Do You Know at least Three Inventions That Debuted the Year You Did?

army judge

Super Moderator
I'll start by revealing ten amazing things, beside myself, {LOL} that debuted the year I did!!!!

1 = Cathode Ray Tube CRT (Think video games and television)

2 = hexagonal cellular telephone network, introduced in 1947! Today we all use cell phones. LOL

3 = The first instant camera was invented in 1947 by Edwin Land. It was called the Polaroid Camera, and it used a special type of film to produce instant photos.

4 = Bardeen, Brattain, and Shockley invented the transistor. Hint: My little Philco Transistor Radio

5 = Earl Silas Tupper patented the Tupperware seal. (Mother loved her son and her Tupperware! Her son loved mother, too.)

6 = My nemesis during my tours in Nam. The AK-47 was invented in 1947 by Mikhail Kalashnikov.

7 = It was called the Radarange, and it used microwave radiation to heat food. We call it a microwave today.

8 = Valerie Hunter Gordon invented the disposable nappy in 1947. This was a breakthrough for parents, as it allowed them to quickly dispose of their child's dirty nappies without having to wash them. The disposable nappy promptly became popular and is now used worldwide.

9 = Jackie Robinson broke baseball's color barrier in 1947 when he became the first African American to play Major League Baseball named Brooklyn Dodgers. It also initiated America's long, hard, slog to eliminate Jim Crow.

10 = The Cold War began in 1947 when the Soviet Union created the Warsaw Pact. The Warsaw Pact was indeed a strategic partnership between the Soviet Union and its Eastern European allies.

I'm grateful for being allowed to stick around this long.

I'm grateful for the wonderful woman, who's stuck with me through thick and thin over the past decades.

I'm grateful to God for getting me though the horrors of Nam and southeast Asia.

I'm grateful to the millions of taxpayers, whose money funds my pension and my social insecurity.

I'm grateful for my six wonderful children, our 12 grandchildren, and YES; our 18 great grands, and our latest additions,

our 4 great-great-grands.

Its been the highest honor and privilege of my life to have worn our nation's Army uniform and allowed to lead her soldiers in war and peace.

Receiving the Distinguished Service Cross, Three Silver Stars, and Two Bronze Stars for Valor, without receiving a Purple Heart was another blessing from God or my Guardian Angel. I continue to ask them which one had a hand in this or that, all I get is silence. It no longer matters, I only know I couldn't have survived without divine intervention.

Looking back over my life, which I tend to do every three months or so these days, I've been blessed beyond my wildest dreams.
That's quite remarkable - both the innovation and your incredible career and family. Great-great grands... wow!!!

Myself and our country cannot thank you for your service enough. In today's world where war is foreign to most of our citizens, it is difficult to fathom just how important your dedication to service is. Your mention of the purple heart is far more than just words and a sober reminder of how we must remember how blessed we are to have what we have for it so easily could have been the other way around.

On the innovation note, hard to imagine that not nearly a century ago these things simply did not exist. At all. Computers? Monitors (and I'm talking massive old style behemoths) - not nearly in existence. Truly remarkable.

That's quite remarkable - both the innovation and your incredible career and family. Great-great grands... wow!!!

I'm grateful I've been allowed to hang around this long. Plus, my "best by date" must not have been reached,

Reminiscing has become one of my important pleasures these days.

Dad had a scrapbook during WWII. As a young boy, he'd often describe what was behind a picture, a newspaper article, and where he was when he collected this and that. I spent yesterday and today enjoying another trip down memory lane.

"Your life will become your legacy", Dad would often remind me. Don't destroy it, build it. As I grew older, I began to comprehend that admonishment's meaning better.

I've reviewed my birth year's inventions regularly from the age of 10, until I hit Jack Benny's FOREVER 39. LOL I'll keep on doing it, if my marbles don't get crushed.

As the 1968 Virginia Slims ads said, "You've come a long way baby."

The world has come a very long way. If we can maintain the planet's peace, humankind can still go a very, long time.

As always, I enjoy our little chats.
Thanks for taking the time today, it was most pleasant.
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Judge, I always had the impression that you were older than I. Now I know it's the other way around.

Inventions of 1946 (in addition to me).

Electonic Computer (ENIAC) - John Mauchly and J. Presper Eckert.
Chipper Teeth - Joseph Cox
Credit Card - John C Biggins
Ejector Seat - James Martin
Nylon Stockings - DuPont
Jet Engine - Frank Whittle (UK)
TV Remote Control - Zenith

Other events include:

First model year of personal automobiles in the US after WWII with Ford leading the way.
First commercially designed helicopter tested and licensed.
Mel Ott's 511th and final MLB home run.
Jackie Robinson's debut as 2d baseman for the Montreal Royals
US patent filed for the hydrogen bomb.
First bikini bathing suit displayed in Paris.
Nuremberg war trials.
Judge, I always had the impression that you were older than I. Now I know it's the other way around.

You have the same birthyear as my wife.
That said, 1946, as did 1947, produced many good citizens. I'm surprised more of us are living, versus those of us who have passed on to their eternal rest.

Otherwise, we're not peers, we're contemporaries.
That's often discussed in excruciating detail during one's officer basic course.

Here's how many people born the same year as you were still alive

247Tempo's research begins with the birth year 1937 and continues to 2018.

We'll give the year and the percentage of people born that year in the US who are still alive.

Birth year %age of people born your birth year still living
1937 - 38.8%

1938 - 42.4%

1939 - 46.4%

1940 - 48.9%

1941 - 50.4%

1942 - 51.2%

1943 - 58.1%

1944 - 60.7%

1945 - 64.9%

1946 - 55.8%

1947 - 69.4%

1948 - 70.2%

1949 - 71.2%

Read More: Are You The Only One Alive From the Year You Were Born? | Are You The Only One Alive From the Year You Were Born?

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