Shoplifting, Larceny, Robbery, Theft Caught shoplifitng at px, scared to death

Yes! The first day I was scared to death! I've never been so scared in my life! I didn't eat for 3 days, I was really embarrassed and depressed over what happened. I'm just gonna wait it out and let it take its course and enjoy my pregnancy. Worrying won't help anything
Army judge they said it's *theft of government property* because it's on a federal installation. I did read up on the code before, and it didn't match up, I guess it's the closest thing they can charge it with. I think they will follow the state statue on the charge, not sure though. They told me they charged an 80 year old vet with taking a candy bar before under the same statue

The issue for "them" (whoever "they" might be) is that state crimes can't be charged on federal installations.

How do I know?

Because I am a retired JAG, Military Judge, who also served as an Assistant US Attorney on military bases prosecuting both military and civilian personnel.

I suggest you meet with 2 or 3 local civilian attorneys.
Take your "citation" along to allow the attorney to review it.
Make sure the attorneys practice in federal court, and work with military and civilian personnel.
Read the comments on their websites, and on other review sites.

I have defended many of these cases, even for juveniles.
If what has happened, which often happens, the AUSA will nolle prosse this charge.
Bear in mind, he or she could move to amend it, charging you correctly.
The fact that the item allegedly stolen was a bottle of soda, the AUSA might just decline to prosecute anyway.

On your base, are there DoD Civilian Police and Military Police?
If there are, MPs don't normally transport or arrest civilians for petty offenses.
That's a horse of a different color, but if what you say is accurate, this thing might crash and burn.

However, meeting with attorneys is free during the initial consultation.

You have nothing to lose, and your mind will be set at rest.
I don't want anything to happen to that innocent child growing in your womb.
It was the Dod police who did the paperwork, but the mp is the one who sign the citation. The hearing officer last week said she was sending out a letter this past week to officially tell me what I'm allowed to do and not do on post and for how long and we still haven't received it yet! She said she would mail it out in the afternoon after speaking with the CG, we should've gotten it already, and do they have 30 days to file charges or is that just for felonies!? I was gonna call and ask about the letter but I'm just gonna wait to see if I get it by Saturday or not
She said she would mail it out in the afternoon after speaking with the CG

The time it takes for the CG to respond can't be predicted.

You'll just have to wait to receive the letter.

do they have 30 days to file charges or is that just for felonies!?

There is no set time limit in which the government has to file a charge, other than the SOL for the offense in question.

I was gonna call and ask about the letter but I'm just gonna wait to see if I get it by Saturday or not

If I were sitting in your hot seat, I'd wait until someone contacts me, or until I receive th eletter.

Normally those letters that limit your post privileges are received or delivered with a week, maybe two.

The letter than bans you, forcing to leave post for two years, those letters take longer.

I'm not saying you'll receive as post ban, but the longer it takes, the more likely it becomes.

Any letter you receive from Fort Petticoat, can also impact what you do on Fort Underwear.
Disabled vet, I'm sure you've never done anything you haven't regretted in life! I'm not a perfect person and made a mistake! It was a soda! Makes it no better! I didn't take a DVD player, tuck it in my purse with a Rolex and walk out! My husband doesn't see me as an embarrassment! He sees me as his wife, who made a stupid mistake, and will learn from it! I have a wonderful husband! You have your right to your opinion!

Again..... You should be kicked off base forever... I have NEVER stolen a thing in my life. You seem to make it a habit with excuses. Have a great day
Quick ?, if someone is in zone A, and have a prior domestic violence conviction where I did probation, had like 5 days in the county jail, how many point are given for that!? Is it just 1!? And what about a prior shoplifting with just probation 9 1/2 years old!? Ty
Quick ?, if someone is in zone A, and have a prior domestic violence conviction where I did probation, had like 5 days in the county jail, how many point are given for that!? Is it just 1!? And what about a prior shoplifting with just probation 9 1/2 years old!? Ty

The guidelines are no longer rigidly adhered to like they were 20-30 years.

Federal judge's have discretion when it comes to sentencing these days.

Please don't open a NEW thread for every questions you have.

You have a thread opened already.

Furthermore, by now you should have retained a lawyer.

You should be communicating with your lawyer.
Look, sugar, you've been going all over the internet essentially asking us to tell you how you're going to be sentenced and on what basis. I'm on five boards and I can tell you that the crystal ball for each one is currently out being cleaned. You'll find out what your sentence is when it's handed down. If that means you have to worry about it, then you have to worry about it. Call it a consequence of thievery. Don't steal, and you won't have a sentence to worry about.

And no, I'm not perfect, but I don't steal or commit other criminal acts either. Yes, I've made mistakes, but not ones that have potential jail sentences. So don't bother pulling the "I just made a stupid mistake" line on me - a mistake is wearing two different shoes. Stealing is a choice.
The problem is he's pcsing so we have to move then, that's why I hope it's resolved before December....ty all for the helpful advice, my stress level is down a lot!

No HE has to move in December with his PCS - you don't have to. There are plenty of servicemembers who PCS without their spouses or dependents. You can always join him later if you don't have this taken care of before December. If you get a court date in June it's probably going to be done in June.

I find it funny people say how they mistakenly put things in their purse that they didn't pay for. When I used to carry a purse, I never, ever put anything I hadn't paid for yet in it. I got a basket or a cart. Everything goes in those - especially after having a kid.

All you can do is learn from this moving on.
I remember getting those letters when I was in S2 that banned a dependent from base. Not a lot - but a few. It was always interesting to pass along to that soldier's company command about it. Derog reports were fun too sometimes.
I know this is almost a month old post, I paid the Aafes fine the day after I got it, but we haven't even gotten the ban letter as of yet from the CG. The hearing officer told me that we would have it 3 weeks ago, then a week and a half ago it was supposedly mailed out, still nothing. Also no court date yet, the woman keeps telling me June, then July, then it's august, but said she doesn't have file yet. Do they have a certain amount to time to file it!?
The waiting for a court date, is the most aggravating part of it! It shouldn't take this long
You'll get it when you get it. You're not the only thief they have to deal with, and thieving is not the only issue they have on their plates. It's a pity they're not more appreciative of your convenience (that's sarcasm, in case you missed it) but you're just going to have to wait until your situation reaches the top of their list.
I'm not trying to sound demanding, I'm high risk and have drs appointments 4 days a week, for this pregnancy, and on modified bed rest. I just want to make sure it's not during a time, I have an appointment, and my husband has enough time to let his command know so he can take me.
It's at their convenience. it's not at your convenience. You don't go to the head of the line because you're pregnant. I wish you all the best in your pregnancy (sincerely - not sarcasm) but you're still going to have to wait until they get to you.
Thank you! I'll just wait for it until it comes in mail! Ty for the response

No news is good news.

Maybe you'll get lucky and won't get banned.

You might simply get a warning.

A CG can pretty much do whatever he or she pleases.

I suspect the CG will be informed about your delicate condition.
I hope so! I'm not gonna call and ask anymore updates on the status of court date and ban letter. I already pain the fine, which was 200 plus cost of loss. We got an attorney, but attorney said he can't do anything until they file the case. I'm very remorseful and am still embarrassed by what happened. It taught me a valuable lesson, and to appreciate things more. My anxiety over the situation, has also settled down a lot, and I'm focused on the baby, and the fear of jail is long gone. I will never do anything stupid ever again! I don't want to be a bad example to my children.
I hope so! I'm not gonna call and ask anymore updates on the status of court date and ban letter. I already pain the fine, which was 200 plus cost of loss. We got an attorney, but attorney said he can't do anything until they file the case. I'm very remorseful and am still embarrassed by what happened. It taught me a valuable lesson, and to appreciate things more. My anxiety over the situation, has also settled down a lot, and I'm focused on the baby, and the fear of jail is long gone. I will never do anything stupid ever again! I don't want to be a bad example to my children.

A client once asked me, how to stop getting in trouble with the police.


He laughed and said, you're right.

I said, it's not about being right, it's about being smart.

Don't do stupid stuff, because speeding, stealing, drunk driving, using illegal drugs, abusing legal drugs, getting drunk, getting high, beating your spouse, cheating on your spouse, all the illegal things are just stupid stuff.

If you don't do stupid stuff, you don't break THEIR laws.

Bully for you, wise choice.

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