15 year old Girl dating a 30 year old


New Member
My friend is fifteen and is dating a 30+ year old.

Her name is LuLu
(please don't use anyone's REAL name, I changed her name to protect her privacy; and so WE don't get sued Your mod, AJ)
and has been telling people she was born in 1995 but she is fifteen.

The thirty year old mans name is Juan
(please don't use anyone's REAL name, I changed his name to protect his privacy; and so WE don't get sued Your mod, AJ)
and they are both public on Facebook about the relationship, but all her friends are still in middle school or just starting high school and no one is doing anything about this.

He should know how illegal and wrong this is.

I dont really know who to contact or if I could call the police department or if this could be the way for you guys to help and have an investigation or something .

Thank you for your time. I want to make sure my friend is okay.
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If you are concerned about your teenage "friend" dating a 30 year old man, I suggest you tell her parents.

If that won't work, an anonymous tip to your local police MIGHT help her, or your local child protective services agency.

When school opens up, you could report the matter to a teacher, or school administrator.
If they are simply dating (i.e. holding hands, going to the movies, etc.) then this is deviant and sick behavior but not - in and of itself - criminal. However ANY form of sexual activity will be a felony! Or, depending on the activity, MULTIPLE felonies.

They might want to read up on PC 261.5, PC 288, PC 288(a), to begin with. He could end up in prison and a registered sex offender for the rest of his life.

Your friend's "boyfriend" (and, he's not, he's a pervert with a sick obsession, and he will almost certainly dump your "friend" the minute she no longer looks like a kid) is sick. You need to alert her family and the authorities. This can be done anonymously, perhaps with the assistance of a counselor or someone at your school who can report the Facebook postings to the police or CPS.
Even if they are just dating (holding hands, going for ice cream......) & no sexual activity, this is still just very wrong/sick. I'm with CdwJava & army judge - someone needs to be alerted.
I strongly suggest speaking to your school guidance counselor. Most do work over the summer. Certainly the school administrators do and they are trained on how to handle these situations. Your friend needs help. I'm going to guess her parents aren't going to be much use if this is happening under their watch now.
Agree... the easiest way for you to address it is by telling a teacher/principal or someone at school.
Whether there is any sexual activity or not there are ways of putting a quick end to it.

PC 272 was not mentioned above. That is my go to code for stuff like this.
Of course to charge PC 272 we'd have to show that the adult was in some way contributing to the child's disobeying their parents, committing crimes, or otherwise falling under W&I 601 or 602. But, it is well worth considering depending on the facts.

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