

Yes, my wife and I both received our Social Insecurity money.

Thanks to the new "fairness in SS law", my wife even received a large bonus payment, along with her monthly annuity from the Texas State Teachers Retirement System.

In addition, my Army pension arrived on time, and the amount of my owed remuneration was paid in full, three days early than usual.

None of the current shucking, jiving, shenanigans interfered with my monthly law firm retirement, or 401K disbursement from my Deloitte & Touché years.

I'm enjoying every day of my well deserved retirement, along with my recent lawsuit jackpot!!!!
Yes, my wife and I both received our Social Insecurity money.

Thanks to the new "fairness in SS law", my wife even received a large bonus payment, along with her monthly annuity from the Texas State Teachers Retirement System.

In addition, my Army pension arrived on time, and the amount of my owed remuneration was paid in full, three days early than usual.

None of the current shucking, jiving, shenanigans interfered with my monthly law firm retirement, or 401K disbursement from my Deloitte & Touché years.

I'm enjoying every day of my well deserved retirement, along with my recent lawsuit jackpot!!!!

Sweet story, welp my friend. Come April of this year all people who newly register or if you have to make a change will have to verify their identity at a local office according to DOGE in order to keep receiving payments. Many offices have shut down in my state so those getting new benefits will have to wait in long lines and maybe travel great distances.

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