Bloody Assize Court Records 1813-1818

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Bloody Assize Court (Oyer and Terminor), 1814-1818

Is anyone interested in discussing an historical case study on "High Treason"? My transcriptions are lengthy, but if interest is high, perhaps it would be worthwhile to post?

A few years ago, I quite accidently discovered the lost court case records for the Assize Court Hearing (Oyer and Terminor), 1814 to 1818. These are the original scroll transcriptions, complete with ribbons and wax seals.

Petition on my behalf to the Ontario Supreme Court for a copy of my ancestral court case took about one year, but proved successful in the end, yielding permission to copy the entire court proceeding. In the meantime I have conducted some research and discovered some very interesting case law points of interest, including a three day debate concerning these cases arguing the nature of "high treason", within the US Congress on these very court proceedings, and a thesis by Honourable Ontario Supreme Court Judge, William Riddell (1929).

To begin with, the index card (records currently located in the Ontario Archives) was misfiled behind the misfiling of my early family records. The family records themselves followed a pre-1900 index system, but the Assize Court record index was clearly misfiled, and had to occur post 1953 when they were transferred from the Osgoode Law School vault to the Ontario Archives. Judge Riddell's thesis places a footnoted reference to another family ancestor (MPP 1792), which is more than a little curious.

I have translated the clerical script of my ancestor's case, and have also received a legal opinion on the court proceeding itself, from present day British magistrates who have researched ancient British law on my behalf.

Some points of interest:
1) British law in 1765 allowed anabaptist the ability to give testimony via "affirmation". This wasn't allowed in these Assize Court proceedings, and not available to Upper Canadians until 1830. British Lt. Gov. Drummond had to wave "martial law" to allow the Upper Canadian Legislature the mandate to conduct the court case under local jurisdiction, yet no record has been found for the suspension of "Martial Law" in 1813 or 1814. In the Overholtzer case, the absence of "affirmation laws" had a direct impact on the indictment of innocent citizens. Though the King's pardon came too late to save Overholtzer's life, his lands were still confiscated and his family evicted there from.

2) In my ancestor's case, the sole witness for the Crown was the enemy officer, Col. Cyrenius Chapin of the NY militia. Curiously he would receive a large land grant near Fort Erie in 1818.

3) An 1851 court challenge was dismissed when the government refused to release details of this Assize Court to the challengers. An opinion is revealed in Hon Ontario Supreme Court Judge William Riddell's thesis on this case.

4) The US Congressional debate on the nature of "High Treason" reveals insight as to when a government defaults it's obligations from its citizens through "abandonment".

5) 10,000 Upper Canadians would apply to the US for refugee status in 1818. This represented a full 1/7th of the population of that time. The Niagara Peninsula's "Great Discontent of 1818" which history records, but to date has no definition, may well have centered around Assize Court decisions and its effect.

6) The US Congressional debate would reverse a previous negative Congressional decision about offering Land Grants to US soldiers. This reversal opened up the US midwest to mass migration, launching the next phase of Jefferson's "Manifest Destiny", which would also issue "Land Warrants" to Canadian Refugees.
British Common Law and Precedence

Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't the body of precendent case law of British Common Law the foundation of the system as a whole?

If a specific case law is willfully kept secret from access, how does this subvert the overall system as a whole?

I can understand how a specific case is subject to being "sealed" in an ongoing hearing, but what about one that is approaching 200 years old?

Would this be eligible for special consideration?

Appeal to the British Parliment, or Queen of England perhaps?

- macccomb
Selected segments

I've tried to pare down the reseach. It does break into three distinct sections;
1) The Overholser case study
2) The US Congressional rhetorical debate
3) Hon William Riddell's thesis

But try as I might I can't trim to meet the forum posting limitations.
I will set up a separate email for communications.
Stay tuned.
Peace, Order and Good Government

OK, I think you can send me email now, as I've changed the Forum preferences.
I'll send my first section on the Overholser Case Study, which does speak directly as precedent, to "Peace, Order, and Good Government" as found in the introductory to the 1867 Constitution Act, Sec 91, and the major power granted to Parliament.

This particular item is VERY current and has changed in it's weight of interpretation over the years.
Published thesis

My entire account was published by the Niagara
Historical Society in 2001. If you have access to
them, it may facilitate exchange.

Since that time, the transcription of my ancestor's case
has revealed more though, and subsequent thesis submissions
by other expert contributors have expanded the historical context and story.

I can see where you had a distinct advantage to clue 5.
The DaVinci Clue is closed.
help me

ok hi

im sorry i had to do this to reach u :D
i need ur help!! :confused:
i posted a thread in a divorce category for people to help me but as i see people read and never respond :(
if u can read and respond please help me
and if u cant please pass this to some german u know or any one who can help

tigress said:
ok hi

im sorry i had to do this to reach u :D
i need ur help!! :confused:
i posted a thread in a divorce category for people to help me but as i see people read and never respond :(
if u can read and respond please help me
and if u cant please pass this to some german u know or any one who can help


Actually, people do respond but we've had to do some cleanup here because of the mess that has been created by online marketers, promoters and the need to prevent some people here from being inundated with emails. If there is something we need to address, just let us know using our contact form!
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