You are very defensive over this matter. The simple fact is that you will need to prove your claim and overcome the tactics of the other side when they try to disprove and discredit you. If you are unwilling to do that, then you may as well give up now.
Best of luck to you in your quest for justice and vengeance.
I understand "devil's advocate" and appreciate this actually. I wasn't that defensive at all honestly. It sounded that way to you but that was your perception. I'm used to various tactics though and the very one you used. It's an out of style and out of date tactic used to defy justice and do wrong actually and had been used for many centuries within our legal system and generally, in all our career systems. All one in power had to claim is "that person is crazy" and their life could be ruined or they could get fired, or they could be left out of classroom parties, and so forth. If you actually believe though that using this tactic is going to work in America with serious legal cases, you are wrong. It once was used and psychiatry was also used to create treason, crimes against American citizens, to destroy human life and careers. They won't be able to use it my case, cause I have too many verifiable documents and I do hope our system progresses enough where it doesn't deprive justice from those who honestly deserve it, whether they are actually diagnosed with the hundreds of mental health diagnoses that exists today or not. You don't tell a person with no legs they can't have justice just cause they lost their legs; the same needs to be applied generally across the board in the legal sphere, regarding "mental health" issues. You don't tell someone who has diabetes they cannot win a lawsuit or be heard in a court of law just because they need an insulin shot, or cannot eat all that sugar; the same should be applied to anyone with "mental health" abuses and issues.
The issue with only some with mental health issues, is communications. I studied psychology in my early college years for my first college degree and have visited many mental health facilities as a visitor meeting with many. They are mostly deprived medical care, medical check ups, their legal rights, and all so some business buffoon can earn profits and also because society still lives in the dark ages somewhat concerning mental health having never studied the various areas concerned nor ever having had to experience through relations. Too much drinking alcohol is also considered a sickness these days, a mental health issue. I would hunch and only hunch that half of America is busy drinking on a regular basis, some every day. Some mental health folks were so violated, terrified throughout their entire lives that their communications may not be very clear. They may use metaphors cause if they say the truth, they learned they could be hit, punched, kicked, locked up, deprived food, and punished. No one has ever listened to some of them, so they wouldn't be used to "explaining" in full their situation, the details, and what they are enduring cause they've been cut off their whole lives, and people didn't take them seriously cause they were labeled with a "mental health" issue. This is especially so for those that have been locked up in mental health facilities, special open care centers, and experimented on. They were taught there was nothing wrong with them being abused so for them to explain that they were, may also be impossible or not on the table. It's a fairly big area of concern.
Most girls in the 20th and even 21st century are not taught that they can say "no" and "no" means "no". They actually believe that it is ok for someone to rape them and force them against their will so never report their rapes. Only when educated with knowledge do some realize later they were wronged. Soldiers in Vietnam were fed Meth, which was manufactured by the Central Intelligence Agency during those years and against their will, without their knowledge most of the time. They were fed LSD, a mind altering chemical as well without their knowing. Only later, did some find out that their "mental health" and self determinism was being tampered with.
When you mentioned "mental health" to me and I've heard it before by no gooders, the amount of studies I have in the area, the research I've done above and outside college would equal two PhDs. Unfortunately, during my early college years we didn't have authority figures at school that told us that we could borrow money to get higher education or could obtain grants to pay for a few higher college degrees. Unfortunately, I was poor and only earned a higher degree much later in life. My learning, research and experience though goes beyond what they actually teach in today's Universities, which they should. I want them to. Anger or anguish is not a "mental health" issue either, and its healthy to get a little angry if you need to, but also not legal to react on that anger within society with the idea of "vengeance" as many gang members do. People who batter women consistently, which I've seen, using out of date tactics, are just uneducated. It's frustrating to see so many non progressed uneducated people still using outdated scenarios that do not apply within our justice system or society. Simply mocking something as "mentally unfit" or with a "mental issue" violates the Americans with Disabilities Act as well.
I'm pursuing progress and justice--not vengeance, a very harsh word to choose! I'm honestly not out to harm anyone involved, any org, nor cause any sort of suffering, in fact it's probably the opposite. Doing what is right, is the best path for who I'm dealing with, considering I'm still servicing some of their needs as a humanist with a good sense of high ethics. I don't want their futures filled with terrible misdeeds and for any of those I served to have to contend with people who don't think as I do; people who would do harm, serious harm.
Believe it or not, recently I read that people who are not American in other countries actually believe and call us "Crazy America" and actually think we are "crazy" people who live in America. But what does that word mean?