
  1. R

    Back out of Rental/Lease agreement

    long story short... My daughter lives in a college town/city(upstate NY) and had a misunderstanding with her boyfriend and decided to move out. she haphazardly agreed online to a new college apartment lease. we all know what happened next, they worked out the misunderstanding and she tried the...
  2. S

    Making a Lease Land Lease Question

    If someone Leases a section of Land to a Business, who is responsible for the Insurance covering the Land and Business activities in question. The Landowner or the Business Leasing the Land? Thanks
  3. A

    Solar lease default

    Hello! I'm in need of advice to determine if I have any legal protections or should hire an attorney. My ex husband got the house in our divorce. I was removed from the deed/mortgage through refinance and he also transferred the solar lease to him at that time. This was in 2016. My ex has had...
  4. M

    Lease ending on 11/22/23

    Hello everyone. My lease ends on 11/22/23. Living on maricopa county. The question that I have is when is the last day I can be in my apartment? 11/21/23 or 11/22/23? Happy holidays!
  5. M

    Business Contracts Breached Lease Termination Agreement

    Hello, Recently I discovered a lawsuit was filed against my company by our previous commercial landlord. We began to fail to pay rent halfway through COVID due to government restrictions (lockdowns by state, LA county, etc...). However, for the entire first half of the COVID lockdowns we...
  6. J

    Auto Lease - Title 12 Chapter X Part 1013(l) (Right of Appraisal)

    Regulation M states..... "Right of appraisal. If the lessee's liability at early termination or at the end of the lease term is based on the realized value of the leased property, a statement that the lessee may obtain, at the lessee's expense, a professional appraisal by an independent third...
  7. L

    Giving 30 day notice instead of 60

    My boyfriend lives in a big fancy apartment building owned and managed by a large corporation. His lease was to be up on July 22nd and they sent him an email 3 months prior telling him that if he wished to renew, his rent would be going from $3,800 to $4,800 (note the typical CA rental controls...
  8. K

    Breaking a Lease Able to Break a Lease Due to Excessive Noise from Neighbors?

    Hi, To be as concise as I can, I moved into an apartment early May. Immediately I realized I had noisy neighbors who love to party and blast their music all through the weekend nights. Since then, my weekend sleep has been ruined. But the noise is not just constrained to the weekends - it...
  9. H

    Modifying a Lease Landlord trying to charge me when I'm no longer on the lease

    Hello, I removed my name from the lease 1.5 months ago. Paid 350$ for it and moved out. Now the current lease holder has an outstanding balance. They emailed me saying I owe this even though I'm no longer on the lease with them saying "the contract they have on file is the one with me still on...
  10. P

    Owed 2K on a lease at the end of my term, car got repossessed, now I owe 19K+ when I made payments

    Thank you for contacting BMW Financial Services We have enclosed copies of your Lease Agreement, notice of late payment policy and auction sale breakdown for your review. In review of the account, we determined you were provided documents required by your state regulations. your vehicle was...
  11. S

    Refund Money up on agreement regarding terminating lease

    I was looking for a place to move in, and found a room to share with another roommate online. I went to see the unit (day 1)and confirmed the 6month term by email(day 2). I paid security deposit and first month rent, total $3000.The email base agreement was very simple and basically says like...
  12. J

    Hunting Lease use of Easement

    I have a situation that I can't seem to find any clear information on surrounding the use of an easement on my property. I own 600 acres of planted trees and in the furthest back corner of our property is about 300 acres that is land locked due to a non-navigable waterway that keeps the...
  13. D

    Help interpreting lease Early termination.

    Daughter is moving back home from Florida due to family illness. From what I can tell below, she is required to give a 60 day notice, and an early termination fee of $2596 which is 2 months rent. She was only in apartment a couple months, so there is no damages. Will she be responsible for...
  14. B

    If 1 year Lease converts to month to month are both parties liable even if one moved out?

    I was curious if Bill Handle (on the Law - on KFI Radio Los Angeles) was right. He said that if there were two signers to a year lease and it then converted to month to month thereafter - and the girlfriend decided to stay, but the boyfriend didn't - Bill said that the boyfriend would forever...
  15. A

    Breaking a Lease Breaking Lease Penalty Blank?

    My wife and I are looking to move states soon, and will need to break our lease. We noticed when looking through the lease agreement to plan what to pay that the space for the penalty is entirely blank. No boxes checked, no dollar amount specified. Does this equal zero, from a legal standpoint...
  16. Y

    Moving out by the end of lease without a 45 day notice

    Hi, I am on a monthly lease with my landlord, and was planning to move out by the end of this month (also, the end of my lease). I gave a 10 day notice while the lease requires a 45 day notice. Now my landlord said that since I only gave a 10 day notice, I should pay the rent for next month. I...
  17. E

    Lease specifies break-in damage paid by tenant

    Here's the situation: On a month-to-month lease in an apartment building that was acquired by a new management company. They are asking for a new month-to-month lease to be signed. There is a clause in the new lease that states: "In the event of a break-in or forcible entry to the property the...
  18. M

    landlord lease breach issue

    i was moving to a new state for a job on short notice and found a listing on zillow for rent in the area which was the only one available originally listed available on 3/1 however i spoke with the landlord and they said they could have it ready a couple days early on 2/27 which was great cause...
  19. G

    Extension, Renewal lease amount clarification

    Hi Our relative is trying to understand why they keep sending him a larger bill than in the lease. The lease has an asterisk, but it's not clear to me if it means the amount is variable or not from the amount next to the signature I'm attaching the lease below Lease Agreement in HPD Multiple...
  20. R

    Car Lease Purchase option

    I have a leased car that's ending in a couple months. Problem is, it's in my husband's name and he passed away earlier this year. I did call the leasing company and sent them a copy of the death certificate and they had no problem with me continuing payments. I'm interested in buying it and...