Can I start immediate danger process in Jefferson county if I divorced in oct 2020 in Umatilla co?

Anal bleeding and you didn't take the kid in?????? Yeah I get it healthcare is expensive but it doesn't matter when your child is injured or abused. Anal bleeding is more than a spanking. Spanking shouldn't result in any bruising or anal bleeding. And on a two year old?????

It's not going to help you that you didn't take that child in for those injuries to be looked at. And you not reporting it but taking pictures could be turned against you that you did it. If the dad has a lawyer they'll definitely try to turn it on you.

The fact you didn't report it a judge could deny reducing visitation because it looks like you weren't that concerned.

I'm just saying if my kid came home from visiting anyone and had bruising and anal bleeding I'm taking her to the doctor. And whoever hurt her better hope the cops get them before I do.

It's not that simple, there has been 2 reports made to DHS, DHS doesn't do anything other than to say they are concerned. I brought all this information, videos, pictures, medical reports etc about my kids, I also brought all my pictures injuries to the Umatilla judge while resolving divorce and custody, this man didn't even want to hear about it or look at any evidence, I wasn't even allowed to even present my case. My frustration is enormous, I'm not supposed to call the police, this is what DHS said but to contact them first, then they do the police thing, but they don't do any, I'm tired and desperate of no one helping me and my kids, my daughter has been diagnosed with PTSD, I take her every week to her therapist, medical bills are all over my fridge, all I want to know is if I can start a new process in Jefferson county while the case was "resolved" in Umatilla county, please stop judging me, this has been hard for everyone in my family. Please help me with an advise of how to manage my case because don't think my attorney has any idea.
It's not that simple, there has been 2 reports made to DHS, DHS doesn't do anything other than to say they are concerned. I brought all this information, videos, pictures, medical reports etc about my kids, I also brought all my pictures injuries to the Umatilla judge while resolving divorce and custody, this man didn't even want to hear about it or look at any evidence, I wasn't even allowed to even present my case. My frustration is enormous, I'm not supposed to call the police, this is what DHS said but to contact them first, then they do the police thing, but they don't do any, I'm tired and desperate of no one helping me and my kids, my daughter has been diagnosed with PTSD, I take her every week to her therapist, medical bills are all over my fridge, all I want to know is if I can start a new process in Jefferson county while the case was "resolved" in Umatilla county, please stop judging me, this has been hard for everyone in my family. Please help me with an advise of how to manage my case because don't think my attorney has any idea.
What you may not understand is that your word is immediately suspect. Especially with all the photos... A doctor's report is more credible.
It's not that simple, there has been 2 reports made to DHS, DHS doesn't do anything other than to say they are concerned. I brought all this information, videos, pictures, medical reports etc about my kids, I also brought all my pictures injuries to the Umatilla judge while resolving divorce and custody, this man didn't even want to hear about it or look at any evidence, I wasn't even allowed to even present my case. My frustration is enormous, I'm not supposed to call the police, this is what DHS said but to contact them first, then they do the police thing, but they don't do any, I'm tired and desperate of no one helping me and my kids, my daughter has been diagnosed with PTSD, I take her every week to her therapist, medical bills are all over my fridge, all I want to know is if I can start a new process in Jefferson county while the case was "resolved" in Umatilla county, please stop judging me, this has been hard for everyone in my family. Please help me with an advise of how to manage my case because don't think my attorney has any idea.
It seems you weren't allowed to present your evidence because it was hearsay. You need to have the actual Doctors/CPS Investigators in court.

Also you are misunderstanding our dismay. We are gobsmacked that your 2 year old child was bleeding from the anus and you didn't take him to be treated. Not necessarily to get a "gottcha" on Dad, but because your 2 year old in bleeding from the anus and that is something one doesn't ignore.

I gave you a link to the bar association. Call and get a few referrals and get a consult or 4. The consults should be at a greatly reduced fee. We can't manage your case because that would be against the law. The volunteers on this site are, for the most part, educated laypersons. The Attorney volunteers are not practicing in OR. (to my knowledge)

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It's not that simple, there has been 2 reports made to DHS, DHS doesn't do anything other than to say they are concerned. I brought all this information, videos, pictures, medical reports etc about my kids, I also brought all my pictures injuries to the Umatilla judge while resolving divorce and custody, this man didn't even want to hear about it or look at any evidence, I wasn't even allowed to even present my case. My frustration is enormous, I'm not supposed to call the police, this is what DHS said but to contact them first, then they do the police thing, but they don't do any, I'm tired and desperate of no one helping me and my kids, my daughter has been diagnosed with PTSD, I take her every week to her therapist, medical bills are all over my fridge, all I want to know is if I can start a new process in Jefferson county while the case was "resolved" in Umatilla county, please stop judging me, this has been hard for everyone in my family. Please help me with an advise of how to manage my case because don't think my attorney has any idea.

Here's the problem - during divorce when the woman claims abuse against the father, most judges don't believe it because they think the woman is just being "hysterical" and doesn't want to lose custody. Even when it's true.

Don't listen to DHS - when your child is abused you report it to the police. I wouldn't do anything DHS says honestly. If I picked up my kid from anyone and she had ANY abuse, I'm going to the cops and filing a report. Actually first I'm taking my kid to the doctor to make sure she's ok.

Oh I'm gonna judge someone whose child had anal bleeding and they didn't take them to the doctor. You're damn right I'm gonna judge that. Anal bleeding isn't something that "just happens." Yeah sometimes kids can really bad diaper rash from medications or excessive diarrhea. But anal bleeding? Bruising on their buttocks? No. That's not normal. So yeah if a child is abused you take them to the doctor. Period. End of story.

If you're not happy with your attorney go find a new one. If you have an attorney right now that person is the only one who can actually give you legal advice. On here, most of us aren't lawyers at all. That's why there's the disclaimer at the bottom of the page.

Ask your lawyer if you can file a new case in another county. They're the only one who can give you accurate info.

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