Criminal Records, Expungement Adult Expungement laws

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I was convicted of m-1 theft in 1995, and I believe I had the record EXPUNGED not SEALED, 1 year from the date in 1996. I work for a government agency and they run a check every 6 months, I have had several BCI and FBI checks ran by my university's police department so that I can make school visits, and I passed an FBI check done by a nationwide company that works directly with the FCC. However, when I look up expungement laws in Ohio online, it says "that no adult record in Ohio can be expunged only sealed." Is this true and if so, is this a new law? Also, who has access to my expunged record, if it doesn't come up on LEADS, OHLEG, BCI, or FBI checks? Last, if I am applying for employment in a public school district and the application asks if I have ever had a record sealed or expunged, do I have to divulge this information if it is not coming up on a background check? I am at a loss here, please help :)
If the application asks if you have "ever had a record sealed or expunged" you must say yes. It does not automatically disqualify you, but if they find out you lied it will automatically bar you. It sounds like you are asking if you can lie and get away with it. That's the very problem they are trying to avoid when looking at your record. They want to know if you are honest. BE HONEST. Answer the questions truthfully and let it go at that. 1995 was a long time ago.
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