Re: Re: Re: another ebay scam..
I'd like to see Ebay and Western Union publish just how much theft and fraud is committed via their services on their front pages just as cigarette companies have to have Government health warnings printed on their packets.
It is interesting but I feel that something is going to grow out of these crime. It is clear that " The State " - internationally - is washing its hands of low financial value crime, of whatever nature, more and more. It is more and more valuing crime solely on the financial basis, e.g. calculating what it costs to get a prosecution against what the financial value of the crime.
Obviously a crime has more than a negative financial value, not just to the individual victim and their close ones loss but to society as a whole. It is hurtful, it traumatises, it aroses suspicion, cynicism, distrust, anger and ultimately counter-aggression. All of these have no *immediate* financial value to fit easily into the State's accountants' spreadsheets *but* it is obvious to a child how it damages and erodes even only the finanicial exchange aspects of all society.
The State is unwilling - not unable - to measure the financial impact of any such crimes on an individual proportionately.
That is to say, a 250 Dollar crime on a teenager, or an 800 Dollar crime on a student could actually be a greater and more damaging crime - to the individual and to society - than a middle age person worth 100,000s of Dollars being ripped off 1,000s in an impossibly stupid Nigerian fraud.
But The State, internationally, values that crime more highly. Why? Does money buy law, power and politics? Has goodness or righteousness have no financial value?
I personally would *never* use, or recommend Western Union, full stop.
Their responses to these matters disgust me. Id rather just do without their service as I did before they were capitalised.
I personally would not use, or recommend Ebay for any transation over an amount I was willing and able to lose on the wildest gamble or goose chase - which is probably 20 - 30 Pounds at most. I would may be only consider more *if* I could collect in person from a safe public place.
Both companies have lost by goodwill and the expanding financial value of that.
<b>It predict is only time before we read of some awful crime, beyond the considerable fraud of today, being committed; such a rape, murder or assault for property done on the back of an Ebay transaction.</b>
If Ebay and Western Union remain so open to criminal elements to abuse, as they are, and are lax in their efforts to protect civil society, as they both are; then it is only a matter of time before more and more criminality is exhibited.
Such Ebay Western Union theft and fraud is mushrooming even faster than their profits are.
There must be a green light flashing wildly to those elements right now, they sniff fat and easy picking and know they corporations are too big, too slow to turn, too lazy, too interested in profit to deal with these matters quickly. Both companies are putting their considerable profits before individuals' and societies' well-being and security. A bit like Microsoft really on whom's back - and example - they ride. How much has Microsoft cost society and where is that accounted for on their spreadsheets or shareholder pockets?
With their well paid lawyers and PR spin doctors, they are sounding more and more like governments to me. It seems to be the same disease that all multi-national corporations catch.
Society is made up of energetic exchanges between individuals, much of that has become financial. Previously those transaction were all within local communities. They were abuse by the local criminal classes and became policed, locally. the structure of the police and legal services developed geographically from these local communities up.
Now, what is happening here is that large proportion of local community, local energetic and financial exchanges is being sucked up into the web.
Just as the big stores in the mall sucked up and killed the small local stores and all the goodwill and unvalued services they offered, so now the internet is sucking even more local financial exchanges and even some of the big stores revenue up.
Our local community, our local energetic and financial exchanges are defined by which .com we associate with not where we live.
And yet the Police and legal services are still left piddling about based on local geographies as if we lived in the Middle Ages largely unable to even conceive, nevermind master, modern computing technology and the changes it is making to the society's topography. A trip to your local " what's Google? " or " one-finger-typing " police station or " cant-find-the-papers " local court will convince you of that.
They dont even know " where " the crime is being commited. They do not have or know how to use the detective tools to trace criminals and they are only slowly developing the preventative methods.
In today's day and age, it is like a employing an literate police man who can use a pencil.
Into this void rush the criminals first, driven by cowardise, laziness and greed. It is a lot easier to mug an ebayer - because it is a mugging and no less - than it is to mug someone in the flesh or go to work each day at all hours of the day like some honest Ebayers I know.
It is great, now the financial corporations have built a system to profit out of digital communities, that petty criminal and sneak theives can use mug someone 3,000 or 5,000 miles away not even have to work out or look mean. And the corporations forgot to pay or employ a police force or develop a law ... let alone offer any representation and democracy with those digital communities.
Instead, they just paid rich lawyers to write terms and conditions to defend themselves from being sued by victims.
But soon, I think public concern and direct action is going to rise and also fill that void.
What the fraudsters forget is that they leave a forensic train each time they enter and leave the internet far better than any physical one and it is only a matter of time before they make one mistake to many. Various systems are closing in on them and there are many individual willing to volunteer specialise services.
To be honest, it is not the " Daniel Levinsons " of the world I am interested in reading this, it is the PR honchos responsible to the MDs and investors. I can see Ebay and Western Union becoming " cheap and dirty investments ".
I mean, who would invest in a criminal fence or a market place full of con men?
Each time fraud, theft, organised crimine, Ebay and Western Union are mentioned together on the Web the better.
Keep rattling their cage and something will be done about it.
Report it to your local politician, local press and media.
Originally posted by gapeach
I've finally found out (after MANY phone calls) that I would have to file charges in their district-their place of residence, even if the actual transaction was made over the internet (apparently, the court laws stipulate that you must file claims where the actual transaction was made-unless they were the result of the sellers solicitation)...UGH! That would mean that I would have to travel literally across the U.S. for the hearing, then, if the defendant has to, or decides to change the court date, I would have to make a secondary trip! Plus, I am told that you cannot request the defendant recoup your traveling expenses...somethings got to give or we will not only see these types of crimes continue, but we will see them grow out of control!