Ebay Fraud

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Romanian eBay Western Union Fraud


if this is for an eBay auction, report it to eBay and Western Union immediately. it is only if folk complain that these criminals will be stopped.

if it is for a sale *off* eBay, please inform us of the circumstances so that others can learn to avoid frauds.

if eBay *and* Western Union say " do not send money to a stranger using Western Union " - and you have read this far ...

why on earth would you continue to insist on going through with the fraud!?!

if we have saved you some money, please make a donation to some Western Union / eBay fraud / scam fighting organisation.

as more and more of these scams are being stopped the criminals are changing to different sites and different kinds of operations.

please document them.



Originally posted by sstrunks84
Hi, a person I am in contact with right now is listed as a frauder on page 6 of this post:

First name: MIHAI
Last name: POPESCU
Address: STR. GIB MIHAESCU #41
Postal Code: O900
Country: ROMANIA

<End of email>

This guy seems very convincing but with photo ID this guy can recieve the money without the "QUESTION AND ANSWER" right? I really want the phone that he's selling but I can't fully trust him. Do you guys have any advice or suggestions?

I think I should just end the deal right away.
New Methods

Watch out for new methods like the fake email verifing a seller, the seller sends it Example:
Dear eBay member xxxxx,

This message is an automated reply to a contact information request made by xxxx.
This request is related to item # xxxxx.

Important Usage Guidelines
1. This contact information should only be used for resolving matters related to eBay. Any other use is strictly prohibited.

2. Seller Jerry Basset has been verifyed by eBay.
3. eBay allow the buyer to pay the seller using Western Union service as the seller solicited !
4. eBay is responsible for all negative consequence of this transaction !
5. Contact the seller after you have received this message and complet the transaction.
6. Do not reply this message. This is an automated email.

Listing details

Item name: NOKIA 7610


And the new Western Union way saying send the money to a address and when you have received the item, change the details, its a con they will create fake id.
A partial solution to these problems would be to use a service providing chargeback option. One such service that works for many countries is ikobo. The person receiving the money will get a card to retrieve the money from any ATM and the funds are released until the verification is complete. I know since I've used them before. They are very secure; some complain they are too strict with their verification processes!
New Information About Mark Deeming

Hi Guys,
I am Abdulrahman From Egypt I liked to make an addtion here
I am dealing with the same person
Mark Armand
52 Bedford Row
WC1R 4LR , London
United Kingdom
I am just want to buy 10 nokia 9500 he wanted his money by western union with the way : Send with another name and attach the billing paper with email to me i went to western union and made the order to him but the man there told me two ways to send there is a one easy to fake and another need more official papers more than one to complete the payment then i chose the last and with high charges i preffered it for safty.. the deal is going fine untill he send me that his wife made a mistake and sent me 20 nokia 9500 then i told him ok then send the 20 you will got the rest of money when shippment done..by the way he send me this paper from UPS and if you check it carfully you will find some thing wrong please inform me he didn't keep the Tracking number
Thanks for your time and wish to help you..
More Western Union Fraud tricks - Mark Armand, Bedford Row

Can you please supply the name of the person to whom you sent money to via Western Union and any eBay ID or auction this relates to?


This is a classic confidence trick.

The Fraudster realises that anyone that is willing to fall for a first fraud is more likely to fall for a second fraud. You have sent money and are afraid to lose it and so are more likely to send more money to get the first lot back.

If you can stop your first payment or have it returned, do so immediately.

Western Union is *NOT* for paying money to strangers nor business transactions. It has no security and Western Union accepts no liability. Like a crinimal " fence ", i.e. someone that sells on stolen goods, Western Union *will* however accept its financial commission for handling such frauds.

It is very easy to fake the identity required for collecting money via Western Union and it is entirely untrackable.

Stop the deal.

Bedford Row is a street in London used by solicitor's offces only. There are no mobile phone companies there.


the_coldfusion said:
Hi Guys,
I am Abdulrahman From Egypt I liked to make an addtion here
I am dealing with the same person
Mark Armand
52 Bedford Row
WC1R 4LR , London
United Kingdom
I am just want to buy 10 nokia 9500 he wanted his money by western union with the way : Send with another name and attach the billing paper with email to me i went to western union and made the order to him but the man there told me two ways to send there is a one easy to fake and another need more official papers more than one to complete the payment then i chose the last and with high charges i preffered it for safty.. the deal is going fine untill he send me that his wife made a mistake and sent me 20 nokia 9500..
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Help Me To Help You

Have you been scammed lately, i am working with ebay and the police to track down a group of scammers in Romania. We need one thing your help old MTCN from Western Union. With theese we can find a pattern of where the money has been picked up. This may help us find the uk agent. By finding the UK agent will help us get the group.

Fulton Reynolds Ebay Fraud.

In response to Cazz's post
I have also been conned out of a lot of money by this fulton reynolds guy on ebay. he offered 4 weekend camping tickets to the reading festival. for which i paid £492.50 including recorded delivery. the auction was held in late may, early june and after winning the auction i promptly paid up with a cheque made payable to f.reynolds. the reading festival is not for another 10 weeks, and the tickets are not distributed until 14 days before the event.
anyhow, i became suspicious when he didnt answer my emails, so i typed his name and address into google,.. and it came up with a post on this website explaining how this guy had conned £8,000 from people for 't in the park tickets'. alarm bells ringing i went to the police (still 10 days) before the event, and they said they could not do anything till after the event had passed and the tickets hadn't arrived. well, after that i went and won another auction on ebay for tickets, assuming that the four i had previously paid for wouldnt come,. and they didn't,.
anyhow, after the festival i went back to the police and tey have been investigating for the last two weeks, and have called me today to tell me that this case is a civil dispute and theyre not going to go any further,. to which i said surely for there to be a dispute you need 2 people in conversation. and this fulton guy has just vanished.
I know of at least 1 other person for sure who paid for these reading tickets, and they paid £590 for theirs. I have also been told that if i had used paypal i would have had a case for the police to follow, to which i explained, i had previously tried to register for paypal and it had crashed. saying it could not process my application. (not the best advert for safely exchanging cash online).
as it stands im still £492.50 out of pocket, Fulton has dissapeared and the police and bank are saying that its all a civil dispute. which it quite literally isn't.

I need advice on what to do next in order to track down this fulton reynolds and get my money back.


contact me

the same thing happened with me with my leeds ticket and the POLICE SAID EXACTLY THE SAME THING TO ME ABOUT IT BEING A CIVIL DISPUTE AND TO CONTACT CAB.

email me at dazed_100percent@hotmail.com cuz i want to ask you some questions about it.cheers.
lucy x
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Computer Fraud is Not a Civil Matter

This is organised fraud, a criminal matter and not a civil matter.

Read previous posts for instructions.

The Police are obliged by law to take all crime reports from members of the public. Read the posts - which code of practice is listed there - and remind them of this fact. It is a very serious matter if they dont but you cannot always expect the Police to follow the law.

What you are up against is institutional prejudice and resistance.

The policy of the Police is not to investigate computer crimes worth less than 750,000 Pounds. That is, they only investiage frauds that hurt Banking and insurance establishments - such as email credit card scams - but will not investigate the premeditated and organised criminal frauds - usually organised by criminal gangs - that hurt ordinary people. The truth is, your loss is too small for them to bother about.

If you think this is wrong you must take it up with your local M.P. because it is political will that is not required to address these matters.

Frankly, I think bank is much more able to absorb their frauds - and are insured against them - than an ordinary individual is capable of absorbing their uninsured frauds.

So, in effect, the Police are being dishonest, not following their legal code of practice and only work for the big money; financial and insurance companies.

Fight back for yourself and others yet to be frauded.

You must also report the matter to the recipient bank's fraud department and demand contact details to take legal action.

It may be a false or stolen ID but then that too needs to be stoppe before it is used again.


ianerino said:
In response to Cazz's post
I have also been conned out of a lot of money by this fulton reynolds guy on ebay. he offered 4 weekend camping tickets to the reading festival. for which i paid £492.50 including recorded delivery.

I need advice on what to do next in order to track down this fulton reynolds and get my money back.


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Romania Fraud ring

I to have run into these guy's but on Amazon. The letter they send is the same but with a few name changes and even the same misspelling and bad grammar. How I found out about them was by typing in 'Romania Electronic&Camera Shopping Store' in google and it brought me to this site! Thanks!!
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I was about to loose $1,000+ dollars, but thanks to your messsage you SAVE ME.

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People, I have sense checked out that 'escrowstd.com' site and it to is a fraud!!!
I went to the WHOis registrar http://registrar.verisign-grs.com/whois/
and also used the e-mail name given to me by the person trying to scam me and it said that this person has been using this escrowstd site sense 4/2001 but the Whois registrar said the site was created on 7/10/2004.

So everyone ... Always check the WHOis registrar of a site before doing anything and make sure the site agrees with what information is being provided to you by the scamer!

As to the Romania scam issue!! NEVER EVER USE MONEYGRAM OR WESTERN UNION TO SEND MONEY TO NON-FAMILY MEMBERS!!! Use it only to send money to bail out your drunken uncle! ;)
JJ I hope they throw the book at the kid. He definitely knew what he was doing!!

That article did bring out one IMPORTANT point:

Always make your deals within the boundaries of the site. If in Amazon.com do all dealings within Amazon DO NOT try to cut a better deal by trying to contact the person. That is just what the crooks want.

eBay ... Always use credit Card or PayPal or if an escrow is needed then ONLY use eBays apporved escrow!

Stay alert people ... :)

useless police, that catch is only for 45,000 and i have info on another group thats over 500,000 they dont care. they dont do much to stop escams.
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