Does daughter-in-law have inheritance right when father/mother of her husband dead?

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Is there any code allows daughter-in-law / son-in-law inherit the estate of the parent of his/her spouse ?
If yes, can i know which country's code is it ?
Is there any code allows daughter-in-law / son-in-law inherit the estate of the parent of his/her spouse ?
If yes, can i know which country's code is it ?

This site only deals with law in the U.S. and in the U.S. a daughter-in-law (DIL) or or son-in-law (SIL) only inherits from the estate of a decedent if the decedent makes a will and in that will makes a gift to the DIL/SIL. If the decedent leaves nothing to the DIL or SIL in the will then the SIL/DIL gets nothing from the decedent's estate.

There are about 200 nations in the world, so you'd have quite a project ahead if you want to research the law in each of them to find those (if any) that would give the SIL or DIL the right to inherit
Is there any code allows daughter-in-law / son-in-law inherit the estate of the parent of his/her spouse ?

In the U.S., no, unless the spouse's parent has a will that expressly leaves something to the son/daughter-in-law.

Whether that's true or different in any other country isn't something anyone here is going to be likely to know (but I assume it's the same in other countries whose legal systems derived from English common law).
If yes, can i know which country's code is it ?

It appears you're posting from the one time lovely city of Saigon, today known as Ho Chi Minh City.

You might wish to speak with a lawyer in Viet Nam, if that is where this issue surfaced, otherwise seek the counsel of the nation where the deceased person died or held her/his assets.
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