I was convicted of m-1 theft in 1995, and I believe I had the record EXPUNGED not SEALED, 1 year from the date in 1996. I work for a government agency and they run a check every 6 months, I have had several BCI and FBI checks ran by my university's police department so that I can make school visits, and I passed an FBI check done by a nationwide company that works directly with the FCC. However, when I look up expungement laws in Ohio online, it says "that no adult record in Ohio can be expunged only sealed." Is this true and if so, is this a new law? Also, who has access to my expunged record, if it doesn't come up on LEADS, OHLEG, BCI, or FBI checks? Last, if I am applying for employment in a public school district and the application asks if I have ever had a record sealed or expunged, do I have to divulge this information if it is not coming up on a background check? I am at a loss here, please help