Hi All, I've sat down again with fresh eyes to reread this. Like I mentioned, the letters have been difficult to understand. I had previously quoted the email the employer had sent to DES last year, but I now believe it was included as an attachment for my information. Unfortunately, I think this is about me.
@Zigner @commentator @PayrollHRGuy et al... The notice of hearing issue states
"whether the claimant: left work without good cause attributable to the employer GS 96-14(a); was discharged for misconduct GS 96-14.6; is unemployed within the meaning of the law GS 96-15.01."
I'm not even sure what timeframe we're talking here. The former employer wrote his appeal early April of last year stating I resigned late April. I verified with DES at the time that I was eligible during my employment there. And I actually worked into May so I'm not sure where he got his information. I've been going through past correspondences, and I actually didn't formally resign. I notified them I would have to leave for the internship, but I was kept on as a fill in/on call. I received correspondences into July. I suppose we eventually went our separate ways while I was in the internship but there wasn't a formal termination.
I wouldn't have returned anyways after the internship due to the lack of covid measures, safety concerns, and ethical healthcare issues that could have put my future career at risk. I also had health issues/injury that were making it very difficult for me to perform the job without pain, and I was sick a lot. During my time there, I did keep searching for something full-time and more suitable for my situation.
Also, in the employers appeal, he says my hours weren't cut, and they were. He says I was offered full time employment, and I wasn't. And he says I made 3x more than I actually made weekly. I was hired to work one day a week with random fill-in and never actually had any correspondences with him about my employment. And he is being a real prick. I was able to get my paystubs, but I need my timesheets to see the weekly breakdown. I'm trying to recreate a timeline from a year ago. I can't seem to get them from him.
I'm also trying to find some legal aid to sit down with this with me and go over all of this.
Anybody have any further input??