15 and pregnant


New Member
Can my parents force me to have an abortion??
Yes i am 15 years old and i accidentally got pregnant by my boyfriend (16 years old)
Can my parents force me to have an abortion??
Yes i am 15 years old and i accidentally got pregnant by my boyfriend (16 years old)
No, they can not.

How do you plan on supporting this child? Finishing school? Do you have any idea how stressful and difficult being a parent is?...No, you do not because you, yourself, are still a child.
Minor females have a constitutional right to make their own decisions on reproductive choices that involve them. The U.S. Constitution gives women the right to choose whether they want an abortion, and this also applies to female minor children, too. The decision is hers alone, and no parent can force a teen to have an abortion.

The decision to have an abortion must always be voluntary and independent. A parent who tries to coerce a daughter to have an abortion may also face legal charges for child abuse, battery or other violations.

In addition, parents of pregnant teenagers also cannot force the child into placing her baby for adoption. The only exception to this rule is if the pregnant teen's life is in danger due to a medical emergency or risk of medical harm, like in the case where the minor's life is at risk if the pregnancy is continued. In such a case, the teen's parents may have the right to permit an abortion against the pregnant girl's wishes.

Does the Alleged Father Have Any Say in My Decision Regarding an Abortion?

The father generally has no legal say in the decision-making process. The decision is usually completely up to the pregnant teenager. The father's consent is unnecessary and he also has no legal right to be notified. However an unmarried father may be responsible for future child support and other obligations.

Abortion Rights of Minors | LegalMatch

Forced Abortions | Standing With You

Forced Abortion | The Justice Foundation
No you didn't. You may not have intended the pregnancy, but it absolutely was not accidental.
I was going to respond with something along this line, but then I realized that it's not entirely apt. If we were to apply the same logic to other things in life, would we have to stop calling them "accidents"? I drive, but if I get hit by another car, I don't call it an unintended collision; I call it an accident (assuming, of course, that it was actually not intentional).
To answer your question, your parents cannot force you to abort. Be aware that, in PA, abortions are (currently) legal to 24 weeks (5.5-6 mos). That said... (sorry, non-legal stuff coming, but important stuff anyway...)

You need to think seriously about how you see this playing out. Marrying the young man is out of the question. PA law requires both of you to be 18 - no exceptions. Realistically speaking, the young man is unlikely to stick by your side. Yes, it's possible, but 16yo boys aren't always the most... monogamous of creatures.

So, where does that leave you? A 15yo girl, with a heavy responsibility - both to yourself and to your child. While PA doesn't generally allow dropping out until 16 (w/your parents' consent), having a child is an exception that bypasses that to allow it earlier (w/consent). Bad idea, to be honest. There are few jobs you could get at your age that would provide what you need to support your child. While your parents are required to provide necessities for you, they aren't required to help you care for your child - they don't have to provide daycare while you go to school or work, they don't have to babysit so you can go out with your friends or just want a break, they don't have to get up to feed/change the baby at night, etc. That's all on you.

Any hopes you may have of "life" after high school (assuming you graduate) will radically change. Going away to college will be out. Work or work/community college will be about it. Social life? Assuming your current b/f doesn't stay, few 18/19/20 yo men are overly interested in young women who have the responsibility of a child. A lot of your girlfriends will drift away, as well. You all will simply no longer have much in common, not to mention you won't really have much time, nor the resources to pay for frequent sitters.

Alternatively, abortion is an option. So is adoption, as cbg mentioned. That's not an easy decision to make. And, IMO, one that should be considered seriously. Adoption options are greater today than they were in the past. Open adoptions are more common than they used to be and can be framed in many different ways, based on both your and the adoptive parents' wishes. You also have more control regarding who adopts the child. It can truly be a wonderful gift - to both the couple who opens their home and to the child.

As an example, my daughter and son-in-law just recently adopted an infant, via an open adoption. The birth-mom chose them, based on their application, a video they prepared, and an in-person meeting. AFAIK, the agreement provides for a minimum of three visits/year (as birth-mom desires) and monthly photos/updates.

Take some time to think - seriously think - about what is best for you at this stage of your life, as well as (if you choose to keep the pregnancy) what is best for the child. While you are still a child (yes, you are, stop rolling your eyes at me, young lady!), you are in an adult situation and need to make an adult decision. Give it the seriousness and maturity it deserves.

Best of luck.
Can my parents force me to have an abortion??
Yes i am 15 years old and i accidentally got pregnant by my boyfriend (16 years old)

No they cannot.

No one "accidentally" gets pregnant. I'm sure it was unplanned - but it's a risk when you have sex even if you both use birth control since no birth control is 100% and if you don't take birth control medication properly, it won't work right.

It's your choice and no one else's. It's ultimately up to you but you don't have an extreme amount of time to figure it out. Also you better weigh your options if you do keep this pregnancy going and give birth. Do you want to keep it? Adoption? If you do keep it, do you know how you'll support the child? Will your boyfriend stick around?

I had my kid at 32 and I'll tell you right now, it's not easy for adults raising kids, let alone at 15. Plus pregnancy almost killed me. I had preeclampsia and had her a month early. Add in the physical toll it took on my body...those are other things to think about as well because pregnancy is not easy and the US has the highest maternal mortality rate of any developed nation - and it's even worse for women and girls of color.

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