Ebay Fraud

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I went today to the Western union branch in France where I sent the money from. Unfortunately, it was going to take a day to get the information and, as I'll be back in the UK tomorrow, it'll be easier to do it from there. I'll go as soon as I get back and should hopefully have a reply by Wednesday. Once I've got all the information together, it's Police time!
With the rest of you who were scammed, was he using the diddydoodah2002 email address, or another? I've been looking at other yahoo! profiles to see if he's just stolen a profile from somebody else, but haven't found anything so far. Of course, it's probably made up information that he has added, but it's odd all the same - particularly as it's not necessary to put a profile on, and really, I would of thought that he would have then listed his location as London if that's where he was getting people to send money to...

-Just checked the profile for dannylev167, and there isn't any information this time, but the date marked on the profile had the last edited post as the 9th of April, suggesting he probably opened the account then. He's figured that somebody's onto him at any rate.
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More encouraging info

I have a long conversation to the UK WU Fraud [ Compliance ] Department and they were very helpful. A world of a difference from the frontline customer services that are obviously just following a manual and try to put you off.

Firstly, what is useful to know is that once a country has been nominated by you for payment, they said that it must be collected in that country. So that rules out someone in another country picking it up. The offender is in the UK and picking up cash in London.

Secondly, that they must show a copy of passport etc to collect the cash and this is noted. The Police and the Home Office are trying to make Western Union make this sytem more secure, you could help do so by complaining.

I'll contact you offline with some useful information.

Can I encourage both UK and overseas victims to report this matter to WU at the contact addresses given above and locally?


Originally posted by nic4zippy
I'll go as soon as I get back and should hopefully have a reply by Wednesday. Once I've got all the information together, it's Police time!
With the rest of you who were scammed, was he using the diddydoodah2002 email address, or another?
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Originally posted by prague
I too was frauded by
> Full name:Daniel Levinson
> Address:119 millfield avenue
> Zip Code:E17 5HN
> City:London
> Country:UK

I am willing to do whatever it takes to get this guy. I don't even care about the 800GBP that he took from me (well it would be nice to get some of it back). my email is fruehling@bigfoot.com

Most seem to point at this one particular Daniel Levinson name.

It would be most interesting to find out if this is a real ebayer, and his account was only used for the wrongs. To be able to sell, u have to have a valid CC, or go through a verifying process, that costs you..... 5 bucks or something.

Somewhere down the line, this guy has posted real info to someone, or he could not re-direct funds constantly, offer numerous auctions, etc. Someone would catch a hacked account, in the number of instances it seems this guy has struck...

OR All the info you guys have, is false, and it's some a**hole from Kansas, ripping everyone off.. ;)

to be honest, your posts - as defined by your signature - are not really that helpful and - being solely conjecture - are only likely to add confusion or discredit.

This thread is not entertainment and is no joking matter.

It is a very serious matter of professonal criminal fraud that has struck around 100 individuals with this same ID.

If you dont *know* and please dont say. From the headers I have seen the trail seems to point to Eastern Europe but the money is being collected in the UK and I would like to see more emails.

Western Union payments can only be picked up in the country nominated.

If you had actually read the thread you will see the fraudsters are stealing different Ebay IDs to use.


Originally posted by Rathi
Most seem to point at this one particular Daniel Levinson name.

It would be most interesting to find out if this is a real ebayer, and his account was only used for the wrongs. To be able to sell, u have to have a valid CC, or go through a verifying process, that costs you..... 5 bucks or something.

Please forgive me for thinking this was a public forum, with open invitations to general public to speak what they may think.

My opinions are solely conjecture, and should be taken as such, hence, my signature.

I did reply to this thread pre-maturely, b4 noticing the second page, so forgive me replying with little help.

I am interested in helping to "solve" this case, or in what happens in this instance. I'll try to remain quiet if that's your wish.
I too have just been caught also by Daniel Levinson to the tune of £185 plus commission for a phone I thought I was buying from from him and against my better judgment sent payment by Western Union on the 8th of April.

Needless to say the money was collected on the same day and the phone has not arrived. I have e-mailed him on a few occasions but to no avail. There are quite a few interesting posts on this forum and I intend to fully follow up in relation to each suggestion.

This guy cannot continue to get away with this and the sooner everyone pulls together and makes the necessary complaints the better it is for all our sakes for future purchasing on EBAY.

As a relatively new user to EBAY I am already quite pissed off with it. How can they continue to advertise on behalf of this seller when he has already defrauded a few people?
Just on way out to Western Union/Police. Will let you know how it went.
Did a bit more checking up on the Bristol profile, and there are no other Yahoo! members with exactly the same profile - so he hasn't just copied and pasted it at least. I did a yahoo! people search based on the keywords "Bristol" and "no deniro" and no other matches came up apart from him. Which means it's probably just made up...
Please contact me


very sorry to hear this, can you supply me with auction details, Western Union MCTN number and copy of email headers from an email you have received from him?

Please contact me offlist at the email given for more information.



Originally posted by Mayfieldlad
I too have just been caught also by Daniel Levinson to the tune of £185 plus commission for a phone I thought I was buying from from him and against my better judgment sent payment by Western Union on the 8th of April.


As a relatively new user to EBAY I am already quite pissed off with it. How can they continue to advertise on behalf of this seller when he has already defrauded a few people?
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Daniel Levinsons email

I was nearly frauded by this guy on ebay. The price was too good to be true. I searched his name on google and found this thread. I'm sorry for all the trouble you folks have been through because of this creep. Here is another email address for him. I am currently corresponding with him, and he is none the wiser.


I hope you catch him.

Re: Daniel Levinsons email


can you post the ebay auction number and ID he was using?

Please warn the other folk that bid on the same item and lead them here.



Originally posted by normys
I was nearly frauded by this guy on ebay. The price was too good to be true. I searched his name on google and found this thread. I'm sorry for all the trouble you folks have been through because of this creep. Here is another email address for him. I am currently corresponding with him, and he is none the wiser.


I hope you catch him.

this guy got me for £240, he was using ebay i.d ant2knee77, since i bought the item he has became an unregistered user on ebay, whether he cancelled it or ebay stopped it i,m not sure.
The item number was 4182758557 and this item is still viewable just type it in the search box on ebay. I have noticed that by doing this i can access his feedback page still and he has bought a few items, it may be an idea to contact the people he bought stuff from and ask them where they sent the items to, they might have an address.
For correspondance he was using email ant2knee78@hotmail.com
i wouldn,t mind getting hold of this guy so if we all keep trying i,m sure we,ll get him eventually.
if anyone wants to contact me email stuaj@aol.com
another ebay scam...need help


I was also victim of a scam on ebay (not by the same merchant). I have been emailing this individual back and forth for 2 months trying to obtain some sort of a refund. It wasn't until I filed a complaint with paypal that the individual finally sent my item, however, this was not at all what I had purchased (I paid $400 and was sent something that was maybe worth $20 at best). The merchant sent me the package so that they could provide paypal with a tracking # as proof that an item was sent to my address (since paypal cannot prove that the item sent was not the same as the item purchased in the auction, the most they can do is "encourage" the merchant to issue a refund). Unfortunately, this person is no longer a registered user with ebay, so there was little that they could do. A moth ago, I had returned the merchandise after the seller promised me a full refund.

I know for a fact that I am not the only person to fall victim to this person's scams. Is there anything that I can do? At this point I am not so much concerned with my refund as I am ensuring that this person does not do this to anyone else. I would like to try and file a police report; would I have to do it in my county or in the sellers? Fortunately, I do have their correct address (they live in CA, I live in GA). Any help on this would be more than greatly appreciated. thanks.:eek:
Re: another ebay scam...[ UK Money Claim details but international action required ]

It is clear that this is now an internation phenomenon and that all of us are having the same problems in each of our countries.

The Police are loathed to get involved because they want to look at each case individually and pass it over as civil matter, i.e. for you to pursue in the courts.

Clearly they are not, they are part of a new crime trend. Of cheap and instant low level computer fraud.

You do need to start an action yourself from your own local court but if you can, gather all the information of other buyers defrauded and take it to the Police to prove a serial fraud is taking place.

Chances are it will just be recorded in the first place, the computer / internet fraud special investigators are limited to high level crime where 10,000 or 100,000 of thousands are involved. This will have to change but it is going to take public pressure and perhaps an international campaign and organisation as the crime is not limited by physical borders.

I cant help you for US Small Claims proceedure but for UK readers the following details will help;

You can do Small / Money Claim via the internet. It will cost you a small amount in the first place.



I think what upsets me is that where someone is rich and greedy / stupid enough to lose 10,000s of Dollars to some crazy Nigerian fraud they probably feel the ramifications a lot less than young or ordinary folk with a family do losing a few hundred Dollars.

This is where a capitalist approach to crimes undercut true Democracy - the issue needs to be raised by folk to their political representatives.

Is there truly only one law for the rich and none for the poor?

Sorry to hear of your unfortunate experience,


Originally posted by gapeach

I was also victim of a scam on ebay (not by the same merchant). I have been emailing this individual back and forth for 2 months trying to obtain some sort of a refund. It wasn't until I filed a complaint with paypal that the individual finally sent my item, however, this was not at all what I had purchased (I paid $400).

I know for a fact that I am not the only person to fall victim to this person's scams. Is there anything that I can do? At this point I am not so much concerned with my refund as I am ensuring that this person does not do this to anyone else. I would like to try and file a police report; would I have to do it in my county or in the sellers? Fortunately, I do have their correct address (they live in CA, I live in GA). Any help on this would be more than greatly appreciated. thanks.:eek:
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I have also had a problem with "Daniel Levinson" of 119 Millfield Avenue, London.

I bought a Sharp GX30 mobile phone off eBay from the user "mal1955" for £175 + Western Union Fees (see link)


item number is 4182966299

I have been to the police who tell me i need to get in contact with the Met Police (cos daniel is from london) and have been in contact with eBay (no luck) and Western Union (need to send in writing) but i seem to be going no where. It feels like ive lost £200!!

Please help me out, is there anything else i can do other than going to his house and beating £200 out of him (i wish ;))

Please email me @ decorusmortis@aol.com Thanks if anyone can help!!
Ive just been on to the Police in "Walthamstow" where Daniel Levinson lives. A file will be opened and further investigation will go on :)

That now gives us another bit to his address:

Daniel Levinson
119 Millfield Avenue
London, E17 5HN
United Kingdom

Also, i checked on Directory Enquiries and Daniel Levinson IS NOT living at 119 Millfield Avenue. The house is under someone elses name (who they wouldnt give me) so it seems that this Daniel isnt the owner of that address, maybe he is just staying there with a girl friend ?

Ill keep everyone informed.
Please contact other bidders and see info above


can you please contact the other bidders on the same auction and alert them to this forum?

One has to be buyer or the seller to view the purchase history and it seems that he conned more than one of you.

Did you pay by Western Union?

If you do a check on 192.com you will get other details for that name / address but we still do not know who the actual fraudster is, they may be using falsified ID. There is another Daniel Levinson in Ilford, near to that address given though.

If you read above there is specific information for you to follow up, be persistent with Ebay and their lawyers, tell them this individual is being investigated by the Police and Western Union for multiple frauds.

See information on the previous page. I take it you are in the UK?

I would be interested in seeing some of the emails he sent you complete with headers or source, thanks.


Originally posted by iain.berryman
Ive just been on to the Police in "Walthamstow" where Daniel Levinson lives. A file will be opened and further investigation will go on :)

Also, i checked on Directory Enquiries and Daniel Levinson IS NOT living at 119 Millfield Avenue. The house is under someone elses name (who they wouldnt give me) so it seems that this Daniel isnt the owner of that address, maybe he is just staying there with a girl friend ?

Ill keep everyone informed.
Correct Police

Your local Police are being incorrect.

Sadly, they cannot be depended upon to know the law and tend to use just about any excuse they can to get rid of people.

Please read above information and refer them to the new reporting regulations put in place by the Home Office as the start of this month.

They must take your complaint and it is at a local police station - even if it is international - that it would be made but it is good that you call the other station as well. This is an international crime.


Originally posted by iain.berryman

I have been to the police who tell me i need to get in contact with the Met Police (cos daniel is from london) and have been in contact with eBay (no luck) and Western Union (need to send in writing) but i seem to be going no where. It feels like ive lost £200!!
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Re: Re: another ebay scam...[ UK Money Claim details but international action required ]

Yes, sadly it is the little people that suffer. I am really frusterated because I am being told by the police, small calims court officials, paypal, ebay, etc.-- in layman's terms-- that basically I mine as well chalk it up to a loss...unless I am willing to fork over more money!

I want more than anything for this person to learn a cold, hard lesson, but it seems like I have hit a wall and don't know what else to do. I guess that is why so many people commit these small crimes, because it is so hard to take legal action against these individuals!

I've finally found out (after MANY phone calls) that I would have to file charges in their district-their place of residence, even if the actual transaction was made over the internet (apparently, the court laws stipulate that you must file claims where the actual transaction was made-unless they were the result of the sellers solicitation)...UGH! That would mean that I would have to travel literally across the U.S. for the hearing, then, if the defendant has to, or decides to change the court date, I would have to make a secondary trip! Plus, I am told that you cannot request the defendant recoup your traveling expenses...somethings got to give or we will not only see these types of crimes continue, but we will see them grow out of control!

Originally posted by macangels
It is clear that this is now an internation phenomenon and that all of us are having the same problems in each of our countries.

The Police are loathed to get involved because they want to look at each case individually and pass it over as civil matter, i.e. for you to pursue in the courts.

Clearly they are not, they are part of a new crime trend. Of cheap and instant low level computer fraud.

You do need to start an action yourself from your own local court but if you can, gather all the information of other buyers defrauded and take it to the Police to prove a serial fraud is taking place.

Chances are it will just be recorded in the first place, the computer / internet fraud special investigators are limited to high level crime where 10,000 or 100,000 of thousands are involved. This will have to change but it is going to take public pressure and perhaps an international campaign and organisation as the crime is not limited by physical borders.

I cant help you for US Small Claims proceedure but for UK readers the following details will help;

You can do Small / Money Claim via the internet. It will cost you a small amount in the first place.



I think what upsets me is that where someone is rich and greedy / stupid enough to lose 10,000s of Dollars to some crazy Nigerian fraud they probably feel the ramifications a lot less than young or ordinary folk with a family do losing a few hundred Dollars.

This is where a capitalist approach to crimes undercut true Democracy - the issue needs to be raised by folk to their political representatives.

Is there truly only one law for the rich and none for the poor?

Sorry to hear of your unfortunate experience,

Yup, I got done by Daniel Levinson too..

Daniel Levinson also stumped me on EBay, for a Sharp GX 30.
End date: April 6th
Item No. 4180688706.

He took over the user id of kob1955, who i have been in touch with through his neice. They have filed a report in great yarmouth, where they live, and i have gon to uxbridge police, but they havent come back to me so far in 2 weeks. Useless!!!

Thanks for all the info so far, i.e. Walthamstow, moneyclaim etc.

How can he have taken over all these different user id's!!?
Either he knows the users or EBay is not secure enough!

Westernunion also seem very laid back about the matter, which doesnt bode well.

I really should have looked on the net before using westernunion, as soo many complaints about them come up on a google search.

I'll keep you informed if anything amazing happens

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