Divorce, Seperation, Assest, Division, Immigration


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My question involves a marriage in the state of: Florida

Good morning all,

My name is William, I have been married roughly 3.5 years to a Green Card holder. 90% of which has been terribly rocky. The woman I married was in the United States on a Visitor Visa in OVERSTAY status. I did not know that at the time and did not understand the Immigration system at the time. I just knew she had a VISA. We got married within 6 months of meeting and at that time I knew her status and legal situation, I didn't care because I honestly loved everything about her. As soon as we got married and began the immigration process things began rapidly change. I thought it was stress from work and starting a new life here and the stress of getting her 3 kids in Process to move here as well. Things just got bad, No love no affection Terrible sex once every 6-9 months, yelling screaming Fighting, Breaking things, Throwing Pictures, breaking glass, Flipping tables, Trying to hit me in the head with a crucifix she took off my wall then trying to break my tv with it, violent threats of bodily harm while holding knives, Wishing she had a gun so she could shoot the house up then 5 min later telling me that I should take my gun and shoot myself in the head with it (Because she abandoned me in the Sao Paulo Brazil airport by myself I didn't know what to do so I called her brother to ask for advice)... Anyways things have been terrible... She also physically assaulted me twice in Brazil but as a foreigner I wasn't about to create any drama so I remained calm and let her do her thing. She is clearly unstable.

Over the last 3 years I kept attributing her behavior to stress from Covid, Work and her childrens immigration process but it NEVER gets better. So A little Financial History

When we met she was working as a Maid for someone making $20 per home. I asked her why doesn't she start her own Maid Business and making $120+ per home. She replied she didn't have a car. SO I bought her a 2016 Honda Accord, I created a Business name, Designed a Logo, Created Shirts, Business Cards, Pens and a Car Magnet to advertise. I Created an LLC for her and Found Business insurance, Paid with my own money to get her going... She started with 4 clients now cleans 3-5 homes a day 5-6 days a week at $120-$200 do the Math... Roughly $12,000 per month

I opened a joint bank account for us but she never deposited anything and never used it. So I was added to her bank account but she rarely used that. She uses her other account for business and pleasure. I never saw anything because she kept it separate from me sending a lot of it to Brazil to support her mom and 3 kids.

OUR HOME: My home I owned it prior to meeting her. My name on the Mortgage, My name on the Deed.

I pay 100% of the mortgage

99% of the time I pay all the utilities. occasionally she will help out. But over 3.5 years that's equated to roughly $1,000 for her.

I paid her car payment up until I took out a HELOC and paid it off, Now I just pay the HELOC by my self.

I bought 90% of the furniture by myself and paid it all off by myself.

Money has been so extremely tight that I can afford to take her out on dates and so she calls me cheap and complains. Ive bought her Louis Vuitton Purses I can't afford just to try and make her happy but that only temporary. I try so hard and now that 2 of 3 of her kids are her I have become nothing but a tool.

I dont know what to do... I am a Military Veteran with Service connected PTSD and After she told me I should Shoot myself in the head, I filled out divorce papers on my own because I cant afford an attorney and I dont want to complicate or slow the process. I got them notarized and presented her her copies to do the same. We do not have any children together. She said she was going to get an attorney... I am not trying to take anything from her that isnt hers. She can keep the car, keep her business, I want nothing more than for her to sign the papers, pack her things and leave my home.

I dont want the police involved I dont know what to do...What rights do I have? Do I risk loosing my home to her if we have been married 3 years and she isnt on anything? How can I get her to sign the papers and move on? She was on the phone yesterday talking about flying back to Brazil for another trip.

Any advice would be AMAZING... I am a Firefighter for the US AirForce, I dont have much...
My question involves a marriage in the state of: Florida

Good morning all,

My name is William, I have been married roughly 3.5 years to a Green Card holder. 90% of which has been terribly rocky. The woman I married was in the United States on a Visitor Visa in OVERSTAY status. I did not know that at the time and did not understand the Immigration system at the time. I just knew she had a VISA. We got married within 6 months of meeting and at that time I knew her status and legal situation, I didn't care because I honestly loved everything about her. As soon as we got married and began the immigration process things began rapidly change. I thought it was stress from work and starting a new life here and the stress of getting her 3 kids in Process to move here as well. Things just got bad, No love no affection Terrible sex once every 6-9 months, yelling screaming Fighting, Breaking things, Throwing Pictures, breaking glass, Flipping tables, Trying to hit me in the head with a crucifix she took off my wall then trying to break my tv with it, violent threats of bodily harm while holding knives, Wishing she had a gun so she could shoot the house up then 5 min later telling me that I should take my gun and shoot myself in the head with it (Because she abandoned me in the Sao Paulo Brazil airport by myself I didn't know what to do so I called her brother to ask for advice)... Anyways things have been terrible... She also physically assaulted me twice in Brazil but as a foreigner I wasn't about to create any drama so I remained calm and let her do her thing. She is clearly unstable.

Over the last 3 years I kept attributing her behavior to stress from Covid, Work and her childrens immigration process but it NEVER gets better. So A little Financial History

When we met she was working as a Maid for someone making $20 per home. I asked her why doesn't she start her own Maid Business and making $120+ per home. She replied she didn't have a car. SO I bought her a 2016 Honda Accord, I created a Business name, Designed a Logo, Created Shirts, Business Cards, Pens and a Car Magnet to advertise. I Created an LLC for her and Found Business insurance, Paid with my own money to get her going... She started with 4 clients now cleans 3-5 homes a day 5-6 days a week at $120-$200 do the Math... Roughly $12,000 per month

I opened a joint bank account for us but she never deposited anything and never used it. So I was added to her bank account but she rarely used that. She uses her other account for business and pleasure. I never saw anything because she kept it separate from me sending a lot of it to Brazil to support her mom and 3 kids.

OUR HOME: My home I owned it prior to meeting her. My name on the Mortgage, My name on the Deed.

I pay 100% of the mortgage

99% of the time I pay all the utilities. occasionally she will help out. But over 3.5 years that's equated to roughly $1,000 for her.

I paid her car payment up until I took out a HELOC and paid it off, Now I just pay the HELOC by my self.

I bought 90% of the furniture by myself and paid it all off by myself.

Money has been so extremely tight that I can afford to take her out on dates and so she calls me cheap and complains. Ive bought her Louis Vuitton Purses I can't afford just to try and make her happy but that only temporary. I try so hard and now that 2 of 3 of her kids are her I have become nothing but a tool.

I dont know what to do... I am a Military Veteran with Service connected PTSD and After she told me I should Shoot myself in the head, I filled out divorce papers on my own because I cant afford an attorney and I dont want to complicate or slow the process. I got them notarized and presented her her copies to do the same. We do not have any children together. She said she was going to get an attorney... I am not trying to take anything from her that isnt hers. She can keep the car, keep her business, I want nothing more than for her to sign the papers, pack her things and leave my home.

I dont want the police involved I dont know what to do...What rights do I have? Do I risk loosing my home to her if we have been married 3 years and she isnt on anything? How can I get her to sign the papers and move on? She was on the phone yesterday talking about flying back to Brazil for another trip.

Any advice would be AMAZING... I am a Firefighter for the US AirForce, I dont have much...
You sponsored her and her children...correct? You will be required to continue sponsoring her/children despite the divorce. IMO you can not afford to NOT have an attorney (at least a long consultation) for this divorce.

I'm curious...did you call the police for any of the domestic violence episodes? If no, why not?
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I agree that you need - at minimum - an attorney consult. Check out law schools w/in a reasonable driving distance - many offer legal clinics to help their students gain experience.
What rights do I have?

It would be utterly pointless to try and create a list of rights.

Do I risk loosing my home to her if we have been married 3 years and she isnt on anything?


How can I get her to sign the papers and move on?

You can't compel her to sign anything she doesn't want to sign.

If you can't figure out how to handle a divorce yourself, you're going to need to retain the services of an attorney. If handled properly, this will be a very simple divorce. You might have to pay alimony for a couple years, but that's really about it. While the military won't provide an attorney, I'd bet a dollar there are resources, so I'd start by consulting with your JAG office.
It would be utterly pointless to try and create a list of rights.


You can't compel her to sign anything she doesn't want to sign.

If you can't figure out how to handle a divorce yourself, you're going to need to retain the services of an attorney. If handled properly, this will be a very simple divorce. You might have to pay alimony for a couple years, but that's really about it. While the military won't provide an attorney, I'd bet a dollar there are resources, so I'd start by consulting with your JAG office.

Im not in the Military anymore, Just a DoD civilian employee now. She makes more than I do, why would I need to pay?

To answer a previous question about the police... I believe they police are needed in some situations. But I also believe what we can handle amoungst ourselves and talk out we should. Down side is there is no official record should something happen in the future, it becomes "he said, she said heresy.'
Im not in the Military anymore, Just a DoD civilian employee now. She makes more than I do, why would I need to pay?

To answer a previous question about the police... I believe they police are needed in some situations. But I also believe what we can handle amoungst ourselves and talk out we should. Down side is there is no official record should something happen in the future, it becomes "he said, she said heresy.'
When someone is a abusive lunitic it is not logical to "try and handle it or talk it out". You call the police, have the abuser removed from the home, file for a Protection/Restraining Order and file for divorce.
Im not in the Military anymore, Just a DoD civilian employee now. She makes more than I do, why would I need to pay?

Just out of curiosity, has she been properly paying income taxes on that income?

Because it sounds like she only has a vague acquaintance with the notion of accounting.

At least get an initial consult with a divorce lawyer. More than one would be better. No multi-thousand retainer is required, and you're likely to learn a little from each initial consult.

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