BREAKING NEWS: 24 Hours & Counting; Trump 56% Odds of Winning, Harris only 44%

The siege has been broken, by the new, improved, SUPERSIZED Trump version5.0!!!!

Given the signs of decline that Trump has shown over the past four years he's certainly not today an improved version of himself. His rants over the last week of campaigning demonstrated just how disconnected he is from reality. I just hope our Republic can survive the even greater chaos that his second term will bring over his first. If Congress and the courts do their jobs and reign in his worst impulses it may not turn out too badly. If they just follow blindly what Trump wants, it may turn out great for Trump and his billionaire friends, but not likely the rest of us. He's demonstrated amply over the last eight years that he only cares about one person — himself. It's all about him. He doesn't give a damn about anyone else.
They may be, but I certainly am not.

True, sorry you feel that way but with the popular and electoral vote this is the most historic election in our history. Passing the torch to JD Vance will be EPIC. I hope he lives up to the hype if not the democrats need to regroup and come up with a message that reaches voters.
Given the signs of decline that Trump has shown over the past four years he's certainly not today an improved version of himself. His rants over the last week of campaigning demonstrated just how disconnected he is from reality. I just hope our Republic can survive the even greater chaos that his second term will bring over his first.

I choose not to disagree with your opinions.

In fact, in our "soon to be great again nation", we're all free to express ourselves.

Having played a small part in keeping our nation free, I encourage you to feel free as you avail yourself of your First Amendment privilege to speak your mind, share your ideas with other like minded folk.

I'm still rejoicing and giving thanks to God Almighty for allowing President Elect Trump to survive a despicable, devious, demented assassination attempt, and choosing him to lead this wonderful country through another four prosperous and safe years.

May God bless and protect the United States of America, her citizens, and all of her elected officials and public servants.
True, sorry you feel that way but with the popular and electoral vote this is the most historic election in our history.

LOL, I understand you being happy at your candidate winning but it is far from the "most historic election" in our history. You have little knowledge of our history if you believe that. There is no chance that Trump will be a more consequential president than the likes of Washington, Jefferson, Jackson, Lincoln, etc. Unless, perhaps he's consequential in a negative way by bringing disaster to the nation. I think Trump is bad, but I hope he's nowhere near that bad.

His election is not even the most impressive electoral win. That record is held by FDR in his second election in 1936, taking 98.5% of the electoral vote. (I'm excluding Washington because he ran unopposed.) It's very unlikely that any candidate, at least in the near future, will come even close to that record, let alone surpassing it.
LOL, I understand you being happy at your candidate winning but it is far from the "most historic election" in our history. You have little knowledge of our history if you believe that. There is no chance that Trump will be a more consequential president than the likes of Washington, Jefferson, Jackson, Lincoln, etc. Unless, perhaps he's consequential in a negative way by bringing disaster to the nation. I think Trump is bad, but I hope he's nowhere near that bad.

His election is not even the most impressive electoral win. That record is held by FDR in his second election in 1936, taking 98.5% of the electoral vote. (I'm excluding Washington because he ran unopposed.) It's very unlikely that any candidate, at least in the near future, will come even close to that record, let alone surpassing it.

I realize you are an ANTI trumper but he is only 1 of 2 Presidents to have served a nonconsecutive 2nd term. Grover Cleveland and Donald Trump -- but unlike Cleveland who won the popular vote but lost the electoral college. Trump did both winning the popular vote and the electoral college. Stock markets are UP and celebrate the 47th President of the great USA.
I realize you are an ANTI trumper but he is only 1 of 2 Presidents to have served a nonconsecutive 2nd term. Grover Cleveland and Donald Trump

While that is in itself notable, it tells us nothing about what kind of president Trump will be in his second term. The stock market reaction today (to the extent it reflects sentiment about Trump and not due to other factors — the market goes up and down all the time) is also not a good indicator of what kind of president he'll be. The proof will be when the man takes office on January 20 and begins to govern. Will he be less chaotic than the last time? I doubt it given that lately he's made more bizzarre claims and crazy conspiratorial statements than ever before. He has a tendancy to lose focus, even more than his first term during which his staff was noted for saying Trump couldn't, and wouldn't, read a briefing document more than one page long.

The truth is that Trump loves the attention of being president but he doesn't like actually doing the job. And that's not necessarily fatal to a good presidency IF he surrounds himself with really good people AND listens to them. Trump's track record on that score is not a good one.

He hired folks like Rudy Guiliani, Stephanie Powell, Betsy DeVos, Ben Carson, etc and had a revolving door of advisors, most of whom he didn't listen to and whom he fired the moment they stopped licking his boots and had the spine to disagree with him. Given that I'm not holding my breath that his appointments will be any better this time around.

At this point, what kind of really capable people are going to want to tie their future to the Trump train when by most accounts he's unpleasant to work for, they are unlikely to be able to use the job as a springboard for something better, and, if they avoid getting fired, will be out of a job in four years and will catch part of the blame should things go badly? He had trouble the first time around getting stellar people especially once his style of governing became apparent. I don't see him doing better now.

The one bit good news in this is that no matter what, in four years we will be Trump free. He'll be ineligible to take office again and the Republicans will have to nominate someone else. If the candidate they choose is Vance he'll lose unless he somehow improves his appeal beyond his far right wing base or the Democrats nominate a true socialist (like Sanders or AOC) for the job. The Republicans need to move beyond MAGA to govern at the national level. Trump won in no small part due to his oversize personality and celebrity status. No other MAGA candidates can pull in the kind of support Trump managed to get. If the party isn't capable of moderating some of its more extreme positions it may well find itself out of the White House and perhaps a minority in Congress for a long time after Trump. In that case, I may finally have abandon the party and become an independent. The Republican party no longer stands for the things that I believe are important, in large part due to Trump. If the party can't free itself from the grip of MAGA after Trump I'm gone.
While that is in itself notable, it tells us nothing about what kind of president Trump will be in his second term.

Humans often try to judge other humans, but one simply need only observe the divorce rate, murder rate, family violence rate, as well as other simple indicators to understand just how clueless we are.

Some people like apple pie, others prefer pumpkin, lemon, or even blueberry.

You pays your money, trying to obtain your choice.
It wasn't to protect us from a corrupt inner cities where crime and corruption run rampant. It was to protect us from a tyrannical government; one that kills airport directors for selling guns, and breaks down doors to kill a pet squirrel and racoon.

Finally, we have been unburdened by what has been.

Inspiring Kamala Harris Quotes to Strengthen Your Willpower

injustice, and a climate crisis. We have a lot we need to handle in the days ahead but I know together we can get it done. – Kamala Harris

You never have to ask anyone's permission to lead. Just lead. – Kamala Harris

When I look at young girls and boys, and they look at me, they see themselves, and what they can be. That's the weight that I carry, and the joy of the weight. – Kamala Harris

Single women in politics are viewed differently than single men. – Kamala Harris

To everyone keeping up the fight, you are doing something. You are the reason I know we are going to bring our country closer to realizing its great promise. – Kamala Harris
The principle that each person has an equal vote can easily be achieved with our current technology and there is no principled reason any more for keeping it now that the Senate is elected by popular vote just as the House is. If you want to keep the electoral college merely because at present it favors Republicans then you aren't interested in fairness but rather in amassing as much power for your party as possible. I consider that an un-American view and the way of dictators rather than being supportative of democracy.
I find it ironic that you want to do away with the electoral vote in favor of the popular vote to elect the President. Trump won both in this election. He would have won either way so you should be happy that the people have spoken and supported democracy.
If the party can't free itself from the grip of MAGA after Trump I'm gone.

Where are you going, leave the Country or the party? What's wrong with Make America Great Again? Why wait. More and more people are registering republican each year. Good riddance.
While that is in itself notable, it tells us nothing about what kind of president Trump will be in his second term.

From my seat in the peanut gallery, President-elect Trump will outperform the original version of former president Trump [AKA45] UPON becoming President Trump [AKA47] on 20 January 2025.

Number 46 was defective and useless from beginning to end. I'll happily celebrate it's departure on 20 January 2025!
Trump was no politician when elected 45. He was a businessman. There was a huge learning curve, and he has acknowledged that he got a lot of bad advice on his appointees in the first years, bad advice on policy. And still he did great things for the Nation.

Trump today is not the Trump elected 45. He is still a businessman, but he has the experience of swimming in the swamp for 8 years. He will be a great 47!
Odds betting on a UK gambling site aren't a very reliable indicator of which candidate will win, especially as a number of those betting on that site are not U.S. citizens.

The oddsmakers did as well as some of the posters, as regards the candidate who prevailed in the recent US presidential election.

However, not to blow my horn, but if I recall correctly, yours truly was extremely accurate and prescient in prognosticating the person and the party who actually stomped the opposition candidate on Tuesday.
However, not to blow my horn, but if I recall correctly, yours truly was extremely accurate and prescient in prognosticating the person and the party who actually stomped the opposition candidate on Tuesday.

Given the polling leading into the election you had a 50% shot to get it right, as did all those who were making predictions, so I don't see any of those predictions as being a sign of any great political insight. If Harris had won it would not have been a sign that those predicting her win had any great political insight either.
Trump was no politician when elected 45. He was a businessman. There was a huge learning curve, and he has acknowledged that he got a lot of bad advice on his appointees in the first years, bad advice on policy.

If Trump in fact has admitted that then there is at least some hope he learned something from his first term. That would be one of the few statements of his I'd agree with.
And still he did great things for the Nation.

You and I evidently have a very different view of what counts as "great things" as I saw little from Trump's first term that I would call great.

Take, for example, his 2017 tax act, about which he boasts at every opportunity. It did little for the middle class, but did reward his fellow billionaires and big business with lower taxes. That has the effect of shifting tax burden to the rest of us. It also added huge amounts to the national debt, something that Republicans have traditionally opposed, because Trump made no serious attempt to cut government spending by the amounts needed to offset the drop in revenue. And that tax act counts as one of his most significant "accomplishments" of his first term.

Trump likes being president but he doesn't like actually doing the job all that much. Because of that I expect more chaos and frequent flips in policy stances this term than he had in the last.

The main thing that I see that Trump got right was hardening the trade stance with China. China is no longer an underdeveloped country that needs generous trade deals to help bring up its economy. So his first term wasn't all bad. But it wasn't what I'd call great either.

Trump today is not the Trump elected 45. He is still a businessman, but he has the experience of swimming in the swamp for 8 years.
He only swam in the "swamp" as you put it for 4 years. The last 4 years he's been on the sidelines. He talked a lot during the last four years crowing about how great he is, but that doesn't count as experience in running the government. He is certainly not the same man he was in 2016. He's suffered mental and physical decline since then. Not a surprise as that happens to many people his age. We see that decline in Biden too. But that decline isn't something I'll count as a plus for Trump.
He will be a great 47!
Again, I think you and I have a different definition of what "great" means.

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