An Afghanistan Thread

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I don't think so. Trump may have handled it differently if he were still in office, but not likely any better. Trump was not ever one that was particularly good at military matters. That was not one of his strong points.

You are WRONG, Soleimani would say HI if he could. Trump told the Taliban leader that he knew where he lived and he would take care of him if he crossed him. With Biden in charge he was able to walk all over them. Would not happen, but keep believing what ever it is you believe.
I don't know about that TM. ISIS pretty much got rolled up during the Trump administration.

She/ he/ they won't believe you, they/ she./ he believes what they believe and they are entitled to it. When they bring the refugees here which they will, when they attack us again which they will, and when more innocent people die which they will. They can at least say hey we beat the Orange Man, I just hope they/ he/ she have enough character to admit that the larger east/ west coast areas suffer the most from these liberal policies.

Oh well, Trump warned them and every one said that you get what you vote for. No one wanted to enforce voter laws in those states that fraud occurred so they have to suffer through it except they aren't they are moving by the droves from the East/ West coast to middle America to flee the crap zones they created just hope they don't turn our states Blue too.
They can at least say hey we beat the Orange Man, I just hope they/ he/ she have enough character to admit that the larger east/ west coast areas suffer the most from these liberal policies.

I am no liberal and no fan of Biden. California is a mess in a lot of ways in no small part because of the very liberal policies it has pursued for decades. But I loathed Trump as a president. IMO he was a terrible leader, a terrible conservative, completely dishonest, and was at least as corrupt as the Clintons ever were. That didn't surprise me at all because of what I knew of the man even before he ran for the job in 2016. I'll be glad if we can replace Biden in 2024 with a conservative candidate who is far more suited to the job than Trump ever was. Given the current state of the Republican party with its overabundance of diehard Trumpers in it, my hopes on that are not very high right now, but we still have three years for a stand out candidate to emerge.
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The Republicans will have several good choices in the next 3 years. Hope it works out but will be very difficult with all the current situations.
And as with all dictatorial governments.

KABUL (Reuters) - Taliban fighters in the Afghan capital, Kabul, started collecting weapons from civilians on Monday because people no longer need them for personal protection, a Taliban official said.

"We understand people kept weapons for personal safety. They can now feel safe. We are not here to harm innocent civilians," the official told Reuters.

City resident Saad Mohseni, director of the MOBY group media company, said on Twitter that Taliban soldiers had come to his company compound to enquire about the weapons kept by his security team.

Doesn't that second paragraph sound a lot like anti-gun people in the US?
@PayrollHRGuy , I find lots of similarities between socialist democrat policies and those of communist/ dictatorship countries. No doubt that their philosophies came from the same cloth if you will.
If hadn't been for Commie- eyed Joe, I would have a lot more of my dough,

whure did ya come from, whure did ya go, whure did you come from Commie- eyed Joe?

The United States needed to be in the Sandbox.... Without putting our troops in the sandbox for 20 the whole VA health care system, various VA depts would of collapsed. We are running out of Vietnam veterans. It is a total mess of what is happening now. Biden needs to strike and strike them hard.....
The United States needed to be in the Sandbox.... Without putting our troops in the sandbox for 20 the whole VA health care system, various VA depts would of collapsed. We are running out of Vietnam veterans. It is a total mess of what is happening now. Biden needs to strike and strike them hard.....

Biden is a WEAK feeble leader just doing what the globalist liberal democrat machine tells him to do. He is not in charge but rather a conduit for the large 5-6 liberal globalists to control the country.
Demon crats are the worlds greatest liars and will protect themselves and allies at all costs. You should know that.
Are you calling me a "demon"? :eek::rolleyes:

Most all politicians lie. That is a sad fact. Until trump and his minions I had never seen the lies spew forth so openly and shamelessly.
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