Bully (10th grader) burns 9th grader on back of arm with a lighter.

Bully burned my family members arm with a lighter at school. Left a 2" second degree burn. Filed charges with police, but what can be done? Justicewise?

I suggest you ensure your loved one is counseled and receives appropriate medical attention.

Unless the child is your son, YOU can do nothing.

If the child is your son, what can be done will be determined over the next three to six months.
Filed charges with police, but what can be done? Justicewise?

I would say reporting the matter to the police was a thing that "can be done . . . [j]usticewise." Since this happened at school, I would expect the younger child's parent(s) or guardian(s) will seek to have the school impose discipline on the older child. And, if they really want to go all out, the parent(s)/guardian(s) could file a lawsuit against the older child (and maybe even the older child's parents).

Anything beyond that might stretch the concept of "justice" a bit.

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