A judge may consider a child's preferences when determining which parent will receive sole or primary child custody in a divorce. Here's what you need to know about whether children can choose custody in Michigan.
In Michigan, child custody cases are very complicated and consider many variables when determining the child's best interests. A judge may consider the child's reasonable preference if the court deems the child to be of sufficient age to express their opinion.
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Sufficient Age for Children to Impact Custody Cases
In Michigan, children who are 17 years of age or older can choose the parent with whom they prefer to live. Children can impact the child custody outcomes when under 17 years old, but it may become more difficult. If a child is between 9 and 17 years old, a judge will interview the child and determine their personal preferences.
A Michigan judge may interview children as young as age six if the judge deems the child mature enough to understand the meaning of the child custody case.
The degree to which the judge will take the child's opinion into account varies by case.
If a judge decides parents are even in all of the positives and negatives they bring to a child's life, the court may give a child's preferences greater consideration.