An Afghanistan Thread

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Are you calling me a "demon"? :eek::rolleyes:

Most all politicians lie. That is a sad fact. Until trump and his minions I had never seen the lies spew forth so openly and shamelessly.

If the shoe fits? Trump is not President. Blaming other Presidents is a 100 percent loser move belonging to Joe Biden.

Keep watching the liberal news media, they tell ya what you should do.
What lies would they be? Since there are so many of them you shouldn't have any trouble listing a few.

Trump is en-grained into liberals heads. All their failures, all their short comings, all their fears are summed up in Trump. Can't be their own decision making as they have an excuse for everything. Especially their so called democracy which resembles a Unicorn Candy-land Oligarchy.
Most all politicians lie. That is a sad fact. Until trump and his minions I had never seen the lies spew forth so openly and shamelessly.

And what exactly did Trump lie about? While I will admit he wasn't the best President we ever had he kept or tried to keep more campaign promises than any President I can think of.
And what exactly did Trump lie about? While I will admit he wasn't the best President we ever had he kept or tried to keep more campaign promises than any President I can think of.

The man wasn't aloof.
He was just a rich guy stuck with common people's ways.
While I will admit he wasn't the best President we ever had he kept or tried to keep more campaign promises than any President I can think of.

I don't think so. He actually succeeded in completing very few of his promises. He wasn't more wildly successful in carrying out his promises than other presidents. In particular, he did very little to help the average Trump supporter — he didn't do much to improve wages, didn't actually bring many jobs back to the U.S. and the tax bill he got through Congress cut taxes for the rich and corporations by a lot but did not do much for middle and lower income Americans. He talked a good game to his supporters, but like most politicians, the follow through was lacking.
I don't think so. He actually succeeded in completing very few of his promises. He wasn't more wildly successful in carrying out his promises than other presidents. In particular, he did very little to help the average Trump supporter — he didn't do much to improve wages, didn't actually bring many jobs back to the U.S. and the tax bill he got through Congress cut taxes for the rich and corporations by a lot but did not do much for middle and lower income Americans. He talked a good game to his supporters, but like most politicians, the follow through was lacking.

No, but for 4 years he had companies on their heels trying to come back in. Instead of domestic companies moving out of America and foreign companies moving in. People usually tell you their intentions if you listen. It was nice to have a President who cared about America instead of one who empowered our enemies.
It was nice to have a President who cared about America instead of one who empowered our enemies.

I don't think Trump cared much about America. He cared mostly about himself. He didn't really try to help out his middle and lower income supporters, though he talked a lot about what he was going to do for them. He had a few successes, it wasn't all bad, but overall he rates as the worst president in my lifetime in my book.
I don't think Trump cared much about America. He cared mostly about himself. He didn't really try to help out his middle and lower income supporters, though he talked a lot about what he was going to do for them. He had a few successes, it wasn't all bad, but overall he rates as the worst president in my lifetime in my book.

I don't think you care much about America, and prove it every post you make.
I don't think you care much about America, and prove it every post you make.

I care very much about America. I suspect you do, too. Or at the very least I'm willing to give you the benefit of the doubt on that. Do you think that unless someone thinks just like you do that they aren't true Americans? Sometimes your posts, like one above, looks that way. America is not about everyone thinking exactly alike; if that's what you want, try communist China — it's all about everyone thinking alike. No, America is about everyone having the freedom to believe what they want and to be able to voice that opinion. Me having a different opinion from you does not make me any less a patriot than you. You having a different opinion from me does not make you any less a patriot than me.

Clearly we have very different views on Donald Trump. Nothing wrong with that. I'd be more worried if everyone had to have the exact same views of the President and worship him/her as their "dear leader". If you want that, North Korea would be awesome for you.
I care very much about America. I suspect you do, too. Or at the very least I'm willing to give you the benefit of the doubt on that. Do you think that unless someone thinks just like you do that they aren't true Americans? Sometimes your posts, like one above, looks that way. America is not about everyone thinking exactly alike; if that's what you want, try communist China — it's all about everyone thinking alike. No, America is about everyone having the freedom to believe what they want and to be able to voice that opinion. Me having a different opinion from you does not make me any less a patriot than you. You having a different opinion from me does not make you any less a patriot than me.

Clearly we have very different views on Donald Trump. Nothing wrong with that. I'd be more worried if everyone had to have the exact same views of the President and worship him/her as their "dear leader". If you want that, North Korea would be awesome for you.

LOL, pretty sure all the programs the democrats have come up with over the past 8-12 years including Social Equity, Critical Race Theory, a whole other National Anthem for one group of people, et. al. fit your definitions of socialism found in other third world countries. I could care less about Trump but at least he didn't look at his watch during patriots funerals, negotiate with terrorists and welcome them on the world stage. Too many people are on government assistance to make a real difference any more. Just keep the money coming, until you end up living in a China. Again, I see more commonality with democrats and socialist communists then I see from the Republicans.
I don't think so. He actually succeeded in completing very few of his promises. He wasn't more wildly successful in carrying out his promises than other presidents. In particular, he did very little to help the average Trump supporter — he didn't do much to improve wages, didn't actually bring many jobs back to the U.S. and the tax bill he got through Congress cut taxes for the rich and corporations by a lot but did not do much for middle and lower income Americans. He talked a good game to his supporters, but like most politicians, the follow through was lacking.
You must live in a parallel universe.
it sucks we are all screwed, the MSM continues to edit and show Biden in good light.

In reality he stumbles around like a lost dementia patient looking for the bathroom or an escape from the local nursing home.
I could care less about Trump but at least he didn't...negotiate with terrorists

He was the one who negotiated the withdrawal agreement with the Taliban without any input from the Afghan government. I think that was a mistake, one compounded, of course, by Biden's handling of that withdrawal.
You must live in a parallel universe.

Perhaps it is you that lives in a parallel universe? Who's to say? In matters of opinion, you are no more right than I am, and vice versa. I'm sure you strongly believe that you are right and that only you can be right. Such is the way of America today, each camp so self assured it is right and unwilling to even acknowledge that others have right to some other opinion. That hardening of positions on both sides is what will tear this country apart.
He was the one who negotiated the withdrawal agreement with the Taliban without any input from the Afghan government. I think that was a mistake, one compounded, of course, by Biden's handling of that withdrawal.

You are correct, but he also told the Taliban leader that he knew where he lived and if he broke the agreement he would take him out. Once feeble old senile career politician Joe became President the deal was off and the Taliban was able to regain control of the country.


I believe it more to do with resettling Terrorist non-screened refugees than about an actual withdrawal.
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