Ebay Fraud

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eBay Lloyds TSB Fraud / Jody Halliday BD10 9JD


I do not know whether the bank will refund the money or not but experience with another victim suggests that you should contact the bank's fraud department and *NOT* waste time on their general customer service department.

To find their fraud department try finding the telephone number for the company's headquarters and asking at the general reception number. Be persistent.

They may ask if it was credit card or online, if so try online fraud. Essentially, you want to do enough to shut down this account asap so it is not used for others. You might try 0845 3000 116 as a starting point.

Most of the East European's are using stolen IDs but given that you have direct bank accounts details, it could well be a genuine account of a seller and under the Data Protection Act 1998 you should be able to gain the name and address to take legal action.

Usually the Data Protection Act is used *NOT* to supply contact details *BUT* in fact it exempts from non-disclosure where details are necessary for the purposes of legal action. Make it clear that you want to take legal action. You are not obliged to use a solicitor to do so.

Quote to them;


Data Protection Act 1998 Chapter 29 PART IV, EXEMPTIONS

Section 35. - (1) Personal data are exempt from the non-disclosure provisions where the disclosure is required by or under any enactment, by any rule of law or by the order of a court.
(2) Personal data are exempt from the non-disclosure provisions where the disclosure is necessary-

(a) for the purpose of, or in connection with, any legal proceedings (including prospective legal proceedings), or

(b) for the purpose of obtaining legal advice,

or is otherwise necessary for the purposes of establishing, exercising or defending legal rights.


Do not give up.

Generally, it is necessary to write to the bank's legal division requesting details. I would copy this to your bank manager and the bank manager of the receiving bank. Basically, ring as many bells as possible to get the account stopped as quickly as possible.

Once you get the details, you will be able to start your own moneyclaim or small claim via a county court or you will find the bank refunds the money as they want to downplay the amount and ease of fraud.

This is not a fullsafe guaranty of getting your money back - because the scammers may not have any money - *BUT* if the account and address is genuine then at least you will make sure that there is a legal mark against the fraudster that will make it hard for them to get credit or financial services in the future.

It is very easy to do either a moneyclaim online or a small claim at the county court. Well worth learning how to do.


I'd also try 192.com to see if you can find a telephone number and confirm address for this individual. Contact them and see if you can resolve the matter. They may or may not be aware of the fraud.

Good luck, let us know how you get on.


Originally posted by glj0e
The name may be not new but I just got frauded 15 days ago by this person.

His/her details sent to me via email are:
> > Jody Halliday
> > 6 Seamer House
> > Idle
> > Bradford
> > West Yorkshire
> > BD10 9JD
> >
> > My bank details are;
> > Jody Halliday
> > Lloyds TSB Bank
> > Account no: 10654168
> > Sort Code: 77-71-62

He/she is using email address ---> kenny_goods@yahoo.co.uk
to correspond.

You can see the item #3832277831. He is using ebay ID as nicokens, effective from 6 August 04. I should have check... but its too late now.
eBay Western Union Romanian Fraud

It is worth remembering that some of these might be stolen ID of innocent individuals but these are some reported fraudsters;

First name: Vasile
Last name: Tabacioiu
Adress: Str. Calina # 49
City: Prundeni
Zip/code: 247527
Country: Romania

First name: ion
Last name: Cruceru
Adress: Aleea Trandafirilor # 9
City: Dragasani
Zipp/code: 245700
Country: Romania

ZIPP: 0500

First name:Mihai
Last name:Nedelcu
Adress:Tudor vladimirescu


name : Danil Jenel
address : Cireasovului nr 17
city : Slatina
zip: 0500
country : Romania

First name: MIHAI
Last name: POPESCU
Address: STR. GIB MIHAESCU #41
Postal Code: O900
Country: ROMANIA

firstname: emil
lastname: andrasi
address: primaverii 137
city: dragasani
country: romania
state: valcea
zipcode: 245700

Name: Eugen Madalin Zaharia
Address: Sat Tighina
City: Com. Voicesti
State: Valcea
Zip Code: 0915
Country: Romania (of course)
E-Mail: power_phones@yahoo.com

First name: eugen Madalin
Last name: Zaharia
Address: Sat Tighina
City: Com. Voicesti
State@ Valcea
ZipCode: 0915
Country: Romania

Name: Zaharia Dan Stan
Address: Edgar Quinet nr.3 Sector 1
City: Bucuresti
Zipp Code: 010017
Country: ROMANIA!

Florian Petrescu
Sos Pantelimon nr 98 Bloc 402A Ap 127,sector 2
ebay ID greenmist55

Name: Mocofanu Ivaniou
Surname: Mihai
Address: Perlei #6
City: Ramnicu Valcea
Country: Romania
Zip: 1000

Michael Dacosta

Full name: Jean Lienard
Address: 82 morley avenue
Zip Code: N22 6NG
City: London
Country: UK

Name: Micli Gabriel
Adress: Nicolae iorga
City: Slatina
Zipp/Code: 0500
State: Olt
Country: Romania

Eduard Caspani, gave the same address as the one above:
82 Morley Avenue
N22 6NG
London England UK

First Name: Francesca
Last Name: Prinsi
street address: Morley avenue nr.23
zip code: N226NG
Mobile Tel: # 0040726877998

Address: 14 Wicket WAY
Zip Code: IG6 3DF
City: London
State: England
Country: UK

Cornelia Rossi
45 Eastcote Avenue
Greenford UB6 0NG
Could be Andreas Alexandris


FIRST NAME : Rolland
LAST NAME : Klerks
ADDRESS:85 barons court church lane,

Name:Andreas Alexandris
Address:45 Eastcote Avenue
Greenford UB6 0NG

19 Royal Sg. St.
Jersey, UK

Originally posted by g2e1hvl
and more ETC

Originally posted by g2e1hvl
and more Daniel Levetson ETC [/B]

Originally posted by g2e1hvl
Address: 119 Millfield Avenue
Zip: E17 5HN
City: London
Country: United Kingdom

ebay Western Union Romanian Fraud - Helpful Addresses

nternational Fraud agencies


Telephone book in Romania : www.whitepages.ro

Private investigator in ROMANIA

list of Romanian Attorneys who speak English and have expressed an interest in assisting. I can assumes no responsibility for the actions or fees of the individuals listed below;

Altheimer &Gray Commercial, Corporate &
Obie L. Moore, Managing Partner International Law
Christopher Berlew, Associate
Str. Pitar Mos nr.5
Tel. 212-3791 / 212-3795
Fax 212-3796

Arent Fox Commercial, Corporate &
Bryan W. Jardine, Lawyer International Law
John Gurley, Lawyer
Bdul N. Titulescu nr.1
Bl.A7, sc.1, et.6, apt.16
Tel. 211-8797/98
Fax 211-8771

Burns Schwartz Commercial, Corporate &
Theodore H. Cominos, Partner International Law
Str. Grigore Alexandrescu nr.44,
Sector 1, Bucuresti
Tel. 310-4390
Fax 310-4391

Nicolae Burchel Law Offices Commercial, Corporate &
Nicolae Burchel International Law
Cristina Gheorghita
Str. Caloian nr.8 (P-ta Alba Iulia)
Bl. D19A, sc.2, apt.17
Tel: 411-3878 411-3898

Peter Buzescu & Assoc. Corporate, Commercial
American Law Firm & International Law
Splaiul Independentei 7
Bl. 101, Apt. 57
Sector 5, Bucuresti, 70501
Tel. 335-1366, 336-8282
Fax: 335-1735
Mr. Mihai Chirea Family, Trade, Civil
Calea Mosilor 88 and Criminal Law
Sc. A, Et. 4, Apt. 23
Sector 3, Bucuresti
Tel. 313-4725
Cel: 092-295-516

Taylor Joyson Garrett Commercial, Corporate
Michael Dark, Partner & International Law
Piata Victoriei 155, bl.D1, sc.7, et.7
Tel: 310-3438
Fax: 211-7589
e-mail: 106654.1025@compuserve.com

Mrs. Carmen Eftimescu Public International Law
Str. Frumoasa 17
Sector 1, Bucuresti
Tel. 650-5678
Mrs. Mihaela Grama-Popovici Commercial, Labor, Banking &
Str. Italiana 26 Finance and Tax Law
Sector 1, Bucuresti
Tel. 314-5378

Hall, Dickler SRL Commercial, Corporate
Gilbert P. Wood, Director & International Law
Viorel Florin, Office Manager
ING Barings Building
Sos Kiseleff nr.11-13
Tel. 222-8888; 222-9261; 092-555555
Fax 223-4444

Herzfeld & Rubin (Romania) Commercial, Corporate &
Dana M. Barb, General Manager International Law
Ioana Letca, Exq, Bucharest Bar
Mark A. Meyer, Ezq, New York Bar
Str. Dionisie Lupu 62
Tel: 223-3359; 223-3358
Fax: 223-3377

Ms. Carola Katz Commercial & Civil Law
Str. Dezrobirii 14, Bl. 24
Sc. A, Et. 2, Apt. 12, Sector 6
77582 Bucuresti
Tel. 772-4972

Musat & Associates Commercial, Corporate &
Gheorghe Musat, Managing Partner International Law
Str. M. Gh. Sontu nr.8, sector 1
Tel: 223-3717
Fax: 312-1590

Kingston & Petersen
Andy Kingston, American Attorney American Tax Law
Patricia M. Petersen, American Attorney Corporate Law
Str. Av. Zorileanu nr.39 Corporate Accounting
Sector 1, Bucharest Commercial & Civil Law
Tel. & Fax: 224-0890, 224-0891

Stalford & Somesan Civil Law
Ioan Somesan, Cristiana Stalfort, Christian Topfer
Str. Popa Tatu nr.15
Sector 1, 70771 Bucharest
Tel: 314-3347, 314-3348, 314-4657
Fax: 315-7836
Cellular: 094-416-151
E-mail: bukarest@stalfort.de, somesan@logitec.ro

Ms. Dana Isaroiu Bucharest Bar Association
Bdul Unirii 7, Bl.C1
sc.1, apt.1, Sector 1
Tel. & Fax: 336-4771, 336-9046,

Mr. Victor Munteanu Foreign Trade, Commercial
Str. Petre Poni 7 and Civil Law
78139 Bucuresti
Tel: 223-0508
Cel: 094-553-240

Mr. Ion Nestor Corporate Law,
Str. Transilvaniei nr.44 Int'l Commercial Law
et.3, ap.12, sect 1, Int'l Arbitration
Ms. Stefania Ricman Civil & Commercial Law
Str. Echinoctiului 25, sect.5 Family Law, Properties
Bucuresti Adoptions (as representative
Fax: 336-0394 the P.S. Buck Foundation)
Tel: 337-2830

Mr. Dragos-Alexandru Sitaru Trade & International Law
Cal. Dorobantilor 134-138 Private International Law
Bl. 11, Sc. B, Apt. 34
71232 Bucuresti
Tel. 230-1573

Mr. Adrian J. Strambeanu Attorney at Law
Str. Andrei Muresanu nr.17 Bucharest Bar Association
Bucharest, Sector 1
Tel/fax: 725-6844

Mr. Victor Tanasescu Attorney at Law
O.P. 4, Sector 3 Bucharest Bar
Bucharest, Romania Arbitrator at the International
Tel: 320-3656 Commercial Arbitration Court
Fax: 323-8227 Commercial, Corporate &
e-mail: victor@dnt.ro International Law
Ms. Ionela Toader American Law Office
Ms. Irina Maftei Civil & Commercial Law
Bl.28, Sc.A, Et.1, Apt.9, Real Estate
Str. Arh. Petre Antonescu nr.6
Tel: 687-1168, 231-6380
Fax: 231-6380
Cellular: 092-291224

Ms. Liana Vulpe Traistaru Romanian & International Law
Str. Domnita Anastasia 13 (Civil, Penal, Trade, Admin.,
Et. 3, Apt. 12, Sector 5 Family Law)
Tel. 311- 0967/335-3271
Fax 311-0967

Ms. Petruta N. Ulmeanu Civil, Criminal, Commercial
Bdul Dinicu Golescu 35 & International Law
Sc. 3, Et. 2, Apt. 11, S. 1
77114 Bucuresti
Tel. 637-4318
Mr. Florin Vasile Commercial Law
Str. Muguras 4, Sector 4
75204 Bucuresti
Tel. 623-1207
Right, where to start.

In March I was conned into sending £500 via moneygram by a Romanian who was extremely convincing (see below). I wanted a camera and fell for it. His details are below, even when I didn't receive the stuff he kept replying saying he was on holiday and it would be delivered soon, cheeky git.

Dear Dan
First of all....

The Canon EOS 300D Digital SLR Camera Lens Kit is brand new in box,full accessories,warranty papers,2 years Canon Full Warranty.
I bought the camera 1 week ago from Romania Electronic&Camera Shopping Store (the second largerst digital cameras store from my country Romania that exported camcorders and digital cameras to UK-France-Rest of Europe) that went bankrupt and i`ve got a great deal in buying the Canon EOS 300D and a couple of other digital cameras.


Canon EOS 300D Digital SLR body
Canon EF-S 18 - 55 mm F3.5 - F5.6 lens
Eyecup (attached to camera)
BP-511 Lithium-Ion battery pack
CB-5L Battery charger
Neck strap
USB Cable
Video Cable
Manuals and Software(in english)

6.3 Megapixel CMOS sensor
7-point wide-area AF
High-performance DIGIC processor
100-1600 ISO speed range
Compatible with all Canon EF lenses and EX Speedlites
PictBridge, Canon Direct Print and Bubble Jet Direct compatible no PC required

I called amazon to ask them about the error they gave it to you when you tried to purchase my camera,and they told me that i cannot accept their payment because they dont cover my country (Romania) in their payment teritory.

In this case we shall proceed this way:

Regarding shippment and payment here are the details : 1. SHIPPMENT : There are 3 options of delivery services that are very fast : - UPS 2 days air insured - FedEx 2 days air insured - DHL insured Any of those services are good, but I personaly prefere UPS 2 days air, if you have other preference, there is no problem. 2. PAYMENT : For payment, the fastest way to send money worldwide is Money Gram wire transfer. To arrange the transfer, you must go in person to an Money Gram Office
please visit www.moneygram.com to find the nearest agent and hours of operation. From Money Gram, you will receive a number (Reference Number),you must send me that number as soon as you have arranged the payment so I can go to www.moneygram.com to see if the transaction is arranged.
As soon as I have verifyed the transaction, I will ship you the package with all the accesories with the delivery service selected by you. For the reason that you will pay some money for the Money Gram wire transfer fee, I will cover shipping and insurance. 3. INSURANCE : The package will be insured at the delivery service for the amount of 500 GBP. If something happends on the road, you will receive the insurance from the
delivery service. 4. RETURN POLICY : As soon as the package arrives, you will test the product and if it does not matches 100% to your expectations, you will return it in max. 5 days sience the arrival date. In this case I will send you the full amount back and you will send me the product in the original box and you will pay the return shipping and insurance. The shipping will be with UPS 2 days air or FedEx 2 days air and I will pay shipping and insurance charges.Choose a shipping service you want
me to use and give me your full name and address.

At the Money Gram office you`ll need my full name and address which is:

Address: Street Name : Centuri, Apartament 100, Bloc 9, Sector 6
City: Bucharest
Country: Romania
Zip Code: 7000
Phone number: 00 40 726 472 898

Looking forword to hear from you.
Best Regards

So of course I sent the money and lost it, but he does sound convincing doesn't he?! He even sent me this afterwards!!!

Dear Dan

The complete package has been successfully sent at:


Because UPS told me that i have to wait 1 week to arrange the shippment via their services and i wanted to ship the goods as soon as posible,i used for shippment Romanian Post Center,the best shipping service from my country,i used their services before with fully success.I insured the package on your name.You`ll have it in 3-5 business days.

Mail me once again after you`ll recive the package so i can know that everything went Ok.

Best Regards

UNBELIEVABLE!. I tried contacting the Romanian Police and eventually got some feedback from someone who's email address is this: bogdan_udrea@hotmail.com I was wary of the hotmail address but then Police use these and PO Box numbers so they can't be traced.

I have since been conned again but indirectly. Recently on my Ebay pages, I have come home from work and there has been a lap top for sale on my pages. How this has happened I don't know, in fact I only knew because I had loads of emails asking me if I can ship to New Zealand, Canada, hong Kong etc. I had to reply to these people telling them that I wasn't selling the lap top and I didn't know how it had happened. This happened 3 or 4 times and I ended the sale straightaway each time.

Then last week at 11pm I got a phonecall from a guy in Doncaster who said I didn't know him, but he asked if someone was putting lap tops on my Ebay site, so I said yes. Well he was about to buy it but decided to check out my website, got my phone number and asked me questions, when I told him it was a con he didn't pay. Unfortunately one person called Olaf DID pay him and he emailed me afterwards but it was too late. The guy from Doncaster sent me 9 emails that this guy had sent, the English was poor and he was desperate. When he'd seen I had ended the item he told this guy in Doncaster that he HAD to end it and for him to send payment quickly. I have tried contacting Ebay about it but it would be easier to swim the English Channel.

His details are here:

I send it the name and address:this is the address:

I have since changed my personal details on my site and put on there that I DO NOT sell lap tops.

Sorry for the length of the message but I hope it helps someone out there.
Last edited:
Romanian Fraudsters scam Amazon.com


very sorry.

I note that this was a fraud arranged through Amazon.com which is new to this forum.

I think it might be useful if folk documented where the money is being picked up to warn other folk although a blank ban on Romania right now would be sensible and on any Romanian name in London.


Originally posted by Danwestwell
Right, where to start.

In March I was conned into sending £500 via moneygram by a Romanian

I called amazon to ask them about the error they gave it to you when you tried to purchase my camera, and they told me that i cannot accept their payment because they dont cover my country (Romania) in their payment teritory.

Sorry for the length of the message but I hope it helps someone out there.
I am the one who fell for the Laptop trap and sent £470 to this "Chivu" in Romania.

Dan: I read the mail from "Gabriel". Although the english is a bit better than in the mails from "Chivu", they are very similar. I am thinking it might be the same person. And also "Gabriel" stated that he lives in Bucharest. Although "Chivu" says he lives in Braila, I traced the emails he sent, and they are from Bucharest. Could you supply the ip number from the emails he sent you, if you still have them? Maybe it's the same.

Thank you, Olof
Dear Sir,

I am acquiring 3 sonie ericsson s700 for 510 euro from ebay from:
First Name: VASILE
Address: Calina #49
City: Prundeni
Zipp code: 247527
Country: Romania

with Western Union.

Can I entrust me?

Romania + Western Union + Ebay = Fraud.

re: Ebay Sony Ericsson Fraud

If you have read this far; you know that you cannot.

Do not use Western Union for any payments except known family and friends.

If it looks too good, it is too good.

Romania + Western Union + Ebay = Fraud


Originally posted by giuseppe.mess
Dear Sir,

I am acquiring 3 sonie ericsson s700 for 510 euro from ebay from:
First Name: VASILE
Address: Calina #49
City: Prundeni
Zipp code: 247527
Country: Romania

with Western Union.

Can I entrust me?

Be Aware

New com methods are being used to make you pay, the fake selleer says ebay will email to, its aucutally sent by the fake seller to trick you.
Dont pay
Dear macangelses you also know:
Mark Armand
52 Bedford Row
WC1R 4LR , London
United Kingdom
This also asks the transfer street Western Union.

What transfer I can use?
Avoid Western Union and Escrow Fraud

How much and what for?

For large sums, find and always use your own choice of Escrow service or check with eBay who they recommend. Do not use the escrow service suggested by sellers as it is often fraudulent, e.g.;

see http://www.escrowfraud.com


Paul Vukelic
Admin Address........ 356 voorhees ave.
Admin Address........
Admin Address........ Buffalo
Admin Address........ 14216
Admin Address........ NY
Admin Address........ UNITED STATES

Bedford Row is a small, expensive street in London populated mainly by lawyer's offices and only businesses. Ask for company name.


Originally posted by giuseppe.mess
Dear macangelses you also know:
Mark Armand
52 Bedford Row
WC1R 4LR , London
United Kingdom
This also asks the transfer street Western Union.

What transfer I can use?
Last edited:
I have asked the name of the shop.
If I make to him a banking transfer is it less risky? The sum and of 950USD, they are of the Sony Ericsson S700.
Western Union Wire Scam

hey i was wondering if you know this guy and if he has scammed anyone of you lot in the past or you recognise his Ebay ID or E mail address, he is as follows

Mark Deeming <ebay@cellphonesnews.com>

you also might want to check out this link, its VERY useful if anyone wants to do a wire transfer and WHY U SHOUDLNT DO IT.
check it out http://www.auctionguild.com/generic65.html
Hi, a person I am in contact with right now is listed as a frauder on page 6 of this post:

First name: MIHAI
Last name: POPESCU
Address: STR. GIB MIHAESCU #41
Postal Code: O900
Country: ROMANIA

This is the most recent email that he sent me when I told him that I don't trust him and that I believed that he was a frauder:

<Start of email>


Sir I don`t understand you...I think that you jocking with me....I`m a honest man and I want to prouve you that!
You must go at Western Union and make the payment to my name and address, after that you must send me the original scanned paper from Western Union but you can cover the ``QUESTION AND ANSWER`` for your protection.In this time the money must be sent to my name and and address and the founds must be available.
All the time your money will be safe! Immediatly after you will confirm me the payment your package will be shipped and ONLY after you receive and inspect the goods you must give me the ``QUESTION AND ANSWER`` so I can pick up the money!
Now I`m a honest man?
I hope that you are a honest man and we can make a deal because I have told you I don`t want to lose my time and my money...

Thanks and I`m waiting to start the deal!!

<End of email>

This guy seems very convincing but with photo ID this guy can recieve the money without the "QUESTION AND ANSWER" right? I really want the phone that he's selling but I can't fully trust him. Do you guys have any advice or suggestions?

I think I should just end the deal right away.
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