Foreign Nursing School

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My jurisdiction is: TX, USA and Philippines

I would like to know if a foreign school can operate legally in TX. This foreign school (Omnibus International College Foundation) is located in Tarlac, Philippines. However, Omnibus is operating in Houston, TX through this Olra Foundation. I recently discovered this school is not accredited in the Philippines by CHED due to the fact that the Philippines no longer gives accredidation to 2 years programs for nursing. Addiitonally, the nursing students are doing their clinical portion through a hospital in Katy, TX. Is that legal as well? I read that the clincal portion has to be done in the same vacinity as the educational institution. I firmly believe that the school should not opeate at all in Houston, TX or anywhere in the USA if it is not accredited here.
Kindly comment on this. Thanks.
Contact the school and request they give you their accreditation license number. Verify with the board of accreditation in Texas if that is really the case. If they cannot provide you with their accreditation information then contact the office of the Attorney General in your state to denounce the school so they can investigate and take appropriate legal measures to make this right.
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