Awaiting Summary Judgement decision in a EEOC case

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EEOC Case: On August 9, 2012 the moving party submitted a motion for summary judgement before the Judge. The complainant was given up to Oct 1, 2012 to respond. Complainant responded on Oct 1, 2012.

Question: It has been just over 6months since the motion was sent forth. Is there a general time frame in which the administrative judge issue a decision as to hold a hearing or issues a judgement.

Question: Are there any legal actions, and or motions one can take to receive a decision from the administrative judge, without angering the judge?
EEOC Case: On August 9, 2012 the moving party submitted a motion for summary judgement before the Judge. The complainant was given up to Oct 1, 2012 to respond. Complainant responded on Oct 1, 2012.

Question: It has been just over 6months since the motion was sent forth. Is there a general time frame in which the administrative judge issue a decision as to hold a hearing or issues a judgement.

Question: Are there any legal actions, and or motions one can take to receive a decision from the administrative judge, without angering the judge?

Six months?

Heck, these cases take 10 or 15 times that, if NOT more.
The EEOC info does say generally 180 days but could take longer depending on the case & how busy they are. I think they are busy a lot! :)
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