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  1. J

    Alcohol & Drugs: DUI, DWI report written on a dui ALL LIES? (WA)

    an article I found for you..sinced you refused they take your license. DUI/DWI laws January 2008 Washington State -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- All 50 states and the District of Columbia have per se laws defining it as a crime to drive...
  2. J

    Alcohol & Drugs: DUI, DWI report written on a dui ALL LIES? (WA)

    If you cannot afford an attorney, they should appoint you one for free.
  3. J

    Discrimination at Dollar General Store

    I worked in a store as a manager. Even we we did find someone shop lifting, we were not allowed to embarrass the customer, we would be sued if we did that. If you have any witnesses, I suggest you contact them. We did however have the right to deny anyone service... But, again, we could not...
  4. J

    Alcohol & Drugs: DUI, DWI report written on a dui ALL LIES? (WA)

    Blood test? In PA, if you refuse a breath test, you then have to get a blood test. The police take you straight to the hospital and they draw blood...did they do that?.. check and make sure what procedures your state has...
  5. J

    is this wrongful termination?

    In pa we have the PA State Dept of Labor & Indusry..You will have one also in your state.. They can not with hold your pay for any reason. They have to pay you. You can file a complaint with the dept. of labor. They can file charges if they want, but they better have the proof. I am not an...
  6. J

    New Here ..some advice or direction would be appreciated.

    First, I would like to say I am new and trying to figure out exactly what this site is.. Is it legal help or not? I see people have asked questions about legal advice and yet they get a response of "this is not for legal advice".. so what is this or can you point me in the right direction...